Programme - JUICE SWT Meeting
Monday 18 November |
Tuesday 19 November |
Wednesday 20 November |
Thursday 21 November |
Friday 22 November |
Morning |
Science splinters WG1 / WG4 |
SWT plenary
SOWG splinter |
PEP team meeting |
Lunch break | From 13:00 (ESOC canteen) | From 13:00 (ESOC canteen) |
From 13:00 (Foyer, in front of the Conference center) |
From 13:00 (Foyer, in front of the Conference center) | From 12:00 (ESOC canteen) |
Afternoon |
Science splinters WG2 / WG3
EMC splinter/ Cartography WG |
SWT plenary
DHAWG splinter / PEP team meeting |
Evening |
JUICE social event |
Monday 18 November 2024 Room: H-I WG3 Splinter [1:30 pm-6pm] |
Chairs: Ronan Modolo and Elias Roussos
Time |
Presentation |
13:30 – 13:55 |
Introduction, WG3 news (WG3 leads, SOC) |
13:55 – 14:10 |
The charging of JUICE in the solar wind (M. Holmberg) |
LEGA Observations |
14:10 – 14:25 |
JMAG Observations (TBC) |
14:25 – 14:40 |
RPWI Observations (J.-E. Wahlund) |
14:40 – 14:55 |
PEP Observations (S. Barabash, P. Brandt) |
14:55 – 15:10 |
RADEM observations (M. Pinto) |
15:10 – 15:30 |
Discussion (e.g. supporting instrument cross-calibration activities) |
15:30 – 16:00 |
Performance/Resource analysis & impact on science planning |
16:00 – 16:15 |
16:15 – 16:30 |
RPWI (J.-E. Wahlund , J. Bergman) |
16:30 – 16:45 |
PEP (S. Barabash, P. Brandt, E. Roussos) |
16:45 – 16:55 |
RADEM (M. Pinto) |
16:55 – 17:05 |
3GM updates on radio occultation analysis (M. Fonsetti) |
Additional WG3 Topics |
17:05 – 17:20 |
Jupiter radiation model update (S. Kotsiaros, O. Witasse): status and anticipated WG3 contributions |
17:20 – 17:35 |
JUICE Mission Data Environment Project for WG3 (O. Witasse) |
17:35 – 17:50 |
Future WG3 meetings, workshops (WG3 leads, all) |
17:50 – 18:00 |
AOB (WG3 leads, all) |
Monday 18 November 2024 Room: H-II WG2 Splinter [2pm-6pm] |
Chairs: Cecilia Tubiana and John Carter
- Welcome [5 min]
- Reports [60 min]:
- Summary of MAJIS WG2 science case (recent SSR paper) [15 min] Federico Tosi
- Kallichore FB science potential: wrap up from instrument teams feedback [10 min] WG2 leads
- Overview of A3 trajectory : major changes recap [20 min] WG2 leads
- On recent results from JWST: what impact on WG2 science planning ? [10 min] Dominique Bocklee-Morvan
- Activities [110 min] :
- Science questions to be addressed in the different parts of the science phase (at the different targets) and the high-level observation plan (types of observations) to answers those questions - 10 min presentation from each instrument [60 min] Instrument teams
- Data volume level-0 analysis for new trajectory A3: kick off [10 min] WG2 leads
- Kick-off on discussion for high level strategy for 16C9 between instruments [40 min] All
- Discussion topics [40 min]:
- On the sharing of tools/software between instrument teams ? [10 min] All
- Open discussion: how to improve interactions within WG2 [15 min] All
- Collaboration opportunities between instruments (PhD/postdoc) ? [5 min] All
- Next steps [10 min] All
- AOB / margin
Tuesday 19 November 2024 Room: H-I WG4 Splinter [9am-1pm] |
Chairs: Vincent Hue and Thibault Cavalie
- Science talks [45 min]
- Observations of the Jupiter Circumpolar Cyclones from Juno (Alessandro Mura) [15 min]
- MIT coupling at Jupiter (Ingo Müller-Wodarg) [15 min]
- The Polar Stratosphere of Jupiter (Vincent Hue) [15 min]
- 10-min Instrument talks: Plans for the polar region, main science questions to be answered by JUICE, potential synergies [50 min]
- JANUS: Luisa Lara or Ricardo Hueso [10 min]
- MAJIS: Davide Grassi (remote) [10 min]
- SWI: Thibault Cavalié [10 min]
- UVS: Pippa Molyneux [10 min]
- 3GM : Eli Galanti [10 min]
- Coffee break [20 min]
- Round Table [1 hr]:
- Summary of key questions
- Synergies between instruments
- Wrap up & action items [30 min]
Tuesday 19 November 2024 Room H-II WG1 Splinter [9am-1pm] |
Chairs: Gabriel Tobie, Tim van Hoolst, Giuseppe Mitri
- General introduction/objectives of the meeting (Gabriel, Giuseppe, Tim) [15min]
- Synergies for tidal/rotation monitoring [45min]
Operational constraints, expected data rate/volume, required inputs from other instruments, scientific synergies for data interpretation, software development
- 3GM: Mauro di Benedetto
- GALA: Alexander Stark (TBC)
- JANUS: Alessio Aboudan
- Synergy for magnetic field interpretation in term of induction and internal sources [45min]
Operational constraints, expected data rate/volume, required inputs from other instruments, scientific synergies in data interpretation, software development …
- JMAG: Hao Cao (TBC)
- PEP: Yoshifumi Futaana
- Coffee Break [15min]
- Synergies for DTM production and Geological interpretation [45min]
Operational constraints, expected data rate/volume, resolution and coverage that could be achieved using Stereo and Shape-from-Shading; Priority targets etc.
- JANUS:Gianluca Chiarolanza
- GALA: Alex Stark (TBC)
- RIME: Lorenzo Bruzzone
- General discussion [1 hr]
- Additional science that could be achieved during GCO200
- Existing software to process the instrument data, software sharing, need for future developments, cross-validation/benchmarks
- Identification of missing expertises to invite new WG1 members
Tuesday 19 November 2024 H-IV, H-V, H-VI EMC working group splinter [2pm-6pm] |
Chair: Sam Verstaen
- Introduction, goal of the EMC working group and of this meeting (Nico Altobelli, Sam Verstaen)
- Recap of the EMC test campaign in April (Sam Verstaen)
- Status of ESA simulations investigating RIME interference (Zoltan Kiss, Marc Pous)
- ESA analysis of LEGA data (Zoltan Kiss, Marc Pous)
- Team reports (PI teams)
- Discussion on possible future tests (All)
Tuesday 19 November 2024 Room: H-I Cartography working group splinter [2pm- 4pm] |
Chairs: A. Stark/ E. Kersten
14:00 – 14:10 Introduction – Alexander Stark
14:10 – 14:45 Spin Orientation of the Galilean Satellites – Marie Yseboodt
14:45 – 15:15 Lunar Reference Frames – Agnes Fienga
15:15 – 16:00 Discussion of future activities and interaction within the task group – All
Wednesday 20 November 2024 H-IV, H-V, H-VI SWT plenary [9:30am-5:30pm] |
Chairs: O. Witasse / C. Vallat
9:30-9:35 Welcome, logistic & introduction (A. Dietz, C. Vallat, O. Witasse)
9:35-13:00 Reports part 1:
- Mission Manager status (N. Altobelli) [15m]
- Flight control team report (I. Tanco/A. Dietz) [30 min]
- Flight Dynamics team report (F. Budnik) [30 min]
- Mission Analysis reports (A. Boutonnet) [25m]
Coffee break [30m]
- SOC report (N. Altobelli) [15m]
- EMC chair report (S. Verstaen) [15m]
- Communication activities report (D. Scuka, O. Witasse) [10m]
- Working group reports (leads) [30m]
- Europa Clipper/JUICE collaboration (O. Witasse, C. Vallat) [10m]
13:00-14:00 Lunch break
14:00-17:30 Reports part 2: Science team reports (mainly LEGA reports, including ‘outgassing’ observations) [~15 min per team + Q&A, 2.5h]
Coffee break [30m]
SWT matters (cruise science, cosmos web page, publications, rules of the road, SciRD update, workshops & conferences, call for guest investigators, etc…), Open discussion, AOB, main actions, next meetings & telecons [30m]
17:30 ESOC tour
Thursday 21 November 2024 H IV, H V, HVI Science Operations working group splinter [9:30am-1pm] |
Chairs: C. Vallat / O. Witasse
09:30-09:35 Welcome & introduction (C. Vallat)
09:35-10:05 Operations status and next steps (including PC#3 preparation): schedule, operational limitation, expected operations (FCT) [30min]
10:05-10:35 PC#3 SOC status Cruise Operations updates (SOC) [30min]
10:35-11:05 Coffee break
11:05-11:15 Shift cruise checkout (from PC#4 onwards) (SOC) [10min]
11:15-11:30 SOC tools status (SOC)[15min]
11:30-12:30 Orbit 17 (incl. 16C9/PJ17) exercise: schedule, status, exercise kick-off (SOC) [1hr]
12:30-12:40 Time correlation (SOC) [10min]
12:40-13:00 Spice presentation (NAIF team) [20mn]
13:00-13:05 AoB, Wrap up, main actions
Thursday 21 November 2024 H IV, H V, HVI Data handling and archiving working group splinter [2pm-6:00pm] |
Chairs: A. Mestre / J. Oliveira / T. Cornet / O. Witasse
Instrument teams are now invited to report on data handling and archiving related topics during the DHAWG splinter.
- Status of the pipelines
- Plans for data generation (as per archiving plan)
- Products examples/concept per processing level
Template for the presentation is available in Juice Operations Confluence or here.
14h00 - 14h30 DHA status
- SOC Downlink news [~10 min]
- PSA news [~10 min]
- JUICE archive news [~10 min]
14h30 - 15h30 Reports from PI teams [~10 min / team = 2h40]
- 14:30 PEP-Hi
- 14:40 PEP-Lo
- 14:50 RPWI
- 15:00 J-MAG
- 15:10 RADEM
- 15:20 JANUS
15h30-16h00 coffee break
16h00-17h20 cont. Reports from PI teams [~10 min / team]:
- 16:00 MAJIS
- 16:10 UVS
- 16:20 SWI
- 16:30 RIME
- 16:40 GALA
- 16:50 3GM
- 17:00 HAA
- 17:10 PRIDE
17h25 - 17h55 Tutorial: PDS4 packager [30 min]
17h55 - 18:00 AOB
18h00 End of meeting
Teams | Time | Room | Room capacity |
UVS (+SOC/MOC) | Monday 18th. 11:00 am CET | H-I | 30 |
SWI (+SOC) | Tuesday 19th. 16:00 CET | K111 | 18 |
JANUS (+SOC) | Tuesday 19th 17:00 CET | K111 | 18 |
Time | Room | Room capacity | |
Thursday 21st 15:00-19:00 CET | H-I | 30 | |
Friday 22d 08:30 -12:00 CET | H-I | 30 | |
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