Herschel Users' Group - Herschel
Herschel Users' Group
The Herschel Users' Group was set up in the spring of 2010. It is an independent advisory group directly representing the Herschel user community. The HUG will provide a forum for (potential) general users of Herschel to provide input to the operations of the observatory as an astronomical facility on various matters affecting its scientific productivity and user friendliness. The HUG directly interfaces with the Herschel Project Scientist as described in its Terms of Reference.
The HUG was formed in 2010 as a group of eight people drawn from the KP user community. The HUG#1 meeting was conducted by the these eight members. In early 2011 the group was extended to its full complement of twelve people, by adding four members drawn from the OT1 community to the original eight members. In this form the HUG conducted the HUG#2-4 meetings.
The HUG members were always foreseen to serve for about 2 years, and be replaced. In the course of 2012 four members have been replaced. At the time of the HUG#5 meeting, four had left the group while three new had been recruited, with one more to come. All four are now in place. The current HUG members are:
- Dimitra Rigopoulou, U Oxford & RAL-STFC, UK (Chair)
- Mike Barlow, University College London, UK
- Leen Decin, KU Leuven, B
- David Elbaz, CEA, Saclay, F
- Edith Falgarone, École Normale Supérieure & Paris Observatory, F
- Paul Hartogh, MPIfS, Katlenburg-Lindau, D
- Leslie Hunt, Arcetri Observatory, I
- Margaret Meixner, Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, USA
- Alberto Noriega-Crespo, Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, USA
- Carsten Kramer, IRAM, Granada, E
- Gordon Stacey, U Cornell, USA
- Axel Weiss, MPIfR, Bonn, D
The HUG had several interactions including a telecon on 24 June 2010 in order to prepare for the first meeting which took place on 20-21 October 2010 in Cambridge. Below a listing of held and planned meetings and associated presentations and minutes in inverse time order.
HUG#10, held on 30-31 May 2016, ESAC.
- HUG#10 minutes
- Herschel POP/LSP Science (Exploitation) Drivers, Göran Pilbratt, Herschel Project Scientist
- Herschel POP Overview & Managerial Aspects, Pedro García-Lario, Herschel Mission Manager & Head of HSC
- Herschel Legacy - Herschel Science Archive, Eva Verdugo, Herschel Archive Scientist
- Herschel Legacy - Data Processing, Jorgo Bakker, Herschel DP Team Lead
- Herschel Legacy - HCSS Software User Perspective, Daniela Coia, Herschel Legacy SW Taskforce Lead
- Herschel Legacy - Calibration, David Teyssier, HSC Instrument & Calibration Scientist Team Lead
- Herschel Legacy - Data Products, David Teyssier, HSC Instrument & Calibration Scientist Team Lead
- Herschel Legacy - Documentation, Mark Kidger, Herschel Legacy Documentation Lead
- ESASky, Bruno Merín, ESASky Astronomy Archives Scientist
HUG#9, held on 18-19 June 2015, ESAC.
- HUG#9 minutes
- Herschel Status, Göran Pilbratt, Herschel Project Scientist
- Herschel Post-Operations Status, Pedro García-Lario, Herschel Mission Manager & Head of HSC
- Herschel Science Archive, Eva Verdugo, Herschel Archive Scientist
- Data processing user feedback, Bruno Merín, Herschel Data Processing Users' Group Chair
- Calibration, Anthony Marston, HSC Instrument & Calibration Scientist Team Lead
HUG#8, held on 22-23 May 2014, ESAC.
- HUG#8 minutes
- HUG questionnaire 2014 final report
- Herschel Status & Vision, Göran Pilbratt, Herschel Project Scientist
- Herschel Science Archive, Eva Verdugo, Herschel Archive Scientist
- Data processing/HIPE, Jorgo Bakker, Herschel Data Processing Manager
- Calibration Update, Anthony Marston, HSC Instrument & Calibration Scientist Team Lead
- HSC Post-Operations Status, Pedro García-Lario, Head of HSC & Community Support Group Lead
HUG#7, held on 14 October 2013, ESTEC.
- HUG#7 minutes
- Herschel status and HUG#6 feedback, Göran Pilbratt, Herschel Project Scientist
HUG#6, held on 8-9 April 2013, ESAC.
- HUG#6 minutes
- Herschel status, Göran Pilbratt, Herschel Project Scientist
- Post-operations readiness, Leo Metcalfe, Herschel Mission Manager
- Community support, Pedro García-Lario, HSC Community Support Group Lead
- Calibration report, Anthony Marston, HSC Instrument & Calibration Scientist Team Lead
- Users' feedback in data processing, Bruno Merín, Herschel Data Processing Users' Group Chair
- Data processing/HIPE status and plans, Stephan Ott, Herschel Data Processing Development Manager & Coordinator
HUG#5, held on 6-7 September 2012, ESAC.
- HUG#5 minutes
- HUG questionnaire final report
- Herschel status, Göran Pilbratt, Herschel Project Scientist
- Special session on Post-Operations Phase planning:
- HSC in Post-Operations Phase, Leo Metcalfe, Herschel Mission Manager
- PACS in Post-Operations Phase, Bart Vandenbussche, PACS ICC
- SPIRE in Post-Operations Phase, Tanya Lim, SPIRE ICC
- HIFI in Post-Operations Phasei, Russell Shipman, HIFI ICC
- NHSC in Post-Operations Phase, Phil Appleton, NHSC Project Scientist & Team Lead
- Data processing status and plans, Stephan Ott, Herschel Data Processing Development Manager & Coordinator
- Users' feedback in data processing, Bruno Merín, Herschel Data Processing Users' Group Chair
- Community support, Pedro García-Lario, HSC Community Support Group Lead
- Calibration report, Anthony Marston, HSC Instrument & Calibration Scientist Team Lead
HUG#4, held on 15-16 December 2011, ESAC
- HUG#4 minutes
- Herschel status, Göran Pilbratt, Herschel Project Scientist
- Community support, Pedro García-Lario, HSC Community Support Group Lead
- Calibration report, Anthony Marston, HSC Instrument & Calibration Scientist Team Lead
- Users' feedback in data processing, Bruno Merín, Herschel Data Processing Users' Group Chair
- Data processing/HIPE status and plans, Stephan Ott, Herschel Data Processing Development Manager & Coordinator
HUG#3, held on 3-4 May 2011, ESAC
- HUG#3 minutes
- Herschel status, Göran Pilbratt, Herschel Project Scientist
- Community support, Pedro García-Lario, HSC Community Support Group Lead
- Calibration report, Anthony Marston, HSC Instrument & Calibration Scientist Team Lead
- Users' feedback in data processing, Bruno Merín, Herschel Data Processing Users' Group Chair
- Data processing/HIPE status and plans, Stephan Ott, Herschel Data Processing Development Manager & Coordinator
HUG#2, held on 23-24 February 2011, ESAC
- HUG#2 minutes
- Herschel status, Göran Pilbratt, Herschel Project Scientist
- Community support, Pedro García-Lario, HSC Community Support Group Lead
- Data processing status and plans, Stephan Ott, Herschel Data Processing Development Manager & Coordinator
- Users' feedback in data processing, Bruno Merín, Herschel Data Processing Users' Group Chair
- Calibration report, Anthony Marston, HSC Instrument & Calibration Scientist Team Lead
- PACS photometry on extended sources, Bruno Altieri, HSC PACS Instrument & Calibration Scientist
HUG#1, held on 20-21 October 2010, Cambridge
- HUG#1 minutes
- Herschel status, Göran Pilbratt, Herschel Project Scientist
- Removed a total of (2) align=center.
- Converted a total of (5) center to div.