Gaia APP

Gaia in your pocket - mapping the Galaxy with the Gaia app

The Gaia app was created by the University of Barcelona Gaia team and is available from the iTunes store in English, Spanish and Catalan. It runs on iOS devices, including the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. An Android version for phones and tablets is available here.

App features:

• Explore the satellite in 3D, locate all high-tech components and understand their purpose and operation.

• Experience the science behind Gaia with interactive demos.

• Discover the billion star surveyor and have all mission details at your fingertips.

• Dive into the science and technology of this project with stunning images and impressive videos

• Keep updated with the satellite operations in real-time.


The development of the app was supported by the European Space Agency. Find out more about the app on the ESA Gaia blog.