Home - Gaia 2016 Data Workshop
GAIA 2016 DATA RELEASE #1 WORKSHOP2 - 4 November 2016EUROpean space astronomy centre, madrid, spain |
The Gaia mission aims to create a precise three-dimensional map of about one billion stars throughout our Galaxy and beyond. In the process, it will determine their motions, which encode the origin and subsequent evolution of the Galaxy. Through comprehensive photometric classification, it will provide the detailed physical properties of each star observed: characterizing their luminosity, temperature, gravity, and elemental composition. This massive stellar census will provide the basic observational data to tackle an enormous range of important problems related to the origin, structure and evolutionary history of our Galaxy. After a successful launch on 19 December 2013, commissioning and first years of routine operations, Gaia made its first data release on 14 September 2016. The Gaia Data Release 1 catalogues consist of:
Attendees should consult here for more specific information on the Gaia DR1 contents. |
Objectives |
This workshop, jointly organised by ESA and DPAC, will give you a basic introduction to the mission concept and its performance in space, an overview of the catalogue contents including scientific quality and practical information on how to handle them for your science research. In particular, it will teach you how to interact with the data within the Gaia Archive and using Virtual Observatory protocols and tools. There will be ample time for question and answer sessions with the mission experts to help attendees make progress with their particular science projects, and attendees will be encouraged to foster collaborations with other scientists interested in Gaia data. Participants can also take the chance to access science data from all other ESA missions and consult with the experts on site. The week before the Gaia Data Release 2016 #1 workshop, attendees can also attend the ESAC 2016 Data Analysis and Statistics workshop that will be organised at ESAC from 25 to 28 October 2016. |
Contents |
- Photometry - Variability - Validation
- Archive (simple and ADQL query forms) |
Programme |
A detailed programme is available here. |
Confirmed Plenary Speakers |
Frédéric Arenou Anthony Brown Laurent Eyer Lennart Lindegren Xavier Luri Paola Marrese André Moitinho Alcione Mora Timo Prusti Jesús Salgado Mark Taylor Floor van Leeuwen SCIENCE OPERATIONS CENTRE and Esac science data centre trainersAsier Abreu Eduardo Anglada Enrique Del Pozo Juan González Núñez Gonzalo Gracia Raúl Guitérrez Juan Manuel Martín Fleitas José Osinde Mercedes Ramos Wouter van Reeven Juan Carlos Segovia Alfonso Torres Enrique Utrilla
Registration |
The registration phase for the Gaia 2016 data workshop is now closed.
Gaia Data Workshop in Heidelberg A similar workshop will be organised at the Astronomisches Rechen-Institut in Heidelberg from 21 to 24 of November 2016. For more information and to register for the Heidelberg workshop, visit this page. |
Fee |
The workshop fee is Euro 50 and is payable in cash upon arrival and registration at ESAC. It covers the coffee breaks and the bus transportation. Participants attending the workshop dinner will also be charged Euro 50 at registration time. |
Hardware and software requirements |
Attendees are expected to come to the workshop with their laptops to be able to participate in the hands-on sessions. Instructions will be given well before the workshop on a minimal set of software packages and data sets that might be needed for the sessions (mostly TopCat, and other data analysis environments like python, R, IDL, etc). Requirements:
The hands-on sessions will use the hands-on session exercise guide (MS doc or PDF). Printed copies will be provided to participants at the front-desk.
Logistics |
Venue |
The workshop will take place at the European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC), Villanueva de la Cañada, near Madrid.
Lunch at ESAC |
All workshop lunches will take place at the ESAC canteeen. All workshop participants will be charged 8 Euro for a starter, main course and desert, to be paid in cash. For those who only want a small salad and a yogourt, for example, they will then be charged for what they take. To reduce queue in the canteen, all participants are requested to bring the exact 8 Euro in cash to the canteen if possible. |
Hotel |
The recommended workshop hotels in downtown Madrid are: Gran Hotel Conde Duque **** Hotel Exe Plaza **** Hotel Vía Castellana **** |
Shuttle bus |
A workshop shuttle bus will depart from and arrive to the three workshop hotels and will be clearly signed with an “ESA/GAIA WORKSHOP” sign at the front. It is covered by the conference fee and you don’t need to stay in any of the conference hotels to be able to use it. If you loose this bus, the cost of arriving to ESAC cannot be covered by the fee. Departure and arrival times are the following:
Departure from hotels 8h00 arrival at ESAC at 9h00
Thursday 3 November 2016 Departure from hotels 8h00 arrival at ESAC at 9h00 21h00 arrival at hotels at 22h00 Friday 4 November 2016 Departure from hotels 8h00 arrival at ESAC at 9h00 Departure from ESAC 17h30 arrival to airport at 18:30 |
Social event |
A social dinner will be organised on the evening of Thursday, 3 November 2016 from 19:00 to 21:00 at the hall of the D-building at the ESAC premises and will be covered by the registration fee. Special dietary restrictions should be communicated at the registration or at the workshop helpdesk. |
Workshop organising committee |
Christophe Arviset, Deborah Baines, Anthony Brown, Jos de Bruijne, Javier Durán, Juan Gonzalez, Gonzalo Gracia, Raul Gutiérrez, José Hernandez, Fred Jansen, Stefan Jordan, Uwe Lammers, Xavier Luri, Guido de Marchi, Bruno Merín (chair), Alcione Mora, William O'Mullane, Timo Prusti, Jesús Salgado, Juan Carlos Segovia, Sandra Vogt and Ana Willis |
Questions |
If you have any questions about the workshop, please contact the Gaia Helpdesk. |
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