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Future work with Planck data
ESAC 3-4 December 2018
A meeting of the Planck Science Team will take place 3-4 December at ESAC (near Madrid), which is very likely going to be the last formal face-to-face meeting of this group. The theme of this ST meeting is “Future work with the Planck data”. The goal is to expose among Planck colleagues plans and ideas for improvements to the current set of public Planck products, or for using the Planck data in combination with other experiments, covering cosmology and astrophysics. It is expected that this will lead to constructive discussions related to ongoing/future activities and even new collaborations.
Participants need to register for the meeting using the form accessible in the menu on the left. Access to ESAC is restricted and your name needs to be on the list of registered participants.
For practical issues, please contact Marcos López-Caniego. For issues related to the programme of the meeting, please contact Jan Tauber.
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