Phd Theses - Gaia
Gaia PhD Theses
The following table provides details on finished Gaia PhD theses. The theses might be related to the preparation of the Gaia mission, or they may be based on (or making use of) Gaia data. Entries are compiled from information sent to us through either the Gaia helpdesk or through the submission form as can be found at the bottom of the page. |
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Year | Name | Title | Institute(s) | Country | Supervisor(s) | Bibcode |
2019 | Fedorets, Grigori | Studies of asteroids with exiguous astrometry from synoptic surveys | University of Helsinki | Finland | Mikael Granvik, Karri Muinonen | - |
2019 | Zari, Eleonora | Structure and star formation history of the Orion region from Gaia data releases | Leiden Observatory | Netherlands | - | |
2019 | Marchetti, Tommaso | Hunting for the fastest stars in the Milky Way | Leiden Observatory | Netherlands | - | |
2019 | Trahin, Boris | Calibration of the distance scale in the Gaia era: The pulsating stars RR Lyrae and Cepheids | LESIA - Observatoire de Paris, CNRS | France | Pierre Kervella, Antoine Mérand | - |
2019 | Korol, Valeriya | Exploring future multi-messenger Galactic astronomy | Leiden University | Netherlands | Dr. E.M. Rossi, Prof. P.J. Groot, Prof. A.G.G.M. Tielens | |
2019 | Mor, Roger | The Star Formation History and the stellar Initial Mass Function of the Milky Way Disc: The population synthesis Besançon Model in the Gaia ear | University of Barcelona (ICCUB-IEEC) | Spain | Francesca Figueras, Annie C. Robin | |
2019 | van Oirschot, Pim | White dwarf binaries and neutron star mergers in the stellar halo of the Milky Way in a cosmological context | Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen | Netherlands | Prof. G.A. Nelemans, Prof. A. Helmi | |
2018 | Mayer, David | VLBI Celestial Reference Frames and Assessment with Gaia | TU Wien | Austria | ||
2018 | Poggio, Eloisa | The kinematic signature of the Galactic warp in the Gaia era | Università degli Studi di Torino, INAF-Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino | Italy | Alessandro Spagna, Ronald Drimmel, Richard L. Smart | |
2018 | Truebenbach, A.E. | Real Time Cosmology with Extragalactic Proper Motions: The Secular Aberration Drift and Evolution of Large-Scale Structures | University of Colorado, Boulder | USA | ||
2018 | Joyce, Simon | Observational tests of the theoretical white dwarf mass-radius relation | University of Leicester | United Kingdom | Prof. M.A. Barstow, Dr. M.R. Burleigh | |
2018 | Roelens, Maroussia | Short timescale variability in the Gaia era | Department of Astronomy, University of Geneva | Switzerland | Laurent Eyer, Nami Mowlavi | |
2017 | Nordlander, Thomas | Galactic archaeology with metal-poor stars | Uppsala University, Department of Physics and Astronomy | Sweden | Andreas Korn, Ulrike Heiter, Karin Lind | |
2017 | Titarenko, Anastasia | Chemical properties and Ages of the Galactic populations | Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur - Nice | France | A. Recio-Blanco | |
2017 | Kounkel, Marina | Distances, Kinematics, And Structure of Nearby Star-Forming Regions | University of Michigan | USA | ||
2017 | Tapiador, Daniel | Architecture, Techniques and Models for Enabling Data Science in the Gaia Mission Archive | European Space Astronomy Centre and Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia | Spain | Eduardo Huedo, Luis M. Sarro | |
2017 | Hanson, Richard | Mapping 3D extinction and structures in the Milky Way | Max Planck Institute for Astronomy | Germany | Coryn Bailer-Jones | |
2017 | Wevers, Thomas | Searching for quiescent black holes | Radboud University | Netherlands | G. Nelemans, P.G. Jonker | |
2017 | Delchambre, Ludovic | Determination of quasar astrophysical parameters within the Gaia mission | Institute of Astrophysics and Geophysics, Liège University | Belgium | Prof. Jean Surdej | |
2016 | Wilkman, Olli | Planetary remote sensing with physical scattering methods | University of Helsinki | Finland | Karri Muinonen | |
2016 | Barbosa, Martínez | Tracing the journey of the Sun and the Solar Siblings through the Milky Way | Leiden University | Netherlands | Prof. S.F. Portegies Zwart, Dr. A.G.A. Brown | 2016PhDT.......183M |
2016 | Santana-Ros, Toni | Physical models of single and binary asteroids from photometric surveys: preparation of Gaia data scientific exploitation | Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań | Poland | T. Michałowski | |
2016 | Ruiz Dern, Laura | Gaia: from the data validation to the Red Clump parameters | Observatoire de Paris / CNES | France | Carine Babusiaux, Frédéric Arenou | |
2016 | Drazinos, Petros | Star forming regions and young stellar structures in nearby galaxies | National Observatory of Athens | Greece | Dr. Mary Kontizas and Dr. Evangelos Kontizas | |
2015 | Benamati, Lisa | Exoplanets: Gaia and the importance of spectroscopic follow-up | Universidade do Porto | Portugal | ||
2015 | Blagorodnova, Nadejda | Characterising the Gaia Transient Sky | Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge | United Kingdom | Nicholas A. Walton | |
2015 | Palmer, Max | Astrostatistics for Luminosity Calibration in the Gaia era | University of Barcelona | Spain | Xavier Luri, Eduard Masana, Frédéric Arenou (Obs. Paris) | |
2015 | Palaversa, Lovro | Variability and standard candles in the era of new large-scale surveys | Department of Astronomy, University of Geneva | Switzerland | Laurent Eyer | |
2015 | Michalik, Daniel | Tycho-Gaia and beyond: Combining data for precision astrometry | Lund | Sweden | L. Lindegren, D. Hobbs, U. Lammers | |
2015 | Guiglion, Guillaume | Etude des populations galactiques par marquage chimique des populations stellaires | Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur - Nice | France | A. Recio-Blanco & P. de Laverny | |
2015 | Castañeda Pons, Javier | High performance computing of massive Astrometry and Photometry data from Gaia | University of Barcelona | Spain | Claus V. Fabricius, Jordi Torra | |
2015 | Cantat-Gaudin, Tristan | Open Clusters as Tracers of the Galactic Disk | Universita Degli Studi di Padova | Italy | 2015PhDT.......260C | |
2015 | Abedi, Hoda | On the characterization of the Galactic warp in the Gaia era | University of Barcelona | Spain | Francesca Figueras, Luis Aguilar (UNAM) | |
2014 | Tabernero, H.M. |
Characterization of members to stellar kinematic groups using chemical tagging |
Universidad Complutense (Madrid) | Spain | David Montes Gutiérrez, Jonay I. González Hernández | 2014PhDT.......262T |
2014 | Fustes Villadóniga, Diego |
Extracción de conocimiento en bases de datos astronómicas mediante redes de neuronas artificiales: aplicaciones en la misión Gaia |
Universidade da Coruña | Spain | ||
2014 | Roca Fàbrega, Santiago | Milky Way-like galaxy simulations in the Gaia era: Disk large structures and baryonic content | University of Barcelona | Spain | Francesca Figueras, O. Valenzuela (UNAM. México) | |
2014 | Muraveva, Tatiana | Improving the cosmic distance ladder. Distance and structure of the Large Magellanic Cloud. | University of Bologna, Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia (DIFA) | Italy | Bruno Marano, Gisella Clementini, Marcella Marconi, Enzo Brocato | |
2014 | Spina, Lorenzo | Metal abundances of star forming regions and young open clusters: towards a new paradigm with the Gaia-ESO Survey | Università degli Studi di Firenze, Dipartimento di Fisica e Astrofisica | Italy | F. Palla, S. Randich | 2014PhDT.......611S |
2013 | Bertone, Stefano | From Time Transfer Functions to a model for relativistic astrometry in the Gaia era | Observatoire de Paris / Università di Torino | France/Italy | Christophe Le Poncin-Lafitte, Mariateresa Crosta, Alberto Vecchiato, Marie-Christine Angonin, Andrea Mignone | |
2013 | Guédé, Céline | Détermination de l'âge des étoiles de le cadre de la mission spatiale Gaia (FRENCH) | Paris-Meudon Observatory | France | Y. Lebreton | |
2013 | Anderson, Richard I. | Classical Cepheids: High-precision Velocimetry, Cluster Membership, and the Effect of Rotation | Department of Astronomy, University of Geneva | Switzerland | Laurent Eyer, Nami Mowlavi | 2013PhDT.......363 |
2013 | Fries, Aidan Dermot | The use of Java in large scientific applications in HPC environments | University of Barcelona / Barcelona Supercomputer Centre | Spain | Jordi Portell i de Mora, Raúl Sirvent (BSC) | |
2013 | Karampelas, Antonis | Statistical analysis and optimization of synthetic galaxy spectra for Gaia | National Observatory of Athens | Greece | Dr. Mary Kontizas, Dr. Evangelos Kontizas | |
2012 | Nicoletti, Jean-Marc | La détection de périodicités cachées | EPFL | Switzerland | Stephan Morgenthaler, Laurent Eyer | |
2012 | Oszkiewicz, Dagmara Anna | Asteroid astrometric and photometric studies using Markov-Chain Monte Carlo methods | University of Helsinki | Finland | Karri Muinonen | |
2012 | Czekaj, Maria Anna |
Preparing the Besançon Galaxy Model for the Gaia data explotation |
University of Barcelona | Spain | Francesca Figueras, Xavier Luri, Annie Robin (Obs. Besançon, França) | |
2012 | Belcheva, Maya | Spatial distribution of stellar populations in nearby dwarf galaxies resolved in stars | National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Faculty of Physics, Dept of Astrophysics, Astronomy & Mechanics | Greece | Dr. Mary Kontizas | |
2012 | Holl, Berry | Characterisation and analysis of the astrometric errors in the global astrometric solution for Gaia | Lund Observatory | Sweden | L. Lindegren, D. Hobbs | |
2012 | O'Mullane, William | Implementing the Gaia Astrometric Solution (Large scientific database technologies and their applicability to Gaia) | University of Barcelona | Spain | L. Lindegren, X. Luri | |
2012 | Spano, Maxime | Analyse photométrique d'étoiles évoluées dans le cadre de la variabilité à long terme | Department of Astronomy, University of Geneva | Switzerland |
Laurent Eyer, Nami Mowlavi |
2012 | Santoro, Luca | Tests of new physics in the code CESAM: application to Gaia | OCA (Nice) / Astronomical Observatory of Padova | France | ||
2011 | Bovy, Jo | Dynamical inference in the Milky Way | New York University | USA | ||
2011 | González Villafranca | New data compression algorithms for space applications: software and hardware implementations | UPC, IEEC, Barcelona | Spain | Enrique García-Berro Montilla, Jordi Portell de Mora | |
2011 | Krone-Martins, Alberto | Ampliando horizontes da missão espacial Gaia graças a análise de objetos extensos / Plus loin avec la mission spatial Gaia grace à l'analyse des objets étendus |
IAG, Universidade de Sao Paulo/ University of Bordeaux I |
Brazil / France | R. Teixeira / C. Ducourant / C. Soubiran | |
2011 | Pasquato, Ester | Effect of stellar surface inhomogeneities on astrometric accuracy | Université Libre de Bruxelles | Belgium | ||
2011 | Prod'homme, Thibaut | From electrons to stars. Modelling and mitigation of radiation damage effects on astronomical CCDs | Leiden Observatory | Netherlands |
A. Brown, K. Kuijken |
2011PhDT.........9P |
2011 | Kordopatis, George | Galactic archaeology: Observational constraints on the formation scenarios of the thick disc | Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur - Nice | France | P. de Laverny & A. Bijaoui | 2011PhDT.......439 |
2011 | Marinoni, Silvia | Procedures of quality control and data analysis of multi-site ground-based observations for the absolute flux calibration of Gaia | Bologna University | Italy | 2011PhDT........62 | |
2011 | Saguner, Tenay | Observed stellar spectra as templates for Gaia | Astronomical Observatory of Padova | Italy | A. Vallenari, U. Munari | 2011PhDT.......487S |
2010 | Gomez, Facundo Ariel | Milky Way archaeology and the dynamical signatures of mergers | Kapteyn Institute (Groningen) | Netherlands | A. Helmi | 2010PhDT.......255G |
2010 | Antoja Castelltort, Teresa | Moving Groups as imprints of the non-axisymmetric components of the Milky Way | University of Barcelona | Spain | F. Figueras, O. Valenzuela (UNAM, Mexico) | |
2010 | Gavras, Panagiotis | Evolution of very long period double and multiple stars | University of Athens (UoA) and National Observatory of Athens (NOA) | Greece | Dr. Mary Kontizas, Dr. Evangelos Kontizas | |
2010 | Brown, Scott | Calibrating for the effects of radiation damage across the Gaia astrometric field | Institute of Astronomy (Cambridge) | United Kingdom | ||
2008 | Tsalmantza, Paraskevi | Synthetic spectra and classification of unresolved galaxies with Gaia | University of Athens | Greece | ||
2008 | Mignot, Shan | Towards a demonstrator for autonomous object detection on board Gaia | Meudon | France | ||
2008 | Guerrier, Antoine | Calibration of spectroscopic data from the Gaia mission (French) | GEPI, Observatoire de Paris, Meudon | France | David Katz, Catherine Turon | |
2007 | Torppa, Johanna | Lightcurve inversion for asteroid spins and shapes | University of Helsinki | Finland | Mikko Kaasalainen, Karri Muinonen | |
2007 | Granvik, Mikael | Asteroid identification using statistical orbital inversion methods | University of Helsinki | Finland | Karri Muinonen | |
2007 | Mouret, Serge | Asteroid mass determination with Gaia | Paris / Nice | France | ||
2007 | Livanou, Evdokia | Large scale star formation in the MCs and its effect to the integrated spectra. Application to Gaia. | National Observatory of Athens, Faculty of Physics | Greece | Dr. Mary Kontizas | |
2007 | Anglada Escudé, Guillem | Experiments and relativistic models for optical astrometry from space. Application to the mission Gaia. | University of Barcelona | Spain | Jordi Torra, Sergei A. Klioner | |
2006 | Carrasco Martínez, José Manuel | Design and characterization of ESA's Gaia Photometric System (Spanish) | University of Barcelona | Spain | Carme Jordi | |
2005 | Virtanen, Jenni | Asteroid orbital inversion using statistical methods | University of Helsinki | Finland | Karri Muinonen | |
2005 | Joergensen, Bjarne R. | Determination of stellar ages and star formation histories - a Bayesian approach | Lund | Sweden | ||
2005 | Dischler, Johann | Population synthesis predictions of the eclipsing binaries observable with Gaia | Lund | Sweden | ||
2005 | Busonero, Deborah | The Gaia astrometric measurement model: error budget and calibration issues | Siena | Italy | ||
2005 | Portell i de Mora, Jordi | Payload Data Handling, Telemetry and Data Compression Systems for Gaia | Barcelona, Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya | Spain | Enrique García Berro Montilla, Xavier Luri Carrascoso | |
2005 | Sordo, Rosanna | Real and synthetic spectroscopy: validation from eclipsing binaries and application to Gaia calibration | Asiago | Italy | ||
2005 | Wolff, Stefan | Near Earth objects: theory, detection and observation | Copenhagen | Denmark | ||
2004 | Willemsen, Philip | Automated analysis of standard and novel optical data | Bonn | Germany | ||
2004 | Dollet, Claire | Sky surveys with an imaging satellite | OCA (Nice) | France | ||
2004 | Marrese, Paola | Eclipsing binaries in Gaia as tracers of basic stellar parameters | Asiago | Italy | ||
2003 | Crosta, Maria Teresa | Methods of relativistic astrometry for the analysis of astrometric data in the gravitational field of the Solar System | Torino/Padova | Italy | ||
2003 | Belokurov, Vasily | Variability in astrophysical surveys | Oxford | United Kingdom | ||
2003 | Babusiaux, Carine | Photometric study of the Milky Way | Cambridge | United Kingdom | ||
2000 | Vecchiato, Alberto | General Relativistic Astrometry from Space. Theoretical Modeling and Software Implementation for Data Reduction | University of Padova / Astronomical Observatory of Turin | Italy | Prof. Fernando de Felice, Dr. Mario G. Lattanzi, Prof. P. Bernacca | |
2000 | Thomas, Eric | Contributions à l' Interférométrie spatiale. Astrométrie globale et Détection de Planètes extra-solaires | OCA(Nice) | France | Farrokh Vakili | 2000PhDT.........5T |
2000 | Quist, Carl Fredrik | Studies of double and multiple stars using space astrometry | Lund University | Sweden | L.Lindegren | 2000PhDT.........2Q |
2019 | Álvarez González, Marco A. | Data mining in the Gaia mission: Catalog visualization, processing optimization and stellar parameterization | CITIC. University of A Coruña | Spain | Carlos Dafonte, Minia Manteiga | |
2020 | Vioque, Miguel | A census of Herbig Ae/Be stars: new candidates and analysis from a Gaia perspective | University of Leeds | United Kingdom | René D. Oudmaijer, Deborah Baines, Ricardo Pérez-Martínez | 2020PhDT.........4V |
2015 | Bachchan, Rajesh Kumar | The Gaia reference frame amid quasar variability and proper motion patterns in the data | Lund Observatory | Sweden | D. Hobbs, L. Lindegren | |
2015 | Hunt, Jason | N-body dynamical modelling of the Milky Way Disc for the Gaia era | University College London | United Kingdom | D. Kawata | |
2020 | Ciuca, Ioana | Inference in the Milky Way in the Gaia era | Mullard Space Science Laboratory, University College London | United Kingdom | D. Kawata, M. Cropper, G. Seabroke | |
2010 | Rodríguez Fernández, Alejandra | Computational astrophysics: application of artificial intelligence techniques in the classification and parameterization of stellar spectra | University of A Coruña | Spain | Minia Manteiga, Carlos Dafonte | |
2010 | Ordoñez Blanco, Diego | Classification and parameterization of astronomical observations using Artificial Intelligence techniques: Integration in the Gaia space project | University of A Coruña | Spain | Bernardino Arcay, Carlos Dafonte | |
2020 | Garabato Míguez, Daniel | Unsupervised analysis of outlier observations on the Gaia space mission; optimization through distributed processing and integration in APSIS | CITIC. University of A Coruña | Spain | Carlos Dafonte, Minia Manteiga | |
2021 | Castro-Ginard, Alfred | Detection, characterisation and use of open clusters in a Galactic context in a Big Data environment | Universitat de Barcelona | Spain | Dr. Xavier Luri, Dr. Carme Jordi | |
2020 | Ramos, Pau | Substructure in the phase-space of the Galaxy with Gaia | Universitat de Barcelona | Spain | Teresa Antoja | |
2021 | Zhao, He | The diffuse interstellar bands at 862 nm | Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur, Laboratoire Lagrange | France | M. Schultheis | |
2021 | Gavel, Alvin | Statistical Methods in Quantitative Spectroscopy of Solar-type Stars | Uppsala University | Sweden | Andreas Korn, Ulrike Heiter | |
2021 | Sahlholdt, Christian | Stellar Ages for Galactic Archeology: Methods and Applications | Lund Observatory | Sweden | S. Feltzing, D.Feuillet, O.Agertz | |
2020 | Kushniruk, Iryna | The nature of kinematic structures in the Galactic disc | Lund Observatory | Sweden | T. Bensby, S.Feltzing | |
2021 | Großschedl, Josefa | The Orion star formation complex - How 3D changes everything | Universitaet Wien | Austria | Prof. J. Alves | |
2021 | Giammaria, Marco | Milky Way simulations and tests with Gaia DR2 in the context of Local Cosmology and Relativistic Astrometry | INAF - OATo | Italy | Mariateresa Crosta, Mario Gilberto Lattanzi | |
2021 | Siltala, Lauri | Asteroid Mass Estimation with Markov-Chain Monte Carlo | University of Helsinki | Finland | Mikael Granvik, Karri Muinonen | |
2020 | Cornu, David | Modeling the 3D Milky Way using Machine Learning with Gaia and infrared surveys | Institut UTINAM, Observatoire de Besançon | France | Annie Robin, Julien Montillaud | |
2021 | Martikainen, Julia | Asteroid and meteorite compositional studies by modeling light scattering | University of Helsinki | Finland | Prof. Karri Muinonen and Dr. Antti Penttilä | |
2021 | Chrobáková, žofia | Revealing the outer Galactic disc with Gaia DR2 | Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias / Universidad de la Laguna | Spain | Dr. Martín López-Corredoira | |
2019 | Hottier, Clément | 3D distribution of stars and dusts in the Milky Way disks | Observatoire de Paris | France | C. Babusiaux, F. Arenou | |
2021 | Breuval, Louise | The Cepheid Distance Scale: from the Gaia Local Calibration to Distant Galaxies | LESIA, Paris Observatory | France | Pierre Kervella | |
2021 | Godoy-Rivera, Diego | Exploring Gyrochronology with Precise Stellar Characterization (paper 1, paper 2, paper 3) |
USA | Marc H. Pinsonneault | |
2021 | Cullinane, Lara | The Structure and Kinematics of the Magellanic Stellar Periphery | The Australian National University | Australia | Dougal Mackey, Gary Da Costa | |
2021 | Bennett, Morgan | Vertical Oscillations in the Solar Neighbourhood and the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy | University of Toronto | Canada | Jo Bovy | |
2022 | Guo, Difeng | A Gaia Census of Young Moving Groups in the Solar Neigborhood | Anthon Pannekoek Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Amsterdam | Netherlands | Lex Kaper, Anthony Brown | |
2020 | Zhihong, He | Searching for Open Clusters in Gaia DR2 and Study of Galactic Spiral Structure | University of Science and Technology of China | China | Ye Xu | |
2022 | Viscasillas Vázquez, Carlos | Chemical abundances of neutron capture elements in the Milky Way | Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy (ITPA) - Vilnius University | Lithuania | Gražina Tautvaišienė | |
2022 | Merc, Jaroslav | Multi-frequency research of symbiotic binaries | Charles University in Prague / P. J. Šafárik University in Košice | Czech Republic / Slovakia | Marek Wolf, Rudolf Gális | |
2021 | Tarricq, Yoan | Revisiting the memberships, structural parameters and kinematics of stellar clusters in the Milky Way | Laboratoire d'astrophysique de Bordeaux | France | Caroline Soubiran & Laia Casamiquela | 2021PhDT........12T |
2022 | Reino, Stella | Galactic substructures as tracers of dark matter and stellar evolution | Leiden Observatory | Netherlands | Koen Kuijken, Elena Rossi, Robyn Sanderson | |
2022 | Ding, Hao | Enhancing the use of Galactic neutron stars as physical laboratories with precise astrometry | Swinburne University of Technology | Australia | Adam Deller, Ryan Shannon, Matthew Bailes | |
2022 | Mikkola, Daniel | Stellar kinematics in surveys and simulations | Lund Observatory | Sweden | David Hobbs, Paul McMillan | |
2022 | Leclerc, Aurélia | Les binaires et exoplanètes vues par Hipparcos et Gaia | Institut de Planétologie et d'Astrophysique de Grenoble | France | Carine Babusiaux | |
2022 | Rybicki, Krzysztof A. | Astrometric microlensing and its astrophysical applications in the era of new generation space satellites | Warsaw University Astronomical Observatory | Poland | Łukasz Wyrzykowski | |
2023 | Chornay, Nicholas | Probing Late Stages of Stellar Evolution with Gaia-selected Planetary Nebulae | University of Cambridge | United Kingdom | Nicholas Walton | |
2023 | Cifuentes, Carlos | Astrophysical parameters of M dwarfs with exoplanets | Centro de Astrobiología (CAB, CSIC-INTA) | Spain | Dr. José A. Caballero, Dr. Jorge Sanz Forcada | 2023PhDT.........1C |
2022 | Vitral, Eduardo | Galaxy Dancers: A dynamical study of globular star clusters | Institut d'astrophysique de Paris (Sorbonne Université) | France | Gary Mamon | 2022PhDT.........3V |
2023 | Saad, Ahmed | An investigation of the radiation damage experienced by the CCDs on the Gaia focal plane | The Open University | United Kingdom | Dr. David Hall | |
2023 | Hunt, Emily | Improving the census of open clusters in the Milky Way with data from Gaia | LSW, Center for Astronomy of Heidelberg University | Germany | Sabine Reffert | |
2023 | Quintana Isasi, Alexis | The dynamics of star formation in the local Milky Way as traced by OB associations | Keele University | United Kingdom | Nicholas J. Wright, Robin Jeffries | |
2023 | Ripoche, Paul | Studies of evolved stellar populations: from giants to remnants | University of British Columbia | Canada | Jeremy Heyl | |
2023 | Contursi, Gabriele | Production of s-elements in the Milky Way: constraints from spectroscopic ground and space-based surveys |
Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur | France | Patrick de Laverny | |
2019 | Buder, Sven |
Spectroscopic Analysis and Chemodynamic Exploration of the Milky Way with Million-Star Surveys |
Max Planck Institute for Astronomy and Heidelberg University | Germany | Karin Lind, Melissa Ness | 2019PhDT.......172B |
2019 | Khanna, Shourya | The GALAH and GAIA surveys: the response of the Galactic disk to non-equilibrium features | University of Sydney | Australia | Joss Bland-Hawthorn, Sanjib Sharma | |
2023 | Patil, Aarya | Order in Chaos: Decoding the Age-Metallicity Structure of the Milky Way disk | University of Toronto | Canada | Jo Bovy, Gwendolyn Eadie | |
2024 | Jiménez-Arranz, Óscar | Dynamical characterisation of the Magellanic Clouds with Gaia data and the KRATOS simulations | Institut de Ciències del Cosmos - Universitat de Barcelona | Spain | Mercè Romero-Gómez, Xavier Luri | |
2010 | Gomez, Facundo | Milky Way archaeology and the dynamical signatures of mergers | University of Groningen | Netherlands | Amina Helmi | 2010PhDT.......255G |
2000 | Helmi, Amina | The formation of the Galactic halo | Leiden University | Netherlands | Tim de Zeeuw and Simon White | 2000PhDT.......102H |
2017 | Hao, Tian | Hide and Seek in the Halo of the Milky Way: Substructure recovery | University of Groningen | Netherlands | Amina Helmi | 2017PhDT.......148T |
2020 | Hagen, Jorrit | Galactic dynamics in the era of Gaia | University of Groningen | Netherlands | Amina Helmi | 2020PhDT........10H |
2020 | Koppelman, Helmer | The Galactic halo: formation history and dynamics | University of Groningen | Netherlands | Amina Helmi | |
2024 | Delgado-Ureña, Héctor E. | Hierarchical Bayesian Models for inference using RR Lyrae as standard candles in the Gaia Era | Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia | Spain | Luis M. Sarro | 2024PhDT.........3D |
2024 | Stoop, Mitchel | The early evolution of young massive clusters; A Gaia study of OB runaways | University of Amsterdam, Anton Pannekoek Institute for Astronomy | Netherlands | Lex Kaper, Alex de Koter | |
2023 | Chan, Victor | Wrestling with Cosmic Scales | University of Toronto | Canada | Jo Bovy, Renee Hlozek | |
2024 | Leung, Henry | Exploring the Milky Way with Deep Learning | University of Toronto | Canada | Jo Bovy | |
2024 | Starkman, Nathaniel | Charting the Stellar Streams of the Milky Way | University of Toronto | Canada | Jo Bovy | |
2024 | Lane, James | On the Use of Distribution Functions for the Study of the Milky Way Stellar Halo in the Gaia Era | University of Toronto | Canada | Jo Bovy | |
2023 | Kruszyńska, Katarzyna | Search for candidate dark remnants within gravitational microlensing events detected by Gaia Space Mission | Astronomical Observatory, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw | Poland | prof. Łukasz Wyrzykowski | |
2020 | Ferreira, João | A new approach to stellar occultations in the Gaia era | Université Côte d'Azur / Observatoire la Côte d'Azur | France | Paolo Tanga | |
2019 | Notsu, Yuta | Observational studies on solar-type superflare stars | Kyoto University | Japan | Kazunari Shibata | |
2024 | Raja, Mudasir | Star clusters in the Gaia era | Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad | India | Priya Shah Hasan | |
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