DISR Team Publications


Titan: evidence for seasonal change-a comparison of Hubble Space Telescope and Voyager images, Caldwell,-J.; Cunningham,-C.-C.; Anthony,-D.; White,-H.-P.; Groth,-E.-J.; Hasan,-H.; Noll,-K.; Smith,-P.-H.; Tomasko,-M.-G.; Weaver,-H.-A. , Icarus-. May 1992; 97(1): 1-9


The Descent Imager/Spectral Radiometer (DISR) instrument aboard the Huygens Probe of Titan Tomasko, M.G., Doose, L.R., Smith, P.H., Fellows, C., Rizk, B., See, C., Bushroe, M., McFarlane, E., Wegryn, E., Frans, E., Clark, R., Prout, M., and Clapp, S. , SPIE Proceedings Series, Vol. 2803, p. 64 - 74, 1996.


The Descent Imager/Spectral Radiometer (DISR) aboard Huygens. M. G. Toamsko et al. In A. Wilson, editor, Huygens -- Science, Payload and Mission , volume SP-1177. 1997.


Private life of an integrating sphere: the radiant homogeneity of the Descent Imager-Spectral Radiometer calibration sphere Rizk,-B. Applied-Optics. 1 May 2001; 40(13): 2095-101


The Descent Imager/Spectral Radiometer (DISR) instrument aboard the Huygens Probe of Titan, M. G. Tomasko, D. Buchhauser, M. Bushroe, L. E. Dafoe, L. R. Doose, A. Eibl , C. Fellows,. E. McFarlane, G. M. Prout, M. J. Pringle, B. Rizk, C. See, P. H. Smith and K. Tsetsenekos. Space Science Reviews 104: 469-551, 2002


Titan Zonal Wind Corroboration via the Huygens DISR Solar Zenith Angle Measurement , Michael Allison, David H. Atkinson, Michael K. Bird, Martin G. Tomasko , ESA SP-544, pp. 125-130