The INTEGRAL Users Group (IUG) Tasks


The tasks of the INTEGRAL Users Group (IUG) are to:

  1. Advise the Project Scientist on all matters relevant to maximising the scientific return of INTEGRAL within the boundary conditions.
  2. Advise the Project Scientist on how to ensure that the INTEGRAL legacy observatory products satisfy the objectives of the scientific community at large.
  3. Act as a focus for the interests of the scientific community in INTEGRAL and act as an advocate for INTEGRAL within that community.
  4. Maintain contact with the wider scientific community on matters specific to the creation of the INTEGRAL Science Legacy Archive (ISLA) and to provide a route on the ISLA development.


The following applies:

  • The IUG shall meet approximately twice a year.
  • In all cases where the Mission Manager judges that the recommendations made by the IUG violate the resources available, or if the ESA management otherwise disagrees, the recommendation will be taken to higher ESA management for a final decision. At that point, the chairperson of IUG will also be invited to provide their input. It is, however, envisaged that these cases will be exceptional.

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