Press Releases & Information Notes - ISO
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Infrared Space Observatory
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- [ISO provides the first view of monstrous stars being born] 20 April 2006, ESA Portal News.
- [From galaxy collisions to star birth: ISO finds the missing link] 29 March 2005, ESA Portal News.
- [La Estación Española de Seguimiento de Satélites de la ESA celebra sus 25 años] 25 November 2003, ESA Portal - National News - Spain.
- [The infrared explorers] & [Why infrared astronomy is a hot topic ?] 11 September 2003, ESA Science Web Note.
- [Encuentros de otro tipo] 04 September 2003, ESA Portal - National News - Spain.
- [Golden legacy for ESA's observatory] - [Un legado de oro para un Observatorio de la ESA], 22 July 2003, ESA Press Release.
- [Looking for life of any shape or form], 01 May 2003, ESA Science Web Note.
- [Space infrared astronomy comes of age], 16 April 2003, ESA Science Web Note.
- [Todo el Universo infrarrojo en Internet], 11 July 2002, ESA Portal - National News - Spain.
- [New study reveals twice as many asteroids as previously believed], 05 April 2002, ESA Science Web Note.
- [When did liquid water fill the planets? Maybe not as early as was thought...], 17 January 2002, ESA Science Web Note.
- [Is it a star? Is it a planet? ISO may have discovered the true nature of brown dwarfs], 14 November 2001, ESA Science Web Note.
- [A game reserve for brown-dwarf hunters - ISO finds 30 'failed stars' in nearby stellar nursery], 25 October 2001, ESA Science Photo Release.
- [Toxic compound in space signals starbirth], 10 October 2001, ESA Science Web Note.
- [Cold comfort for newborn stars - ISO unmasks the icy veil around the Eagle's fiery heart ], 07 September 2001, ESA Science Web Note.
- [ISO proves astronomers have been fooled by an 'optical illusion'], 22 May 2001, ESA Science Web Note.
- [ISO provides first measurements of cold water in the Milky Way], 11 April 2001, ESA Science Web Note.
- [The other ISO legacy: a pioneering infrared space telescope passes on its expertise to its successors], 20 February 2001, ESA Science Web Note.
- [ISO detects benzene in space] - [ISO detecta Benceno en el espacio], 22 January 2001, ESA Science Web Note.
- [ISO finds the 'missing ingredient' to make Jupiter-like planets], 4 January 2001, ESA Science Web Note.
- [ESA celebrates the discovery of infrared light] - [La Agencia Europea del Espacio (ESA) celebra el descubrimiento del infrarrojo], 6 December 2000, ESA Science Web Note.
- [Astronomers explore the Internet in search of 'stored-up' discoveries - ESA's ISO Archive celebrates its 1000th user], 25 October 2000, ESA Science Web Note.
- [ISO detects a new molecule in interstellar space], 11 July 2000, ESA Science Web Note.
- [ISO shows what's in the centre of our Galaxy: 100 000 stars seen for the first time], 13 June 2000, ESA Information Note.
- [ISO measures temperature variations of the surface of Pluto], 29 May 2000, ESA Science Web Note.
- [Intensive observing campaign in Spain to follow up ISO discoveries], 24 May 2000, ESA Science Web Note.
- [ISO measures possible planetary system in formation], 27 April 2000, ESA Science Web Note.
- [How the search for water in space can help to find and preserve the water on Earth ], 21 March 2000, ESA Science Web Note.
- [The crystalline revolution: ISO's finding opens a new research field, 'astro-mineralogy'], 4 February 2000, ESA Information Note.
- [ISO results in space chemistry to be presented in Madrid on 4 February], 31 January 2000, ESA Science Web Note.
- [ISO finds the precursors of the complex organic molecules in space], 20 January 2000, ESA Science Web Note.
- [Complex organic molecules form quickly in old stars], 17 January 2000, ESA Science Web Note.
- [Eta Carinae' - ISO tells the true story] 3 December 1999, ESA Science Web Note.
- [ISO sees the golden age of galaxy formation], 4 November 1999, ESA Information Note.
- [Planets, planets everywhere], 30 September 1999, ESA Information Note.
- [Another ice-making machine in the Solar System ? ], 29 September 1999, ESA Science Web Note.
- [ISO detects signal from dark matter in a galaxy similar to the Milky Way], 17 August 1999, ESA Science Web Note.
- [Eclipse Riders in the Sky], 13 August 1999, ESA Science Web Note.
- [Irish ESA astronomer will chase the eclipse in a plane from Dublin], 3 August 1999, ESA Science Web Note.
- [Key mechanism for star formation found?], 2 June 1999, ESA Science Web Note.
- [From Near Earth Asteroids to water on Mars - astronomers review latest ISO results], 11 May 1999, ESA Science Web Note.
- [ISO: in from the cold], 3 May 1999, extracted from the ESA Brochure BR-147: Success story - 30 discoveries from ESA's science missions in space.
- [Astronomers debate diamonds in space], 23 April 1999, ESA Information Note.
- [ISO confirms that the normal matter in the universe is not enough to cause a 'Big Crunch'], 5 March 1999, ESA Information Note.
- [ISO opens its goldmine of data to all scientists], 28 February 1999, ESA Science Web Note
- [Asteroid named after ESA astronomer, as a reward for his discoveries], 17 February 1999, ESA Information Note.
- [ISO unveils a violent early universe], 28 October 1998, ESA Science Web Note.
- [ISO establishes that half of all young stars have protoplanetary discs], 23 October 1998, ESA Science Web Note.
- ['Chained' star-formation in the Trifid nebula: ISO catches a star in the act of reproduction], 21 October 1998, ESA Science Web Note.
- [Iso detects benzene in Saturn and explains the origin of water in giant planets], 20 October 1998, ESA Science Web Note.
- [The Universe as seen by ISO], 15 October 1998, ESA Information Note.
- [ISO unveils the hidden rings of Andromeda], 14 October 1998, ESA Science Web Note.
- [ISO detects first-known infrared-bright gravitational arcs], 14 October 1998, ESA Science Web Note.
- [ISO sees a ring of organic matter surrounding a star], 14 October 1998, ESA Science Web Note.
- [ISO sees the pattern in the cosmic wallpaper], 23 July 1998, ESA Information Note.
- [ESA switches its infrared space telescope off and will clean its orbit], 18 May 1998, ESA Information Note.
- [ISO finds a very steamy cloud in interstellar space], 10 April 1998, ESA Information Note.
- [ISO completes its observations of the Universe by infrared light], 9 April 1998, ESA Information Note.
- [New water and remote galaxies complete ISO's observations], 7 April 1998, ESA Information Note.
- [Latest astronomical results from ISO: Press briefing in London], 26 March 1998, ESA Press Release.
- [European astronomers discover planet formation around dying star], 26 February 1998, ESA Information Note.
- [ISO proves that intergalactic space is dusty], 6 November 1997, ESA Information Note.
- [ISO illuminates our cosmic ancestry], 14 August 1997, ESA Information Note.
- [Astronomers Discover Fluoride Molecules in Interstellar Space], 12 August 1997, ESA Press Release.
- [ISO celebrates its prolonged life with a video of Jupiter], 22 July 1997, ESA Information Note.
- [ESA is now a major player in global space science], 16 June 1997, ESA Information Note.
- [Europe's space telescope ISO finds water in distant places], 29 April 1997, ESA Information Note.
- [The gemstone connection: ISO links comets to stars and Earth's origin], 28 March 1997, ESA Information Note.
- [ISO's analysis of Comet Hale-Bopp], 14 March 1997, ESA Information Note.
- [Enthusiasm for Europe's space telescope ISO], 28 November 1996, ESA Information Note.
- [Cosmic water traced by Europe's space telescope ISO], 12 June 1996, ESA Information Note.
- [Europe's new space telescope unmasks colliding galaxies], 14 February 1996, ESA Press Release.
- [ISO's first light], 6 December 1995, ESA Press Release.
- [ISO opens its eyes], 27 November 1995, ESA Press Release.
- [ISO approaches operational orbit], 21 November 1995, ESA Press Release.
- [ISO successfully launched],17 November 1995, ESA Press Release.
- [ISO, ESA's explorer of the Unknown], 3 November 1995, ESA Press Release.
- [ISO, unique explorer of the invisible cool universe], 7 October 1995, ESA Information Note.
Non ESA Publications
- Science, Vol 275, Number 5308 (March 28 1997) [The Spectrum of Comet Hale-Bopp at 2.9 Astronomical Units from the Sun, J. Crovisier et al. (summary)]
- MPG/ISO Press Release (6 December 1996) [Europe's space telescope ISO reveals the energy source of luminous galaxies]
- "INFRARED ASTRONOMY", Gerry Gilmore, Nature, 384, 211-212 (1996)
- ISO Hubble Deep Field Project (November 1996) [ISO sees galaxies in process of making their heavy elements]
- ISOCAM Press Release (14 June 1996) [The Earth's Closest Star Nursery]
- LWS Press Release (12 June 1996) [Saturnine Remains of the Big Bang]
- LWS Press Release (12 June 1996) [Astronomers discover water in Space]
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