Summary: The main goal of the astronomical data reduction is the removal of the instrumental signatures such as the bias offset, the dark current effect and the varying pixel to pixel sensitivity, to cite the most common instrumental features. Less common but more complex effects are the second order contamination and the instrumental polarization. In this document we focus on these two aspects, from the spectroscopic point of view.


Bibtex entry for this abstract:

   author = {G.~Altavilla and S.~Ragaini and E.~Pancino and others},
   title={{I}nstrument {F}amiliarization {P}lan for ground based observations of {S}{P}{S}{S}. {I}{I}{I}. {S}econd {O}rder {C}ontamination and {P}olarization {E}ffects},
   institution={Osservatorio di Bologna, Italy},
   type={Technical Note}