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Bibtex entries for the Gaia Public DPAC documents
Below you can find the bibtex entries for the given public Gaia DPAC documents.
Early phase of Gaia DPAC
The cross-matching problem for Gaia is reviewed in the context of standard statistical procedures for classification and cluster analysis. Classification is the appropriate method when an input catalogue of sources is available. Observations not cross-matched against a catalogue should instead be subject to cluster analysis to identify new sources. A procedure for cluster analysis that takes proper motion into account is developed and demonstrated. A coherent procedure for cross-matching according to these principles is outlined.
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@UNPUBLISHED{ LL:GAIA-LL-060, author = {L.~Lindegren}, title={{C}ross-matching {G}aia objects}, institution={}, year={2005}, month={August}, url={}, note={} }
Coordination Unit 2
This Note describes the Universe Model as it is implemented in GaiaSimu 13.0.
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@UNPUBLISHED{ LL:AR-004, author = {A.~Robin and C.~Reyle and F.~Arenou and others}, title={{U}niverse {M}odel {O}verview}, institution={Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de l'Observatoire de Besançon}, year={2013}, month={April}, url={}, note={}, type = {Technical Note} }
Binaries and multiple stars are a mandatory component in the simulation of the Milky Way. This note describes the properties of multiple stars as they have been implemented into the Universe Model part of the Gaia simulations from cycle 6 on.
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@UNPUBLISHED{ LL:FA-054, author = {F.~Arenou}, title={{T}he simulated multiple stars}, institution={Observatoire de Paris Meudon}, year={2010}, month={January}, url={}, note={GAIA-C2-SP-OPM-FA-054}, type={Specification} }
Coordination Unit 3
In this note we define the concept of “TransitId”, the unique identifier of a Gaia observation used in the MainDB by several DPAC processes. We describe here its definition, which is based on the OBMT time scale. The present revision 5 describes the “human-readable” format of TransitIds.
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@UNPUBLISHED{LL:JP-011, author = {J.~Portell and U.~Bastian and C.~Fabricius and others}, title={{U}pdated definition of a unique {T}ransit {I}dentifier for the {M}{D}{B}}, institution={University of Barcelona (Dept. Astronomia i Meteorologia)}, year={2018}, month={August}, url={}, note={}, type={Technical Note} }
The detailed analysis of a complex object, such as a partially resolved visual binary, may be simplified if the observations are referred to a local coordinate system after taking into account the satellite attitude, instrument geometry, aberration and gravitational deflection. Thus these effects need not be further considered in the analysis. This is possible, to microarcsec accuracy, within a radius of ~1 arcmin from a chosen reference point. The definition of such local plane coordinates (LPCs) is given, together with a specification of the data that need to be provided with the individual observations. The advantage of the method is that the object can be analyzed without access to attitude, geometric calibration and orbit data, and without need for the corresponding transformations.
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@UNPUBLISHED{LL:LL-061, author = {L.~Lindegren}, title={{L}ocal plane coordinates for the detailed analysis of complex {G}aia sources}, institution={Lund Observatory}, year={2022}, month={November}, url={}, note={}, type={Technical Note} }
This technical note expands the minimum-dimension LSF modelling (GAIA-C3-TN-LU-LL-084-01) with a few more useful ideas: (1) that the LSF model is formulated such that the area normalization is implicit; (2) that the non-negativity of the LSF can be guaranteed by simple constraints on the parameters; and (3) that the model should work also with very few parameters, even without any parameters at all.
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@UNPUBLISHED{LL:LL-088, author = {L.~Lindegren}, title={{L}{S}{F} modelling with zero to many parameters}, institution={Lund Observatory}, year={2010}, month={September}, url={}, note={}, type={Technical Note} }
This technical note describes how to reduce the size of the set of basis functions needed for LSF modelling, once a comprehensive library of real LSFs has been compiled. The method uses Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of the library coefficients.
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@UNPUBLISHED{LL:LL-090, author = {L.~Lindegren}, title={{A} posteriori reduction of the set of basis functions for {L}{S}{F} modelling}, institution={Lund Observatory}, year={2010}, month={October}, url={}, note={}, type={Technical Note} }
The second release of Gaia data (Gaia DR2) contains several statistical indicators that can be used to assess the quality and reliability of the astrometric data. One such indicator is the astrometric chi-square, or equivalently the unit weight error (UWE) being the square root of the reduced chi-square. The usefulness of the UWE is however severely hampered by its distribution having strong dependences on magnitude and colour. These dependences can be eliminated by a re-normalisation process, using tables provided with this TN. The re-normalised UWE (or RUWE) is a more reliable and informative goodness-of-fit statistic than for example the astrometric excess noise.
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@UNPUBLISHED{LL:LL-124, author = {L.~Lindegren}, title={{R}e-normalising the astrometric chi-square in {G}aia {D}{R}2}, institution={Lund Observatory}, year={2018}, month={August}, url={}, note={GAIA-C3-TN-LU-LL-124}, type={Technical Note} }
This Technical Note is a discussion of the meaning and calculation of the uncertainty of the total proper motion, i.e. the modulus (length) of the measured proper motion vector.
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@UNPUBLISHED{LL:LL-129, author = {L.~Lindegren}, title={{U}ncertainty of the total proper motion}, institution={Lund Observatory}, year={2022}, month={October}, url={}, note={}, type={Technical Note} }
This TN describes the expected astrometric properties of binaries in EDR3 and DR3 based on simple models of the distribution of binary parameters and how binaries are treated in IPD and AGIS. The results may be useful for understanding how different kinds of binaries show up in statistics such as the RUWE, and how they may behave in acceleration solutions. Possible criteria for selecting good 7p and 9p solutions are given.
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@UNPUBLISHED{LL:LL-136, author = {L.~Lindegren}, title={{E}xpected astrometric properties of binaries in ({E}){D}{R}3}, institution={Lund Observatory}, year={2022}, month={May}, url={}, note={}, type={Technical Note} }
In the first quarter of 2025, Gaia will enter the last phase of its operational phase, the End-of-Observations testing phase. One of the tests, foreseen to be conducted during this time, will be a test concerning the Basic Angle Variations, which involves changing the Solar Aspect Angle of Gaia from the nominal 45◦ to 0◦ and several intermediate values. GBOT will exploit this to measure the brightness of Gaia in various passbands to shed light into the issue, why the pre-launch assumptions of the satellite’s brightness have been off by such a large margin. Also, with multi-colour photometry, one could derive information on the reflective properties of the aged payload, in comparison with GROND multi-passband data from the commissioning phase of the mission in 2014. Additionally, a public outreach campaign for amateur astronomers is being prepared. This document is an abridged version of MA-029, aiming at the public outreach activities
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@UNPUBLISHED{LL:MA-031, author = {M.~Altmann}, title={{G}{B}{O}{T} activities during the {G}aia end-of-observations testing - public version} institution={{A}stronomisches {R}echen-{I}nstitut, {H}eidelberg}, year={2025}, month={January}, url={}, note={}, type={Technical Note} }
Coordination unit 4
This document presents the principles of the determination of the size of the solar system in kilometres based on Gaia observations of (433) Eros in February 2019 and (52768) 1998 OR2 during its Earth’s flyby of April 2020. The historical context is given to introduce the issue in a wider perspective and explain the value of such an exploitation of Gaia data for training and science education. Data analyses with different levels of modelling are discussed together with their results. Although there is no truly novel science to expect from Gaia in this area, it happens that thanks to the 1.5 million km baseline, the processing is relatively straightforward and despite the lack of refinement it ends up with the most accurate determination of the Earth-Sun distance with this important, although now outdated, technique.
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@UNPUBLISHED{LL:FM-061, author = {F.~Mignard}, title={{T}he {S}olar parallax with {G}aia}, institution={Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur, Nice}, year={2020}, month={June}, url={}, note={}, type={Technical Note} }
Description of the software Predictor allowing to predict the passages in the Gaia FOVs for a list system sources over an interval of time defined by the users. The tech note gives the astronomical, instrumental and numerical principles applied to predict the transits of the sources and documents the file content for fixed (stars) or moving sources (SSOs).
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@UNPUBLISHED{LL:FM-056, author = {F.~Mignard}, title={{P}redicted {T}ransits of solar system objects}, institution={Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur, Nice}, year={2016}, month={January}, url={}, note={}, type={Technical Note} }
Coordination Unit 5
This document presents the BVRI photometry resulting from a long-standing groundbased observational campaign aimed at the establishment of the Gaia SpectroPhotometric Standard Stars (SPSS) grid. The procedure to transform the instrumental broad-band magnitudes onto the Johnson/Kron-Cousins photometric system as defined by Landolt’s standard stars is described.
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@UNPUBLISHED{LL:GA-007, author = {G.~Altavilla and S.~Galleti and others}, title={{D}ata analysis results of external {S}{P}{S}{S}. {I}{I}. {A}bsolute photometry}, institution={}, year={2020}, month={May}, url={}, note={}, type={Technical Note} }
This document presents the SPSS V2 release, describes the release content and the SPSS V2 spectra validation results.
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@UNPUBLISHED{LL:NS-001, author = {N.~Sanna and E.~Pancino and G.~Altavilla and others}, title={{S}econd post-launch release ({V}2) of {G}aia external {S}pectro-{P}hotometric {S}tandard {S}tars}, institution={}, year={2019}, month={November}, url={}, note={}, type={Technical Note} }
When trying to build a large set of ground based SpectroPhotometric Standard Stars (SPSS) for calibrating Gaia BP/RP Spectra and G-Band Images to a few % in absolute flux, it is essential to maintain the maximum homogeneity in data quality, acquisition and treatment. This Data Reduction Protocol concerns the QC on the SPSS pre-reduced photometric frames and the production of aperture photometry catalogues ready to be used for the analysis. The procedures followed to both quality check the pre-reduced 2D photometric frames and to obtain aperture photometry catalogues are described step by step.
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@UNPUBLISHED{LL:SMR-003, author = {S.~Marinoni and S.~Galleti and E.~Pancino and others}, title={{D}ata {R}eduction {P}rotocol for {G}round {B}ased {O}bservations of {S}pectro{P}hotometric {S}tandard {S}tars. {I}{I}{I}. {Q}uality {C}ontrol on {S}{P}{S}{S} {P}hotometric {F}rames and {P}hotometric {C}atalogues {P}roduction}, institution={Osservatorio di Bologna, Italy}, year={2014}, month={July}, url={}, note={}, type={Technical Note} }
This documents presents and describes the spectrophotometric standard stars archive and database hosted by the Space Science Data Center of the Italian Space Agency (SPSS@SSDC hereafter).
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@UNPUBLISHED{ LL:SMR-006, author = {S.~Marinoni and G.~Fanari and E.~Pancino and others}, title={{S}{P}{S}{S}@{S}{S}{D}{C} the {D}atabase and the {A}rchive}, institution={}, year={2018}, month={August}, url={}, note={}, type={Technical Note} }
This documents presents and describes the Web interface tool available to CU5-DU13 members to access the spectrophotometric standard stars archive and database hosted by the Space Science Data Center of the Italian Space Agency (SPSS@SSDC hereafter).
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@UNPUBLISHED{LL:SMR-007, author = {S.~Marinoni and G.~Fanari and E.~Pancino and others}, title={{S}{P}{S}{S}@{S}{S}{D}{C} the {W}eb {I}nterface tool}, institution={}, year={2018}, month={August}, url={}, note={}, type={Technical Note} }
This technical note describes the parameterisation of the monochromatic LSF as function of AL position and wavelength used in the external calibration model for XP instruments. The model is based on a set of 2D basis functions derived with generalised principal component analysis of a large set of synthetic PSF/LSF.
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@UNPUBLISHED{LL:PMN-012, author = {P.~Montegriffo}, title={{X}{P} {L}{S}{F} modelling}, institution={Osservatorio di Bologna, Italy}, year={2017}, month={September}, url={}, note={}, type={Technical Note} }
This note is a portfolio for the SPSS, PVL and NGSL XP spectra extracted from GDR3 and how they compare to the predicted distributions coming from the current XP instrument model and ground-based SEDs.
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@UNPUBLISHED{LL:PMN-016, author = {P.~Montegriffo}, title={{A}tlas of reference spectra for {G}aia}, institution={Osservatorio di Bologna, Italy}, year={2022}, month={June}, url={}, note={}, type={Technical Note} }
It will be possible to obtain a good calibration of the differential dispersion variations of the BP and RP photometers for Gaia early in the mission as part of the initialization of the geometric calibration. This note describes how this can be done.
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@UNPUBLISHED{LL:FVL-068, author = {F.~{van~Leeuwen}}, title={{D}ifferential dispersion and geometric calibration for {B}{P}/{R}{P}}, institution={Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge}, year={2011}, month={August}, url={}, note={}, type={Technical Note} }
The standard uncertainties in flux measurements for broad-band photometry (G, BP, RP) as published in EDR3 are investigated. Expected uncertainty levels are derived from gate and saturation statistics and mean background contributions. A comparison with similar results for DR2 data is included.
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@UNPUBLISHED{LL:FVL-184, author = {F.~{van~Leeuwen}}, title={{I}nvestigation of standard uncertainties in flux in {E}{D}{R}3.}, institution={Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge}, year={2021}, month={November}, url={}, note={}, type={Technical Note} }
This document provides a relationship to predict the average photometric error in G, GBP, and GRP Gaia EDR3 magnitudes as a function of magnitude.
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@UNPUBLISHED{LL:JMC-031, author = {J.~M.~Carrasco and F.~{De~Angeli} and M.~Riello and others}, title={{F}itting the {G}aia {E}{D}{R}3 photometric uncertainties}, institution={University of Barcelona (Dept. Astronomia i Meteorologia)}, year={2021}, month={July}, url={}, note={}, type={Technical Note} }
Coordination Unit 6
This technical note illustrates two estimators of the mean of a signal with the help of simulations. It mainly focuses on a comparison of non-weighted mean versus weighted mean of a heteroscedastic photometric time series. In some cases, the weighted mean might give a biased result.
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@UNPUBLISHED{LL:LE-016, author = {I.~Lecoeur and L.~Eyer}, title={{T}echnical note on non-weighted and weighted means}, institution={Observatoire de Geneve}, year={2016}, month={March}, url={}, note={GAIA-C7-TN-GEN-LE-016}, type={Technical Note} }
Coordination Unit 8
A procedure to calibrate algorithms for estimating parameters from spectra
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@UNPUBLISHED{LL:CBJ-044, author = {C.A.L.~Bailer-Jones}, title={{A} procedure to calibrate algorithms for estimating parameters from spectra}, institution={Max-Planck-Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg}, year={2009}, month={February}, url={}, note={GAIA-C8-TN-MPIA-CBJ-044}, type={Technical Note} }
We show how to combine posterior probabilities from an emsemble of models, each of which estimates the same parameter (or class) but using "independent" data. From this we describe how to separate out and replace the class prior (or the model-based prior) of a classifier post hoc and how this relates to the combination problem ...
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@UNPUBLISHED{LL:CBJ-053, author = {C.A.L.~Bailer-Jones and K.~Smith}, title={{C}ombining probabilities}, institution={Max-Planck-Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg}, year={2011}, month={July}, url={}, note={GAIA-C8-TN-MPIA-CBJ-053}, type={Technical note} }
In this technical note, the estimation of distance and transverse velocity (as speed and direction) from Gaia parallax and proper motions, using posterior sampling, is investigated. The method is illustrated using TGAS data. The goal is not to suggest producing such estimates for the data releases, but rather to help educate users in their interpretation of the data.
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@UNPUBLISHED{LL:CBJ-081, author = {C.A.L.~Bailer-Jones}, title={{J}oint inference from parallax and proper motions}, institution={Max-Planck-Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg}, year={2017}, month={November}, url={}, note={}, type={Technical Note} }
DSC or Direct Source Classifier classifies objects into five classes using BP/RP spectra and various features constructed from astrometry and photometry. The main focus is on the classes “quasar” and “galaxy”, as they are defined by our particular training data. ApsisOps3.2 (run 2) produces classification results for 1.8 billion sources. Summarized here are the results and performance. Sample completeness and purity is computed on a validation set which is adjusted to represent realistic frequencies of occurence (“class fractions”) of classes in Gaia. This reflects in particular the difficulty of identifying rare extragalactic objects among the much more dominant stars (by a factor of 103). It is shown how the performance varies with various parameters, such as magnitude and Galactic latitude. Performed are analyses of subsets of the complete set of results for sources classified with probabilities above 0.5 (and other thresholds) in the different classes, showing distributions in features, on the sky, as well as in colour–colour and colour–magnitude diagram.
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@UNPUBLISHED{LL:CBJ-094, author = {C.~A.~L.~Bailer-Jones}, title={{D}{S}{C} {A}psis{O}ps3.2 {V}alidation {R}eport}, institution={Max-Planck-Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg}, year={2021}, month={August}, url={}, note={}, type={Technical Note} }
The multiple star classifier (MSC) is a module to infer stellar parameters from BP/RP spectra and parallax for the two components of a coeval binary system. In this validation report we analyze the output of processing that led to GDR3 where all sources down to G=18.25 mag have been processed. We use an empirical forward model for the BP/RP spectra and have implemented priors depending on position on the sky for the distances and the extinctions.
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@UNPUBLISHED{LL:JR-003, author = {J.~Rybizki}, title={{M}{S}{C} validation report based on processing that led to {G}{D}{R}3}, institution={Max-Planck-Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg}, year={2021}, month={August}, url={}, note={}, type={Technical Note} }
The objective of this technical note is to quantify the performance of the CU8/Apsis/FLAME software which published masses and ages in Gaia Data Release 3. We compare the results from the FLAME software with those from the publicly available code SPInS. We also test the robustness of retrieving ages and masses by running on simulated data. This latter includes testing and quantifying the impact of the solar metallicity prior that was imposed during DR3 operations. We additionally propose some empirical corrections to the published parameters to account for non-solar metallicity.
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@UNPUBLISHED{LL:OLC-036, author = {O.~L.~Creevey and Y.~Lebreton}, title={{M}asses and ages from {F}{L}{A}{M}{E} in {D}{R}3}, institution={Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur, Nice}, year={2022}, month={November}, url={}, note={}, type={Technical Note} }
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