Background Articles - ISO
These articles give an overview of the mission, operations, the four scientific instruments and some of the science results. Most of the articles presented below were published in the ESA Bulletin.
Post-mission articles:
- ISO and Asteroids (T.G. Müller & L. Metcalfe)
- ISO and Cosmic Water (A. Salama & M. Kessler)
- Extragalactic Results from the Infrared Space Observatory (R. Genzel and C. Cesarsky)
- ISO's Astronomical Harvest Continues (M.F. Kessler, A. Heske, L. Metcalfe, T. Prusti & A. Salama)
- The ISO Data Archive (C. Arviset & T. Prusti)
- Looking Back at ISO Operations (M. Kessler, J. Clavel, J. Faelker)
In-flight articles:
- The First Results from ISO (M. F. Kessler)
- The ISO Ground Segment at Villafranca (P. Maldari, J. Riedinger & P. Estaria)
- The Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) Mission (M. F. Kessler, J. A. Steinz. et al.)
- ISOCAM in flight (C. J. Cesarsky et al.)
- The ISO-LWS spectrometer (Clegg. P. et al.)
- Observing with the ISO SWS (de Graauw Th. et al.)
- ISOPHOT: Capabilities and performance (Lemke, D. et al.)
Pre-launch articles:
- Using ISO (M. F. Kessler)
- The ISO Mission - A scientific overview (M. F. Kessler, A. Heske, L. Metcalfe & A. Salama)
- The ISO Spacecraft (S. Ximenez de Ferran)
- The ISO Scientific Instruments - Technical Highlights (H. Eggel, H. Schaap & G. Bagnasco)
- The ISO Programme (J. Steinz & A. Linssen)
- ISO INFO (Edited by K. Leech)