Checklist for the proposal


The proposal text must contain at least the following three items:

  • the scientific case;
  • the observation strategy;
  • a demonstration of the feasibility of the observations.


The proposal should be checked against the following questions:

  • Is your science justification not more than 5 pages?
  • Is the font size larger than 10 points?
  • Does the science justification contain the mandatory three sections mentioned above? Do you have a special justification if requesting more than 1 Ms?
  • Can your programme only be done with (new) INTEGRAL observations? Can't it be done using archival data?
  • Have you filled in the Observations Details Panel for all observations of every source?
  • If your observation has any scheduling constraints, have you marked it as Fixed Time, and have you provided the details in the PGT form?
  • If you propose for a ToO, have you provided the trigger criteria (flux levels, energy range, instrument) and a strategy how to observe it (e.g., one observation using the total time, or several observations distributed over a period of specified time)?
  • If your proposal is for GRB or other fast transient phenomena data, have you supplied the trigger criteria and the time interval of the data you request?
  • If you are not using the standard rectangular (5x5) dither, have you justified the use of any other pattern?
  • Could your programme benefit from joint INTEGRAL/XMM-Newton, INTEGRAL-NuSTAR, and/or INTEGRAL/Swift observations? If so, have you selected one of them from the drop-down list in the Proposal Details panel in PGT?
  • If you want to obtain data rights on certain sources in the FOV, did you list the sources in the PGT form?
  • If you want your data to become public immediately, did you renounce the data rights in PGT?
  • Remember that it is not possible to propose for observing nearby SNe.
  • It is also not possible to propose for time bound by Memoranda of Understanding or Letters of Intent.
  • Finally, have you checked the latest news on the ISOC web page (
  • And have you read the entire AO documentation package and are you aware of the most recent updates for this AO?