Fluvial Aeolian InteRactions on PLAnetarY surfaces [=FAIRPLAY] workshop
Local information - FAIRPLAY
European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)
Conference room NEWTON
Keplerlaan 1
2201 AZ Noordwijk
The Netherlands
Information will follow about the rooms and security at the gate.
A number of hotels can be found in Leiden, Noordwijk and Katwijk.
The city of Leiden has many possibilities for food, drinks and entertainment.
Noordwijk and Katwijk are small towns very close to the coast, and a bit closer to ESTEC.
ESTEC is very easy to reach by public transportation.
Regular busses go between Leiden, Noordwijk, Katwijk and ESTEC. Leiden is easy to reach by train from Schiphol (Amsterdam) Airport. For the bus and train schedual we recommend to use the app 9292OV.
When contactless payment is activated, you can use your bank card to pay for public transportation directly. Just tap you bank card at the designated check-in spots and don't forget to also check-out when you leave the bus or station. Instead of your bank card, you can also buy a OV chipkaart at a machine at one of the train stations. The card will cost 7,50 euro and you will have to load money on the card to travel. The card will be valid in all public transportation in the Netherlands.
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