Source Grouping Tool (SGT)


This tool serves to determine an efficient grouping for a set of coordinates, given a maximum angular separation from a source to the corresponding group's centroid. It has been developed to provide the means of going from a list of individual sources to a list of observations giving optimal coverage.

Installation Instructions

  • Click the link to download SourceGroupingTool.tgz
  • Decompress the file. From the command line:
       tar -xzvf SourceGroupingTool.tgz
  • This will create a new folder SourceGroupingTool containing a jar (Java ARchive) file

Running the tool

  • On most systems a double click on SourceGroupingTool-2.0.jar within the folder should launch the tool.
  • From the command line:
       java -Xmx512M -jar SourceGroupingTool-2.0.jar
  • See the Help tab for instructions on how to run the tool.