Herschel Observation Planning workshop ESAC, Spain, 20-21 September 2007 - Herschel
Herschel Observation Planning workshop
ESAC, Spain, 20-21 September 2007

Workshop generalities
- Final Agenda (PDF 18kb)
- List of participants (PDF 11kb)
- Herschel Mission and Observing Opportunities (G. Pilbratt) (PDF 13Mb)
- Community Support at the Herschel Science Centre (P. García-Lario) (PDF 686Kb)
- An Introduction to HSpot (M. Kidger) (PDF 112Kb)
- The HIFI Instrument, it's Observing Modes and AOTs (T. Marston) (PDF 2.4Mb)
- PACS Observing strategy (B. Altieri & R. Vavrek) (PDF 4.3Mb)
- SPIRE Observing strategies (I. Valtchanov) (PDF 1.4Mb)
- SPIRE/PACS Parallel Mode (R. Vavrek & S. Leeks (PDF 2.9Mb)
- The Proposal submission cycle: Policies and Procedures (P. García-Lario) (PDF 597Kb)
- HIFI Science driven cases (D. Teyssier & T. Marston) (PDF 822Kb)
- Converted a total of (1) center to div.