ExoMars RFM Landing Site Study Resources

Here you will find information and data files relating to the study and assessment of the ExoMars Rosalind Franklin Mission landing site candidates. Files may be accessed using the file browser below. Content is progressively added as the landing site assessment and selection process develops.


In the file browser below:

/doc contains presentations from past landing site workshops (in directories with names beginning LSSW), documents produced by site assessment teams and relevant scientific and technical publications.

/landing_ellipse contains details of the shape, orientation and position of landing ellipses, and the results of models that describe the landing probability distribution.

/slope contains GIS products, code and summary statistics of slopes calculated using terrain models at each site.

There are no documents or media files in this folder.
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  • Changelog

    • 17/02/2017 - Added terrain characterisation directory to 'doc' folder. Contains presentations on manual rock counts, loose deposits, industry assessment of Oxia Planum site, and various related documents. Added description of slope algorithms to 'Slopes' page (demonstration algorithm and documents to follow). Created and begun to populate directories of material from landing site selection workshops.
    • 20/02/2017 Due to the limitation of one instance of file browser per site, removed 'Documents & Presentations' page and reworked text content for disply on home page. Added descriptions of directory content on home page. Added slope directory and Masarotto presentation and paper to doc/terrain_characterisation directory. Added ground-projected Monte Carlo shots for Oxia Planum (/landing_ellipse/monte_carlo_results), performed for Delta-PDR. Added Matlab code (unsupported) to calculate maximum adirectional slope for HiRISE DEMs produced by SocetSet (/slope/algorithm/adirslope_master.zip).
    • 21/02/2017 Added checklist for site proposers (with corrected lat-lon in Table 1 for Oxia Planum) in /doc/LSSW4. Added excel spreadsheet with summary of 3-sigma ellipses in /landing_ellipse.
    • 06/03/2017 Added to /doc/terrain_characterisation updated presentations on aeolian hazard mapping by two independant groups:
    • 07/03/2017 Populated /slope/hirise/ with directories of results of maximum adirectional slope algorithm for selected HiRISE DEMs in use by landing site study community. GIS rasters of slope maps are too numerous and large to host here, but can be requested from e.sefton-nash@cosmos.esa.int.
    • 13/03/2017 Added v2 of the gaussian landing ellipse probability model to /landing_ellipse/. GIS-compatible rasters provided for each site, for each applicable azimuth and at nominal ellipse centres.