Programme - Hera Community Workshop
Session 1: Overview (I. Carnelli, P. Martino)
9:30 Welcome to MfN (K. Wünnemann) (PDF)
9:45 Hera project status and programmatic context (I. Carnelli)(PDF)
9:55 Hera baseline mission scenario and spacecraft design (P. Martino)(PDF)
10:10 DART and LICIA status update (A. Cheng)(PDF)
10:25 Hera bonus science (P. Michel)(PDF)
10:40 Coffee break
Session 2: Hera team organisation and status and plans of working groups (P. Michel)
11:00 Hera team organisation and scope (M. Küppers)(PDF)
11:10 WG 1 "Impact simulations" results and future plans (K. Wünnemann, M. Jutzi, S. Raducan)(PDF)
11:20 WG 2 "Ground-based observations" results (P. Scheirich)(PDF) and future plans (J. de Leon)(PDF)
11:30 WG 3 " Dynamics" results and future plans (M. Tsiganis)(PDF)
11:40 WG 4 "Close-proximity operations" status and future plans (S. Ulamec, C. Güttler)(PDF)
11:50 WG 5 "Data analysis, exploitation and interpretation" status and future plans (J.-B. Vincent)(PDF)
12:00 Open discussion (P. Michel, J.-B. Vincent, all):
- Changes/updates in team organisation, WGs
Measurement/analyses workflow, establishing a mission campaign simulator concept
Session 3: Asteroid target flyby selection (A. Fitzsimmons)
12:30 Criteria for flyby target selection (S. Green, repr. P. Pravec)(PDF)
12:40 Discussion about flyby targets (A. Fitzsimmons, all)(PDF)
13:00 Lunch
Session 4: Hera mission objectives and baseline payload (M. Küppers, A. Cheng)
14:00 Hera primary mission objectives (L1) and list of baseline payload (M. Küppers)(PDF)
14:15 On the shoulders of DAWN and Rosetta: operation of the Asteroid Framing Camera (C. Güttler et al.)(PDF)
14:25 Impact at Didymoon: what can we learn from imaging? (J. Deller et al.)(PDF)
14:30 PALT: Overview and contribution to mission objectives (P. Gordo)(PDF)
14:40 HYPTIRA - a VNIR hyperspectral and TIR imager (J. Blommaert)
14:50 The APEX cubesat (J.-E. Wahlund, T. Kohout)(PDF)
15:00 The Juventas cubesat (Ö. Karatekin, H. Goldberg)(PDF)
15:10 Radio Science Investigations at Didymos incl. bistatic radar (P. Tortora, A. Herique)(PDF)
15:20 Coffee Break
Session 5: Hera bonus science (S. Green)
15:50 AIDA impact characterisation on the experience of DAWN-FC at Vesta & Ceres (A. Nathues)(PDF)
16:00 Constraints on Didymos Compaction and Cratering (G. Parisi)
16:10 Using Cubesat bouncing for investigating mechanical surface properties (U. Auster)(PDF)
16:20 Mechanical and magnetic properties of micron-sized asteroid regolith from the study of Itokawa samples (J.-M. Trigo-Rodriguez)(PDF)
16:30 Rotational mass lofting on near-Earth asteroid (1917) Cuyo (B. Rozitis)(PDF)
16:40 Observational possibilities in the middle infrared spectral region (A. Kereszturi)(PDF)
16:50 Bistatic radar investigation of Didymos (A. Herique, P. Tortora)(PDF)
17:00 Discussion: Priorities of bonus science and translation of science needs into requirements (S. Green, all)(PDF)
Splinter meetings (details below)
18:30 Evening reception (at the museum)
09:00 Keynote speech (F. Ongaro)
09:10 The German Industrial Association (BDI) view on asteroid mining: Hera relevance (M. Wachter)
09:20 Mascot mission highlights (T. Ho)
Session 6: High-TRL payload opportunities (M. Küppers)
09:30 Hyperspectral data: from the heritage to the future perspective (A. Miglironi)(PDF)
09:40 Spectral imaging for science and navigation (M. Esposito)
09:50 VISTA: a thermogravimeter to measure dust and volatile from Dydimos (F. Dirri)(PDF)
10:00 Microreflectors for Asteroids and Comets: Options for Hera (M. Muccino)(PDF)
10:10 The DISCUS Radar and its deployable Antenna (P. Bambach)
10:20 Geophysical exploration of asteroids with a surface science package (N. Murdoch)(PDF)
10:30 BIRDY CubeSat concept for proximity probing interior (D. Hestroffer)(PDF)
10:40 Potential utilisation of a CubeSat scale Spacecraft-on-Demand system for bonus science opportunities identified pre- and post-launch (M. Johnson)(PDF)
10:50 High TRL Telescope for Hera Cubesat (M. Moreno Ibáñez)
11:00 Dust monitoring around and on Dydimos by the NepHera instrument suite (G. Dolgos)
11:10 Coffee break
Session 7 Technology opportunities and industrial applications (P. Martino, J. Gil)
11:40 Space qualified miniaturised CMOS camera for spacecraft monitoring and navigation (W. Mouallem)(PDF)
11:50 Close encounter characterisation and deflection design for planetary protection and defence (C. Colombo)(PDF)
11:10 Nano-satellite Proximity Operations Missions and Flight Heritage: Tyvak perspective towards HERA Mission (F. Nichele)
12:10 Hera spacecraft autonomy (M. Graciano, A. Pellicani)(PDF)
12:25 Lunch
Session 8: Closing session (M. Küppers, P. Michel, S. Green, A. Fitzsimmons)
13:30 Upcoming meetings / planning (I. Carnelli, M. Küppers)
14:30 Discussion on small body community coordination and promotion of Hera (all)
14:45 General discussion (M. Küppers, P. Michel, all):
- National representatives from the scientific community
- Anything to be added (payload, constraints)?
- Ideas and suggestions by the community
Coffee available throughout discussion
16:00 End of meeting
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