Release Notes - Gaia Users
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- Removed a total of (1) style font-weight:normal;
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Release notes
VERSION 3.7 [2025-03-03]
Version 3.7 mostly contains internal upgrades devoted to continue with the preparations towards Gaia DR4:
- External catalogues:
- Other:
- Bug fixing:
- The Archive Built-in cross-match tool has been optimised and now it can target the "gaiadr2.gaia_source" and "gaiadr3.gaia_source_lite" tables.
- Bug fixing:
VERSION 3.6.1 [2025-02-03]
Version 3.6.1 is a hot fix that addresses the following bugs:
- Archive Web Interface (GUI):
- Basic form: The "Select All" optional functionality has been restored.
- TAP service:
- The sharing functionality (creation of groups) has been restored.
VERSION 3.6 [2024-12-10]
Version 3.6 contains the following general improvements:
- Archive Web Interface (GUI):
- Basic form: The query output is sorted by increasing (projected) separation from the input target.
- The Archive Built-in cross-match tool has been optimised and now only the positional tables hosted by the Archive (plus all the user tables) are listed.
- TAP service:
- Tables are sorted by "schema_index" and "table_index" to facilitate data discovery when accessing to the Archive TAP server using IVOA-compliant tools.
- DataLink service:
- BREAKING CHANGE: Updated serialisation of the DR3 epoch photometry following the data model presented in Time Series: Annotation of light curves in VOTable (v0.1).
- BREAKING CHANGE: Deprecation of the COMBINED data structure to avoid scaling issues towards Gaia DR4 (when more and larger DataLink products will be served).
- Updated and simplified DataLink pop-up wizard in the Archive Web Interface: the products are sorted alphabetically and the "data-release" drop-down menu has been removed (as the release tag name is automatically fetched from the input table metadata).
- Astroquery:
- Major update of the Astroquery documentation.
- User table sizes (in bytes) are included as an attribute (size_bytes) of the object generated by the Astroquery.Gaia.load_tables method.
- The file-writing functionality of the Astroquery.Gaia.load_data method (that retrieves DataLink products) has been optimized.
- DOIs:
- Tutorials (new and/or updated):
- External catalogues:
- XGBoost (DOI: 10.3847/1538-4365/acd53e)
- Other:
- HW/SW upgrades
- Bug fixing:
- The Archive is now equipped with a mechanism that prevents naming user tables with reserved ADQL keywords.
- Astroquery.Gaia: the error raised when retrieving data using the load_data method has been corrected.
- Astroquery.Gaia: the renaming of the "source_id" field to "SOURCE_ID" has been corrected.
VERSION 3.5.3 [2024-03-26]
Version 3.5.3 contains the following general improvements:
- Archive Web Interface (GUI):
- The Single Object Tool now includes a new ESASky selector plugin.
- Updated metadata in all catalogues hosted by the Archive.
- TAP service:
- Authentication standardisation: it is now possible to access as registered user via VO-compliant software and tools (such as TOPCAT).
- Improved compliance to VO standards.
- Addition of reference epoch and positional fields to the positional catalogues in the Gaia FPR: crowded_field_source, lens_candidates, lens_observation, lens_outlier.
- DataLink service:
- FITS files generated by the DataLink server are now fully compliant with the FITS standard.
- The "source_id" field can now be used to retrieve DataLink products via VO-clients like TOPCAT thanks to the updated Service Descriptors generated by the Archive.
- Astroquery:
- JSON files can be downloaded.
- ADQL 2.1:
- The following User Defined Functions (UDFs) are now available (see also the "IVOA-endorsed UDFs" section in the ADQL: Implementation in the Gaia ESA Archive tutorial):
- ivo_geom_transform
- ivo_to_jd & ivo_to_mjd
- ivo_normal_random
- ivo_simbadpoint
- ivo_histogram
- The following User Defined Functions (UDFs) are now available (see also the "IVOA-endorsed UDFs" section in the ADQL: Implementation in the Gaia ESA Archive tutorial):
- DOIs:
- Addition of the Author field to the Gaia (E)DRX releases.
- Update of the Gaia DR3 DOI.
- Tutorials (new and/or updated):
- Gaia Collaboration queries updated with different use cases related to the astrophysical_parameters and astrophysical_parameters_supp tables.
- External catalogues:
- Added CatWISE2020 external catalogue.
- Added Gaia-ESO Survey (data release 5.1) external catalogue.
- Other:
- HW/SW upgrades:
- Major upgrade of the Archive Tomcat servers.
- Bug fixing
- HW/SW upgrades:
VERSION 3.4 [2023-10-10]
Version 3.4 contains the Gaia Focused Product release dataset and the following general improvements:
- Astroquery:
- Planned downtimes are notified to the end users (this functionality is only available in the latest version of Astroquery, still in development phase).
- ADQL 2.1:
- Bug fixed in CONTAINS operator.
- Archive Web Interface (GUI):
- Missing indexes added to the gaiaedr3.tycho2tdsc_merge & gaiadr3.tycho2tdsc_merge tables.
- Missing metadata added to the public.hipparcos catalogue.
- Updated landing page.
- TAP service:
- New User Defined Function is available: IVO_EPOCH_PROP
- Improved handling of FITS tables having variable-length arrays
- Tutorials (new and/or updated):
- Gaia Collaboration queries (including new FPR-dedicated examples)
- ADQL: Implementation in the Gaia ESA Archive
- Advanced Archive features
- Upload User table
- Other:
- HW/SW upgrades
- Bug fixing
VERSION 3.3.2 [2023-08-07]
Version 3.3.2 is a hot fix for a database connection bug
VERSION 3.3.1 [2023-08-02]
Version 3.3.1 contains the following general improvements:
- Enhanced compliance with ADQL 2.1 standard
- Single Object Tool functionality new features:
- Visualisation panels for the MCMC MSC and MCMC GSP-Phot products
- Download data button
- Source classification added to Data table
- Archive Web Interface (GUI):
- Improved access to the DPAC documentation from the catalogue tooltips in the tables tree
- DataLink service:
- Back-end software upgrade in preparation for Gaia DR4
- TAP service:
- Addition of various User Defined Functions
- Improved handling of tables having variable-length arrays
- Proper sorting of fields in the table public.igsl_source
- Tutorials:
- The Query examples in the Help pages use the recommended ADQL 2.1 cone-search syntax
- Other:
- HW/SW upgrades
- Bug fixing
VERSION 3.2.1 [2023-02-07]
On this date, three tables have been added to the Gaia DR3 data release:
- The data in the table gaiadr3.vari_planetary_transit, originally published on 13 June 2022, contained serious errors and users were advised on 23 June 2022 not to use them (see this known issue). On 7 February 2023, the original, erroneous table was renamed to gaiadr3.vari_planetary_transit_13june2022 and replaced by a new table with the (original) name vari_planetary_transit
- A new table chemical_cartography was added derived from the paper "Gaia Data Release 3: Chemical cartography of the Milky Way"
- A new table vari_spurious_signals was added derived from the paper "Gaia Data Release 3: Gaia scan-angle dependent signals and spurious periods"
VERSION 3.2.1 [2023-01-18]
Version 3.2.1 contains the following general improvements:
- The Archive is compliant with ADQL 2.1
- The Single Object Tool functionality
- Other:
- The Archive Basic form now can resolve Gaia designations, and it is case-insensitive
- HW/SW upgrades
- New and updated tutorials:
VERSION 3.1 [2022-06-13]
Version 3.1 contains the Gaia DR3 data and the following general improvements:
- Publication of Gaia DR3:
- TAP products
- DataLink products
- Bulk download products
- Gaia DR3 DOI
- Archive Web Interface (GUI):
- All tables listed in the Basic form have pre-selected columns.
- New external catalogue:
- "RAVE DR6" (Steinmetz et al. 2020 AJ, 160, 82; Steinmetz et al. 2020, AJ, 160, 83): external.ravedr6
- Other:
- HW/SW upgrades.
- New and updated tutorials:
- Tutorial: Bulk download
- Video: How to use the Archive Basic Form
- DataLink: Command line access
- DataLink service
- DataLink: Access from the Archive Web Interface
- DataLink: Products Serialisation
- DataLink: Python Access
- Tutorial: Programmatic download of large datasets through DataLink
- ADQL Query Examples
- Gaia Collaboration queries
- Query speed booster
- Units transformation (Astropy + Astroquery)
VERSION 3.0.1 [2022-05-11]
Version 3.0.1 contains the following general improvements:
- Bug fixing.
- Internal preparations towards DR3.
- Expanded support to the metadata in the .FITS files generated by GACS.
- Improved handling of metadata of DataLink files.
Version 2.14 [2022-03-02]
Version 2.14 contains the following general improvements:
- DataLink:
- Download threshold has increased from 1000 to 5000 sources.
- A new pop-up window informs that the data is being prepared for download.
- Updated layout and enriched textual help in the Data Link wizard.
- GUI:
- Updated design of the GACS search/Basic tab.
- Direct access to the GACS release notes added to the GACS version placed in the bottom-right corner.
- VOTable format has been upgraded to version 1.4.
- New external catalogues:
- "The Gaia Catalogue of Nearby Stars” (Gaia Collaboration, Smart et al. 2021, A&A, 649, A6): external.gaiaedr3_gcns_main_1 & external.gaiaedr3_gcns_rejected_1
- "A classifier for spurious astrometric solutions in Gaia EDR3” (Rybizki et al. 2022, MNRAS, 510, 259): external.gaiaedr3_spurious
- "Astrophysical Parameters from Gaia DR2, 2MASS & AllWISE” (Fouesneau et al., 2022, A&A, in press): external.gaiadr2_astrophysical_parameters
- Other:
- Migration to Java Open JDK 8
- HW/SW upgrades
- Multiple software bug fixes
- New and updated tutorials:
Version 2.13 [2021-10-18]
Version 2.13 contains the following general improvements:
- Improved Datalink performance
- Support to ECSV format in Datalink service
- Support to Fits format in table upload service
- Remane table and column names from the UI
- Hide private TAP tables
- Add all ADQL UDF descriptions to TAP capabilities
- Archive status can be checked in (also accessible from
- Bug fixing
Version 2.12.1 [2021-05-24]
Version 2.12.1 contains the following general improvements:
- Upgrade of all Archive interfaces to TAP1.1, increasing functionalities and compliance with other VO tools and services.
- ECSV format support, for download and upload.
- Combined CSV data structure for Datalink products.
- Updated serialisers for MCMC, XP and RVS spectra.
- FITS serialisation now supporting variable length arrays to optimise storage occupation and ease data read procedures.
- Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) available for Gaia data releases (EDR3 DOI, DR2 DOI, DR1 DOI)
Minor corrections:
- Target resolver missing resolution of some Gaia DR1 source identifiers now corrected.
- Output VOTables format improved to validate against latest standards.
- Correction of metadata for some catalogues missing positional information for cone search positional queries.
- Cone search metadata added for some catalogues.
- CSV upload without header issue skipping one entry fixed.
- Stability and uptime improvements.
- Instructions for citation, disclaimers and checksums are available in the Bulk download infrastructure
In addition, new data is available in the Gaia Archive:
- Additional Gaia EDR3 crossmatch tables: GSC 2.3, APASS DR9, RAVE DR5, TMASS PSC XSC, ALLWISE.
- Distances catalogue (Bailer-Jones et al. 2021 AJ 161 147)
Version 2.11 [2020-12-03]
Version 2.11 contains EDR3 data and minor configurational changes to serve EDR3:
- New 'gaiaedr3' schema with EDR3 data
- New tutorials
- Query examples updated with EDR3 data contents
- Table ordering in the simple query form displays EDR3 tables in positions with most visibility
- Minor improvements in landing page and tab names
- Basic catalogue statistics removed
Version 2.10 [2020-11-12]
Version 2.10 contains the following general usability improvements for EDR3:
- Size of user tables is now displayed in table detais for more effective quota management
- Target name resolution procedure improved, now supporting large name files
- User catalogues are now supported in the simple search form and can be queried through it
- Transit ID now available in Datalink products
- User crossmatch procedure issues for some tables corrected
- Some basic information user messages improved
- Removed a total of (5) style text-align:left;
- Removed a total of (31) style text-align:justify;
Version 2.9.1 [2020-08-20]
Version 2.9.1 contains the following main new functionalities:
General usability improvements for EDR3 preparation:
- Support for catalogue-level Epoch correction in basic search
- Upload in CSV format correction to support larger files with variable length data types
- ADQL syntax: corrected behaviour for NOT BETWEEN sentences
- SYNC queries timeout message improved
- Authentication support: in prototype status for VO tools like TOPCAT
Update product serialisers for compatibility with future EDR3 and DR3 data products
General API updates to support next Astroquery releases
Java TAP library deprecated from Help pages
Version 2.8 [2020-04-20]
Version 2.8 contains the following new functionalities:
Update ADQL supported functions:
- New mathematical functions support ( cbrt(), cot(), div(), log(), width_bucket() ).
- New COALESCE and NULLIF functions.
- Fix for conditional UDFs failing for some queries with case_expression() function.
- DISTANCE function now supporting column operands.
- Support of CONTAINS(point, polygon).
Several additional issues have been fixed:
- Simple object query form: Support of floating point or negative values for range conditions.
- SAMP icon wrongly appearing in external TAP service job results.
- Removal of SAMP functionality.
- ICRS information update.
Interoperability with VO tools has been improved:
- Support of TIMESYS and extra unit information for Aladin Desktop compatibility.
Version 2.7 [2019-11-14]
Version 2.7 of the Gaia Archive contains improvements in the product serving interface (DataLink) in preparation for DR3 data.
To improve service security and solve cross-session issues, in upcoming versions of the archive only secure access to the website will be possible (HTTPS). All accesses to HTTP website will be redirected. In this version, external libraries are pointed to HTTPS interface for increased security and help pages updated to use HTTPS in all cases. Due to a technical incompatibility with HTTPS, SAMP interface is deactivated in this version to accommodate for this deactivation.
Improvements in the Data product serving interface (DataLink)
- Support of DR-qualified source identification field (designation) and usage for source inking as the default option. ‘sourceid’ identifiers now supported with additional DR qualification.
- Extensions in the to serve multivalued catalogue relations (catalogues with several associated products like spectra, time series, etc) - not visible for DR2 or DR1 data.
- Serialisations for DR3 data products - not visible for DR2 or DR1 data.
- Possibility to retrieve grouped data products for several sources.
- Additional retrieval format in plain Gaia data model: RAW.
ADQL upgrades:
- Conditional expression CASE function to create conditional values columns according to response parameters.
- CAST functions con convert between datatypes, with special use for compatibility with versions of external catalogues accessed.
- Boolean conditions allowed as parameters in ADQL user defined functions.
HTTPS migration:
- Update of Astropy/Astroquery modules to HTTPS.
- Repointing of Euro-VO Registry service URLs to HTTPS.
- Removal of SAMP functionality.
- Basic documentation upgrade to remove references to SAMP.
Version 2.6.1 [2019-08-08]
Gaia Archive 2.6.1 contains new tutorials and catalogues in-line documentation.
New Tutorials:
- Use of connection to external TAPs feature
- Positional search and crossmatch
Documentation upgraded for:
- Gaia DR2 RUWE
- Gaia DR2 Geometric Distance
- Documentation for APASS DR9, RAVE DR5
- SDSS DR13 Photoprimary
- Sky Mapper DR1
- 2MASS Extended Sources
New DR2 table included:
- re-normalised unit weight error - RUWE (gaiadr2.ruwe)
New external catalogues are included:
- TMASS XSC (external.tmass_xsc)
- SKYMAPPER DR1 (external.skymapperdr1_master)
- SDSS DR13 (external.sdssdr13_photoprimary)
Version 2.6 [2019-05-09]
Gaia Archive 2.6 brings to the archive the capability to query any catalogue (TAP) external service, hence enabling to seamlessly and efficiently join Gaia data with any public catalogue. A service selector is now placed on top of the table tree in the Advanced Search tab.
In addition, previous sent jobs can now be queried using the virtual JOB_UPLOAD schema and job ID, eg.
SELECT * FROM JOB_UPLOAD.job1556177143945D
The release also contains several bug fixes in name resolving, DataLink interface and simple form.
Version 2.5.1 [2019-02-14]
Gaia Archive 2.5.1 is a patch release for Simple Form default selection issues.
New external catalogues are included:
- RAVE DR5 (external.ravedr5_dr5, ravedr5_com, ravedr5_gra, ravedr5_on)
- APASS DR9 (external.apassdr9)
Version 2.5 [2019-02-05]
Gaia Archive 2.5 brings several functionality improvements, with special focus in the multitarget search and ADQL syntax.
Main new features and interface changes:
- Multitarget search with epoch and proper motion propagation. Target names are preserved in the results table
- Direct query of results from previous jobs through the creation of the virtual schema JOB_UPLOAD.
- Addition of the SIGN function to ADQL syntax
- Improvement of behaviour of joins based in the USING clause
- One line comments, prefixed by ‘--’, are now supported
- Possibility to directly send data products hosted in Datalink through SAMP to external VO applications
- System stability improvements
- Simple form target list size limits extension
Version 2.4 [2018-09-27]
Gaia Archive 2.4 main features bring new capabilities to the DataLink interface used for serving data products eg. epoch spectra.
Main new features and interface changes:
- Datalink now supports selection based on source ID, source IDs list, job ID + column of IDs, user table + column of IDs.
- New button in job results and user table descriptions to call the new advanced DataLink selection options.
- Geometrical queries improvement in some scenarios through the support of OFFSET parameter.
- External catalogue of distances available (external.gaiadr2 geometric distance).
- ADQL query parser bug fixes for negative numbers and user defined functions extra parentheses.
Version 2.3 [2018-07-18]
Gaia Archive 2.3 increases the Archive functionality with new VO interfaces, and performs several functionality and performance enhancements.
Main new features and interface changes:
- ConeSearch VO interface.
- Direct coordinate expression supported as target name resolution.
- Datalink supporting the selection by source id ranges.
- Quota exceeded issue fix.
Version 2.2.4 [2018-05-31]
Gaia Archive 2.2.4 is a patch release that improves the quota update processes, system response for query submission and makes several minor system corrections.
Version 2.2.3 [2018-05-17]
Gaia Archive 2.2.3 is a patch release that improves target resolution with all Simbad, NED and VizierR services. Also overall performance of the job scheduler is improved.
Version 2.2.2 [2018-05-10]
Gaia Archive 2.2.2 is a patch release that brings performance enhancements to the system for improved user experience, focusing on overall interface responsiveness. Furthermore, time execution quotas are expanded to enable easy execution of non indexed queries over DR2 catalogues.
Version 2.2.1 [2018-04-20]
Gaia Archive 2.2.1 is a patch release focused on tutorials and help updates with regards to DR2 data.
- Tutorials on:
- Variables and quasars data query.
- Conversion of parallaxes to distances.
- Usage of the simple query form.
- Datalink and associated services usage.
- Large (time consuming) queries optimisation.
- General revision of Help pages.
- Datalink URLs display as a user friendly pop up.
- Job results downloadable form the query results tab.
Version 2.2.0 [2018-04-11]
Gaia Archive 2.2 is focused on minor User Interface updates to accommodate Data Release 2.
- Several minor improvements are implemented in the simple search feature, now called ’Basic’ in opposition to ’Advanced (ADQL)’. The new DR2 tables are now available and organised on importance criteria through it.
- Several Datalink minor standard compatibility issues have been fixed. Tycho2 catalogue datatypes have been updated to display the correct IDs when querying this catalogue.
- Final Visualisation application has been integrated.
Version 2.1.0 [2018-03-21]
Gaia Archive 2.1 brings several high priority improvements to the main functionality for DR2 included in 2.0.
- Epoch data distribution is improved in the distribution protocol (DataLink), including further formats support, filtering per valid data and band. Also download links are limited to sources with epoch data available.
- The time series serialisation format used for this epoch data is evolved following latest agreements with IVOA partners.
- Improved array manipulation functions are provided, and table upload from URL is now possible.
- Software changes to allow for seamless data replication between data releases is now available, of use for DR1 data to be present in DR2.
- To speed up data access authorisations, a new mechanism allowing for centralised handling of data access rights in the ESA SCI (Cosmos) LDAP authorization service is now in place.
Version 2.0.0 [2017-11-28]
Gaia Archive 2.0 fulfills the requirements needed to provide support for DR2. This major version includes several new features and interface changes:
- Epoch data access through Data Link.
- Time Series following a VO agreed format.
- Epoch propagation functions integrated.
- ADQL operators for arrays.
- Access to User Interface protected by LDAP group.
- Sharing mechanism available for LDAP groups.
Version 1.4.2 [2017-08-03]
This version is a patch release that includes the following functional changes:
- Database update to make some TAP schema columns units VO compatible.
- Several help updates.
Version 1.4.1 [2017-07-21]
This version is a patch release that includes the following functional changes:
- Fix in creation of primary keys for user uploaded tables.
- Improved caching mechanism of Archive Help pages.
Version 1.4.0 [2017-07-19]
This version includes several new features and interface changes:
- Information on the different versions of the Gaia Archive is provided in the Help pages, under "Release notes". It includes a list of the new functionality that has been added, changes in the interface and resolved problems.
- Three new tutorials are available through the help pages: a video providing an overall view of the Archive and GUI functionalities, an introduction to the ICRF sources table in DR1 and a Python Jupyter Notebook version of the "Cluster analysis" tutorial.
- Additional ADQL query examples are now available in multiple places: Help pages (Query Examples), ADQL form tab (top right, click on "Query examples:) and the TAP /examples endpoint (used by third party applications such as Topcat).
- Coordinates system information is now provided in output files, when available.
- The supported user table upload formats are better described in the Help pages, under "Command line access", Sect. 3.7. "TAP+ upload user table".
- Improved query error report.
- Support for uploading user tables containing arrays has been added in preparation for DR2.
- TGAS search widget modification for better integration in small portions of a webpage. It can be found in the Help pages under "TGAS search widget".
- Improved handling of non standard units.
- Some issues accessing the Archive with Safari 10.1 have been fixed (ADQL submit button was not functional).
- The effective implementation of all indexes indicated in the GUI has been ensured for optimum performance.
- Table names in the TAP /tables endpoint are now unique. The fully qualified name is used.
- EURO-VO Registry Gaia TAP VOResource updated with supported ADQL geometrical functions and User Defined Functions implementation information to maximise interoperability with VO applications.
Version 1.3.0 [2017-05-19]
This version includes several new features and interface changes:
- Simple form usability improvement. Only a subset of TGAS columns is shown by default. Users can change displayed table and columns. Search radius reduced to 5”;
- Epoch propagation function available. Positions can be estimated at different times than the reference for a given catalogue. This is very useful to compare with external catalogues for e.g. better cross-match or proper motion determination. It is general purpose so e.g. propagating TGAS to DSS or UCAC4 to Gaia DR1 are possible. See Help →ADQL syntax→ 3. Additional functions available, for further insight;
- Arrays support. Will be used for new tables in DR2;
- User table upload in text (ASCII) format bug fixing (previously was limited in size);
- Update to the tree table browser (multilevel tree structure for Gaia Data Release 1).
Version 1.2.2 [2017-03-14]
This version is a patch release that includes the following bug fixes:
- Bug fixes for the help button in the home page and help menu link (link pointed to an ESA-only internal repository)
- TGAS Widget bug fixing (name resolver)
In addition to the archive version 1.2.2 release, the Gaia archive Astroquery Python Library has been released to Python users and has been promoted by the Astroquery team as the Astroquery TAP library. This is available to users via the Astroquery development pages and will be part of the next stable Astropy version in June 2017.
Version 1.2.1 [2017-03-09]
This version is a patch release that includes the following functional change:
- Size of tables (number of rows) now given in the table descriptions (tool tips).
Version 1.2.0 [2017-02-28]
This version includes feedback from versions 1.x, improvements to the look and feel and usability of the archive, and improved operations for testing, backups and downtimes. In particular, the most relevant issues for this version are:
- Multiple output formats supported, now includes fits, csv, JSON and VOTable.
- ADQL search box: an auto-complete ADQL editor (ctrl+space) and resizable window.
- Disclaimer added to bulk download file interface
- A banner for important announcements (e.g. downtimes) can be added to the GUI
- Astropy TAP+ Archive access Python library created
- Help page opens in a separate browser tab for better handling of new contents
- Archive custom functions implementation (e.g. HEALPix index of sources, to then build density maps), documentation and bug fixing
- ADQL Ceiling function bug fixing (did nothing before)
- More meaningful names for tables sent via SAMP
- More meaningful file names for downloaded jobs.
Version 1.1.1 [2017-20-01]
This version is a patch release that includes the following functional change:
- Security improved while exporting data using SAMP (Simple Application Messaging Pro- tocol) Virtual Observatory Protocol.
Version 1.1.0 [2016-10-25]
The main features for this release come from minor issues that were found and fixed after the interface was exposed to the community. The most relevant ones are:
- Showing units when available in the table viewer and downloaded files.
- Downloaded table names no longer have the .gz extension, to account for silent decompression by browsers
- Modification of compression encoding in the output VOTables.
- Improvements to the user table upload functionality (external VOTable import bug fixing).
- Help pages and tutorials updated to reflect archive evolution after DR1.
- Improvements to the error reports from the ADQL parser.
- Java TAP+ library for Archive programmatic access openly released
- Bug fixing in the TGAS widget.
Version 1.0.0 [2016-09-12]
Version 1.0.0 of the archive is the first major and complete release in coordination with Data Release 1. The Archive was openly available more than a year before for interface testing and validation purposes. Some simulated data (gaia source and tgas source) and external catalogues (Hipparcos, Tycho2, IGSL) were available for testing purposes. The main features of this version are:
In the Archive User Interface:
- A simple search form
- An ADQL (Astronomical Data Query Language) interface (including the ADQL editor, Table viewer and job manager)
- A statistics view (density maps and 1D histograms)
- A TGAS Search Widget
- Integration of the Documentation and Visualization Work Packages
- A Help section including use case tutorials
- A System administration interface
TAP(Table Access Protocol)+ (1.0 + extensions):
- Authentication
- User database spaces, persistent upload, quota handling
- Table sharing mechanism/user groups
- VOSpace direct connection
Some major changes with respect to the previous pre-release version are:
- Simple form upgrade to include new DR1 tables (in addition to the pre-release test ones)
- Bulk download repository creation (only for gaia source and tgas source)
- Citation and acknowledgement instructions provided and made prominent
- Removed a total of (212) style text-align:justify;