Acronyms - JUICE
Acronyms List
The following table lists all the useful acronyms used in the Juice documentation.
Acronym | Description | |
3GM | Gravity and Geophysics of Jupiter and the Galilean Moons | |
AA | Academy of Athens | |
ABCL | As Built Configuration List | |
AC | Alternative Current | |
ACE (duplicate) |
Advanced Composition Explorer | |
ACE (duplicate) |
Attitude Control Error | |
ACKE | Attitude Control Knowledge Error | |
ACS | Auto-Correlation Spectrometer | |
ACTEL | Manufacturer of single-chip FPGAs | |
AD | Applicable Document | |
ADC | Analog to Digital Converter | |
ADE | Axially Displaced Ellipse (HGA) | |
ADP | Acceptance Data Package | |
AE-8 | Electron radiation model for Earth, Version 8 | |
AFT | Abbreviated Functional Test | |
AGM | Attitude Generator Module | |
AGND | Analog GrouND | |
AIT | Assembly, Integration, and Test | |
AIV | Assembly, Integration and Verification | |
AIVT | Assembly Integration, Verification and Testing | |
AIVV | Acceptance Integration Verification and Validation | |
AKE | Attitude Knowledge Error | |
AM | Amplitude Modulation | |
AMA | Absolute Measurement Accuracy | |
AMBA | Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture (CDMS) | |
ANSI | American National Standards Institute | |
AO | Announcement of Opportunity | |
AOCS | Attitude and Orbit Control System | |
AOS | Acquisition Of Signal | |
AP | Archiving Phase | |
AP-8 | Proton radiation model for Earth, Version 8 | |
APB | Advanced Peripheral Bus (CDMS) | |
APD | Avalanche Photo Diode (GALA) | |
APE | Absolute Pointing Error | |
API | Application Programming Interface | |
APID | Application Process IDentifier (EPS-PCDU) | |
APL | Applied Physics Laboratory | |
APS (duplicate) |
Active Pixel Sensor (JANUS, STR) | |
AR | Acceptance Review | |
ARW | Angular Random Walk | |
AS | Archive Scientist | |
ASCII | American Standard Code for Information Interchange | |
ASG | Alarm Signal Generation (CDMS) | |
ASIC | Application Specific Integrated Circuit | |
ASMP | Asymmetrical Multi-Processing (CDMS) | |
ASW | Application Software | |
AT | Acceptance Test | |
ATLL | Along Track Launch Lock (SWI) | |
ATNM | Predicted spacecraft attitude file | |
ATP | Acceptance Test Plan | |
ATPM | Planned spacecraft attitude file | |
ATRM | Reconstructed spacecraft attitude file | |
AU | Astronomical Unit | |
AVM | Avionics Model | |
BB | Bread Board | |
BCDR | Battery Charge Discharge Regulator (EPS-PCDU) | |
BCR | Battery Charge Regulator (EPS-PCDU) | |
BDM | Bi-Level Discrete Monitor (COMS) | |
BDR | Battery Discharge Regulator (EPS-PCDU) | |
BEA | Battery Error Amplifier (EPS-PCDU) | |
BER | Bit Error Rate | |
BFU | Baffle Unit (GALA) | |
BIST | Built In Self Test (CDMS) | |
BLVA | Battery Low Voltage Alarm (EPS) | |
BOB | Break Out Box | |
BOL | Beginning Of Life | |
BP | Baseplate | |
BPS | Bit Per Second | |
BPSK | Binary Phase Shift Key | |
BRF | Bit Rate File | |
BSM | Bilevel Digital Switch (CDMS) | |
BSP | Board Support package (CDMS) | |
BSU | Bus Supervising Unit (RPWI) | |
BSW (duplicate) |
Boot SoftWare | |
BUATP | Back-up OCC User Test Plan | |
BUATR | Back-up OCC User Test Report | |
C/A | Closest approach | |
CA | Closest Approach | |
CaC | Cost at Completion | |
CAD | Computer Aided Design | |
CADM | Configuration And Data Management | |
CADU | Channel Access Data Unit (CDMS) | |
CAN | Controller Atrea Network (CDMS) | |
CAT | Category | |
CAU | Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, Germany | |
CBC | Cipher Block Chaining (CDMS) | |
CBE | Common Cause Analysis | |
CBK | Space Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences | |
CBUS | Bus capacitor (EPS-PCDU) | |
CC | Configuration Control | |
CCB | Configuration Control Board | |
CCCP | Cleanliness and Contamination Control Plan | |
CCD | Charged-Coupled Device | |
CCEM | Ceramic Channel Electron Multipliers (PEP) | |
CCH | Continuum Channel Head (SWI) | |
CCN | Change Contract Notice | |
CCP | Contamination Control Plan | |
CCR | Configuration Change Requests | |
CCS | Central Check-out System | |
CCSDS | Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems | |
CDF (duplicate) |
Common Data Format | |
CDMS | Command & Data Management Subsystem | |
CDMU | Command and Data Management Unit | |
CDR | Critical Design Review | |
CDSM | Coupled Dark State Magnetometer | |
CE (duplicate) |
Conducted Emission | |
CE (duplicate) |
Charge Exchange | |
CEL (duplicate) |
Conducted Emissions | |
CEL (duplicate) |
Critical Event Log | |
CELIAS | Charge, Element, and Isotope Analysis System | |
CEM | Channel Electron Multipliers | |
CESR | Centre d'Etude Spatiale des Rayonnements, Toulouse, France | |
CFDP | CCSDS File Delivery Protocol | |
CFI | Customer Furnished Instrument | |
CFRP | Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer | |
CI (duplicate) |
Configuration Item | |
CIDL | Configuration Item Definition List | |
CIL | Critical Item List | |
CK | Camera-matrix Kernel (SPICE) | |
CM (duplicate) |
Common Mode | |
CM (duplicate) |
Configuration Manager | |
CMM | Configuration Management | |
CMOS | Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor | |
CMP | Configuration Management Plan | |
CMU | Clock Management unit (RPWI) | |
CNES | Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales | |
Co-Pi | Co-Principal Investigator | |
CODEC | Coder-DECoder | |
CoG | Center of Gravity | |
CoI | Co-Investigator | |
CoM | Center of Mass | |
COM | Cover Module (JANUS) | |
COMS | Communication Subsystem | |
COTS | Commercial off-the-shelf | |
CP (duplicate) |
Cruise Phase | |
CPCU | Command and Process Control Unit | |
CPDM | Command Pulse Distribution Module | |
CPDU | Command Pulse Distribution Unit | |
CPEM | Cold Plasma Environment Model | |
CPPA | Coordinated Parts Procurement Agency | |
CPS | Chemical Propulsion Subsystem | |
CPU | Central Processing Unit | |
CR (duplicate) |
Cards Rack | |
CRC | Cyclic Redundant Code | |
CReMA | Consolidated Report on Mission Analysis | |
CROME | Command, Reconfiguration, On.board time, teleMEtry ASIC (CDMS-CDMU) | |
CRP | Contingency Recovery Procedure | |
CS (duplicate) |
Conducted Susceptibility | |
CSAP | Contingency Support Activity Plan | |
CSCI | Computer Software Configuration Item | |
CSDR | Core System Design Review | |
CSV | Comma-separated Values | |
CSVT | Core System Validation Test | |
CSW | Central Software | |
CTP | Core Technology Programme | |
CTS | Chirp Transform Spectrometer | |
CU (duplicate) |
Compression Unit | |
CUC | CCSDS Unsegmented time Code (CDMS) | |
D/HSO | Directorate of Human Spaceflight and Operations | |
D/SRE | Directorate of Science and Robotic Exploration | |
DAC | Digital to Analog Converter | |
DARC | Data ARChive (EGOS) | |
DAWG | Data Archive Working Group | |
DB | Database | |
DBICD | JUICE Database ICD | |
DBNAM | JUICE Database Naming Convention | |
DBS | Database Mangement System | |
DC | Direct Current | |
DCC | Direct Current Converter | |
DCDC | Direct Current Direct Current | |
DCG | Digital Chirp Generator (RIME) | |
DCL | Declared Components List | |
DCN | Document Change Notice | |
DCO | Data Cut-Off | |
DCR (duplicate) |
Document Change Request | |
DD | Design Document | |
DDID | Data Delivery Interface Document | |
DDL | Deliverable Document List | |
DDOR | Delta Differential One-way Ranging | |
DDS (duplicate) |
Data Disposition System | |
DEM | Digital Elevation Model | |
DES (duplicate) |
Digital Electronics Section (RIME) | |
DET | Detector | |
DFT | Data Flow Tests | |
DGMM | Detailed Geometrical Mathematical model | |
DGND | Digital GrouND | |
DHAWG | Data Handling and Archiving Working Group | |
DJF | Design Justification File | |
DL | Downlink | |
DLR | Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt | |
DM | SGS Development Manager | |
DMA | Direct Memory Acess (CDMS) | |
DMF | Differential Mode Filter (EPS-PCDU) | |
DML | Declared Materials List | |
DMP | Data Management Plan | |
DMPL | Declared Mechanical Parts List | |
DMS | Data Managament Subsystem | |
DMU | Digital Mock-Up | |
DN | Data Number | |
DOA | Direction Of Arrival (RPWI) | |
DoD (duplicate) |
Depth of Discharge (EPS-Battery) | |
DOR | Differential One-way Ranging (COMS) | |
DP | Development Phase | |
DPA | Destructive Physical Analysis | |
DPAICD | Data Producer to Archive Interface Control Document | |
DPL | Declared Process List | |
DPM (duplicate) |
Data Processing Unit (GALA) | |
DPM (duplicate) |
Digital Processing Module (JANUS) | |
DPP | Data Processing Pipeline (UVS) | |
DPS | Deputy Project Scientist | |
DPU (duplicate) |
Data Processing Unit | |
DQE | Detective Quantum Efficiency (UVS) | |
DR | Design Review | |
DRB | Delivery Review Board | |
DRD | Document Requirements Definition | |
DRL | Document Requirements List | |
DS | Development Schedule | |
DSA | Dedicated Support Area | |
DSM (duplicate) |
Data Systems Manager | |
DSN | Deep Space Network | |
DSP (duplicate) |
Digital Signal Processor (CDMS) | |
DST | Deep Space Transponder | |
DTD | Documentation Tree Document | |
DTM | Digital Terrain Model | |
DTMM | Detailed Thermal Mathematical Model | |
DUTH | Democritus University of Thrace, Greece | |
DV | Data Volume | |
E/PO | Education/Public Outreach | |
E2E | End to End | |
EADS | European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company | |
EAGLE | Enhanced Attitude Guidance through Limb Extraction | |
EAICD | Experiment to Archive Interface Control Document | |
EAR | Export Administration Regulations | |
EARM | ECSS Applicability Requirements Matrix | |
EAT | Engineering Acceptance Tests | |
EBB | Elegant BreadBoard | |
EBOX (duplicate) |
Electronics Box | |
EBOX (duplicate) |
Electronic BOX (RPWI) | |
ECA | Etage Cryogénique A | |
ECC | ESTRACK Control Centre | |
ECCN | Export Control Classification Number (UVS) | |
ECPP | Electromagnetic Compatibility Control Plan | |
ECR | Engineering Change Request | |
ECSS | European Co-operation for Space Standardization | |
EDAC | Error Detection And Correction | |
EDDS | EGNOS Data Dissemination System | |
EDF | Experiment Definition File [EPS] | |
EEE | Electrical and Electronic Equipment | |
EEPROM | Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory | |
EGOS | ESA Ground Operation System | |
EGSE | Electrical Ground Support Equipment | |
EI | Enterprise Ireland | |
EICD | Electrical Interface Control Document | |
EID | Experiment Interface Document | |
EID-B | Experiment Interface Document - part B | |
EIDP | End Item Data Package | |
EIT | External Elements integration Tests | |
EJSM | Europa Jupiter System Mission | |
ELDRS | Enhanced Low Dose rate Sensitivity | |
ELM | Electrical Model | |
ELV | Elevation scanning system | |
EM (duplicate) |
Engineering Model | |
EMC (duplicate) |
Electromagnetic Compatibility | |
EME2000 | Earth Mean Equator of 2000 | |
EMI | Electromagnetic Interference | |
EMP | End of Mission Phase | |
EMS | ESTRACK Management System | |
ENA | Energetic Neutral Atom | |
EoC | End of Charge (EPS-Battery) | |
EoD | End of Discharge (EPS-Battery) | |
EOL | End Of Life | |
EOM | End of Mission | |
EOP | End Of Packet (CDMS) | |
EP | Entrance Pupil | |
EPA | Dust particle filter (product name) | |
EPC | Electric Power Conditioner (COMS-TWTA) | |
EPROM | Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory | |
EPS (duplicate) |
Experiment Planning System | |
EQM | Engineering & Qualification Model | |
EQSR | Equipment Qualification Status Review | |
ESA (duplicate) |
European Space Agency | |
ESAC | European Space Astronomy Centre | |
ESD (duplicate) |
Electrostatic Discharge | |
ESDC | ESAC Science Data Centre | |
ESM | Earth Strobing Mode | |
ESOC | European Space Operations Centre | |
ESS | ESA SPICE Service | |
ESTAR | Electron Stopping Power and range Tables (J-MAG) | |
ESTEC | European Space Research and Technology Centre | |
ESTRACK | ESA Tracking Stations Network | |
ETB | Engineering Test Bed | |
ETBITP | ETB Integration and Test Plan | |
ETBITR | ETB Integration and Test Report | |
ETBTP | ETB Transfer Plan | |
EU | Electronic Unit | |
EUV | Extreme Ultra Violet | |
EVEME | Earth Venus Earth Mars Earth | |
EVL | Event Logger | |
EVTF | Event file (long-term) | |
EVTM | Event file (short-term) | |
F/B | Fly-By | |
FAC | Field Aligned Current | |
FAME | Functional AOCS Multi-purpose Environment | |
FARC | File ARChive (EGOS) | |
FB | Flyby | |
FCP | Flight Control Procedure | |
FCT | Flight Control Team | |
FCTID | FCT Planning ICD | |
FCTTP | FCT Training Plan | |
FD | Flight Dynamics | |
FDDB | Flight Dynamics Database | |
FDIR | Failure Detection Isolation and Recovery | |
FDM (duplicate) |
Flight Dynamics Manager | |
FDM (duplicate) |
Frequency Distribution Module | |
FDR | Flight Dynamics Room | |
FDS | Flight Dynamics System | |
FDYNID | FDYN Planning ICD | |
FECS | FD Events and Communications Skeleton file | |
FEE (duplicate) |
Front End Equipment | |
FEM | Finite Element Model | |
FER | Frame Error Rate | |
FFPT | Full Functional and Performance Test | |
FFT (duplicate) |
Fast Fourier Transform | |
FFT (duplicate) |
Full Functional Test | |
FFT-Q | Full Functional Test - Qualification | |
FFT-W | Full Functional Test - Workmanship | |
FGM | FluxGate Magnetometer (J-MAG) | |
FIT | Failure In Time | |
FK | Frames Kernel (SPICE) | |
FM | Flight Model | |
FMC | Forward Monte Carlo | |
FMEA | Failure Mode Effects and Analysis | |
FMECA | Failure Mode Effects Criticality Analysis | |
FMI | Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland | |
FO | Failed Operative (CDMS) | |
FOG | Fibber Optic Gyro | |
FOP (duplicate) |
Flight Operations Plan | |
FOPP | FOP Production Plan | |
FOPPP | FOP Production Plan | |
FoR | Field of Regard | |
FoV | Field of View | |
FP | Final Presentation | |
FPA | Focal Plane Assembly | |
FPGA | Field Programmable gate Array | |
FS (duplicate) |
Flight Spare | |
FS (duplicate) |
Fail Safe (CDMS) | |
FSW | Flight Software (UVS) | |
FTA (duplicate) |
Fixed Time of Arrival | |
FTE | Full Time Equivalent | |
FTF | File Transfer Form | |
FTL | FD Timeline file | |
FUV | Far-Ultraviolet | |
FWF | Fonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung (Austrian Science Fund) | |
FWHM | Full Width at half maximum | |
G/S | Ground Station | |
GA | Geometric factor per Anode | |
GALA | GAnymede Laser Altimeter | |
GAM | Gravity Assist Maneuvre | |
GaTech | Georgia Institute of Technology, USA | |
GB | Giga-byte (10^9 bytes) | |
Gbit | Giga-bit (109 bits) | |
GCO (duplicate) |
Ganymede Circular Orbit | |
GCR | Galactic Cosmic Rays | |
GDIR | General Design and Interface Requirements | |
GDML | Geometry Description Markup Language | |
GEANT4 | Simulation toolkit for passage of particles through matter | |
GEO | Ganymede Elliptical Orbit | |
GF | Geometric Factor | |
GFRP | Glass Fiber Reinforced plastic | |
GFSK | Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying | |
GFTS | Generic File Transfer System | |
GiB | Gibi-byte (230 bytes = 1 073 741 824 bytes) | |
GIRE | Galileo Interim Electron Radiation (model) | |
GN2 | Gaseous Nitrogen (N2) | |
GNC | Guidance Navigation & Control | |
GND | Ground | |
GOI | Ganymede Orbit Insertion | |
GOIRR | Ganymede Orbit Operations Readiness Review | |
GOM | Ground Operations Manager | |
GPH | Geophysics | |
GRAS | Geant4 Radiation Analysis for Space | |
GRM | Ground Reference Model | |
GS (duplicate) |
Ground Station | |
GSDR | Ground Segment Design Review | |
GSE | Ground Support Equipment | |
GSFC | Goddard Space Flight Center | |
GSFUP | Ground Segment Facilities Utilisation Plan | |
GSIR | Ground Segment Implementation Review | |
GSM | Ground Segment Manager | |
GSRqR | Ground Segment Requirement Review | |
GSRR | Ground Segment Readiness Review | |
GSRT | General Secretariat of Research and Technology of Greece | |
GSSRD | Ground System Requirements Document | |
GSSTP | Ground Segment System Test Plan | |
GST | Ground Segment Team | |
GTO | Geostationary Transfer Orbit | |
H/W | Hardware | |
HA | Hazard Analysis | |
HAA | High Accuracy Accelerometer | |
HDP | Hold Down Point | |
HDRM | Hold-Down, Release & deployment Mechanism | |
HET | High-Energy Telescope | |
HF | High Frequency | |
HGA | High Gain Antenna | |
HK | Housekeeping | |
HMI | Human Machine Interface | |
HPEM | Hot Plasma Environment Model | |
HSIA | Hardware-Software Interaction Analysis | |
HSO | Hungarian Space Office | |
HTML | Hyper Text Mark-up Language | |
HTTP | Hyper Text Transport Protocol | |
HV | High Voltage | |
HVPS | High Voltage Power Supply | |
I/O | Input/Output | |
IAPS | Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali | |
IAR | Instrument Acceptance Review | |
IAS | Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale | |
IC | Integrated Circuit | |
ICD | Interface Control Document | |
ICDR | Instrument Critical Design Reviews | |
ICR | Instrument Consolidation Review | |
ICW | Ion Cyclotron Wave | |
ID | Identifier | |
IDS | Interdisciplinary Scientist | |
IF (duplicate) |
Intermediate Frequency | |
IFE (duplicate) |
Instrument Front-End Electronics | |
IFoV | Instantaneous Field-of-View | |
IGST | Integrated Ground-Space Test | |
IGSTP | IGST Master Test Plan | |
IGSTR | IGST Test slot Reports | |
IK | Instrument Kernel (IK) | |
ILS | Instrument Line of Sight | |
IM | Instrument Manager | |
IMU | Inertial Measurement Unit | |
IPC | Industrial Policy Committee | |
IPDR | Instrument Preliminary Design Review | |
IPRR | Instrument Preliminary Requirements Review | |
IQR | Instrument Qualification Review | |
IR (duplicate) |
Implementation Review | |
IRAP | Institut de recherche en astrophysique et planétologie, France | |
IRF | Swedish Institute of Space Physics | |
IRFU | Swedish institute of Space Physics, Uppsala | |
IS (duplicate) |
In-Situ | |
IS (duplicate) |
Ion Source | |
ISAS | Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan | |
ISMM | Instrument Structural Mathematical Model | |
IST | Integrated Satellite Tests | |
ISV | Independent Software Validation | |
ISVR | Instrument Science Verification Review | |
IT | Instrument Team | |
IT/SOC | ICD Instrument Team/SOC Interface Control Document | |
ITAR | Internaional Traffic in Arms Regulations | |
ITL (duplicate) |
Instrument Timeline file [EPS] | |
ITMM | Instrument Thermal Mathematical Model | |
ITO | Indium Tin Oxide | |
ITP (duplicate) |
Interface Test Plan | |
IV&V | Independent Verification & Validation | |
IWF | Institut fuer Weltraumforschung | |
J-MAG | MAGnetometer for Juice | |
JACS (duplicate) |
Juice Archive Core System | |
JANUS | Jovis, Amorum ac Natorum Undique Scrutator | |
JAXA | Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency | |
JCAT | JUICE Charging Analysis Tools | |
JDC | Jovian plasma Dynamics and Composition analyzer | |
JDR | JUICE Archive Core System | |
JEI | Jovian Electron and Ion analyser | |
JENI | Jovian Energetic Neutrals and Ions | |
JENRAGE | Jupiter ENvironment radio Astronomy and Ganymede Exploration (RPWI) | |
JEO | Jupiter Europa Orbiter | |
JES | Jupiter Environment Specification | |
JGNT | JMCS Go/NOGo Test Plan | |
JGO | Jupiter Ganymede Orbiter | |
JHU-APL | Johns Hopkins University - Applied Physics Laboratory, USA | |
JMATP | JMCS Acceptance Test Plan | |
JMATR | JMCS Acceptance Test Report | |
JMC | Juice Monitoring Camera | |
JMCS | JUICE Mission Control System | |
JMUND | JMCS User Needs Document | |
JNA | Jovian Neutrals Analyser | |
JOC | JUICE Operations Center | |
JODR | Jupiter Operations Design Review | |
JoEE | Jovian Energetic Electrons | |
JOI | Jupiter Orbit Insertion | |
JOIR | Jupiter Operations Implementation Review | |
JOIRR | Jupiter Orbit Insertion Readiness Review | |
JORR | Jupiter Operations Readiness Review | |
JOSE | Jovian Specification Environment model | |
JSATP | JSIM Acceptance Test Plan | |
JSATR | JSIM Acceptance Test Report | |
JSE | Jupiter Solar Equatorial | |
JSO | Jupiter Solar Orbital | |
JSOC | JUICE Science Operation Center | |
JSR | Jovian Synchrotron Radiation | |
JUICE | JUpiter ICy moons Explorer | |
KaT | Ka Band Transponder (3GM) | |
KID | Key Interface Data | |
KIP | Key Inspection Points | |
KO | Kick-off | |
KoM | Kick-off Meeting | |
KSC | Kennedy Space center (UVS) | |
LA | Launch | |
LAN | Local Area Network | |
LAT | Lot Acceptance Test | |
LAU-ICD | Launch Vehicle ICD | |
LCL | Latch Current Limiter | |
LCL-HG | Latch Current Limiter-Heater Group (PCDU) | |
LCL-PO | Latch Current Limiter-Permanent On (PCDU) | |
LCL-SO | Latch Current Limiter-Safe Off (PCDU) | |
LCM | Laser Control Module (GALA) | |
LDD | Laser Diode Driver (GALA) | |
LEGA | Lunar Earth Gravity Assist | |
LEO | Low Earth Orbit | |
LEON3FT | Fault-tolerant processor | |
LEOP | Launch and Early Orbit Phase | |
LET | Linear Energy Transfer | |
LEU | Laser Electronic Unit (GALA) | |
LF | Low Frequency | |
LGA | Low Gain Antenna | |
LHE | Laser Head Electronics (GALA) | |
LHM | Laser Housing (GALA) | |
LIC | Launcher Insertion Correction | |
LISN | Line Impedance Stabilization Network | |
LIT | Listen-In Test | |
LLI | Long Lead Item | |
LLSS | Low Level Sine Sweep test (RPWI) | |
LM | Local Manager | |
LND | Leonardo Company | |
LoD | List of Documents | |
LOS (duplicate) |
Loss of Signal | |
LP | Langmuir Probe | |
LP-PWI | Langmuir Probe and Plasma Wave Instrument (RPWI) | |
LPAP | Laboratoire de Physique Atmospherique et Planetaire, Belgium | |
LPP | Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas, France | |
LRR | Launch Readiness Review | |
LS | Linear Sum | |
LSO | Lutetium Oxyorthosilicate (scintillator material) | |
LSS | Large Space Simulator | |
LTMP | Long Term Monitoring Plan | |
LTOF | Linear Time Of Flight | |
LTP | Long Term Plan | |
LV | Launch Vehicle | |
LVA | Launch Vehicle Adapter | |
LVDS | Low Voltage Differential Signal | |
LVPS | Low Voltage Power Supply (RPWI) | |
MAG | Magnetometer (J-MAG) | |
MAGCTD | MAG Data Distribution Cable Tree (J-MAG) | |
MAGCTP | MAG Power Distribution Cable Tree (J-MAG) | |
MAGELB | MAG electronics Box (J-MAG) | |
MAGIBM | MAG Inboard Mounting Kit (J-MAG) | |
MAGIBS | MAG Inboard Fluxgate Sensor (J-MAG) | |
MAGIBT | MAG Inboard Thermal Hardware (J-MAG) | |
MAGIHB | MAG Inboard Boom Harness (J-MAG) | |
MAGOBM | MAG Outboard Mounting Kit (J-MAG) | |
MAGOBS | MAG Outboard Fluxgate Sensor (J-MAG) | |
MAGOBT | MAG Outboard Thermal Hardware (J-MAG) | |
MAGOHB | MAG Outboard Boom Harness (J-MAG) | |
MAIT | Manufacturing,Assembly,Integration and Testing | |
MAIV | Manufacturing,Assembly,Integration and Verification | |
MAJIS | Moons And Jupiter Imaging Spectrometer | |
MAL | ESTRACK Malargüe Ground Station | |
MAP | Mission Archive Plan | |
MAPPS | Mission Analysis and Payload Planning System | |
MARSIS | Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding | |
MC | Monte Carlo | |
MCAL | Mission Calendar | |
MCI | Mass, Centre of Gravity and Inertia | |
MCM | Mechanism Control Module (JANUS) | |
MCP | MicroChannel Plate (UVS, PEP) | |
MCR | Main Control Room | |
MCS | Mission Control System | |
MCU | Multiple Cell Upset (JANUS) | |
MD | Mass Dummy | |
MDM | Micro-D Metal shell connector | |
MDS | Mission Data Systems | |
ME | Main Electronics Unit (JANUS) | |
MEA | Main Error Amplifier (EPS-PCDU) | |
MEBM | Main Engine Boost Mode | |
MEFISTO | MEsskammer für FlugzeitInStrumente und Time-Of-Flight | |
MEU | Main Electronics Unit (JANUS) | |
MEX | Mars Express | |
MGA | Medium Gain Antenna | |
MGAMA | Medium Gain Antenna Mechanism Assembly | |
MGSE | Mechanical Ground Support Equipment | |
MHD | Magnetohydrodynamics | |
MIB (duplicate) |
Minimum Impulse Bit | |
MICD (duplicate) |
Mechanical Interface Control Document | |
MIME | Mutual Impedance Experiment (RPWI) | |
MIP (duplicate) |
Mission Implementation Plan | |
MIRD | Mission Implementation Requirements Document | |
MKE | Mean Knowledge Error | |
MLAT | Magnetic Latitude | |
MLI | Multi Layer Insulation | |
MLT | Magnetic Local Time | |
MM | Mission Manager | |
MMPP | Management of Materials, Mechanical Parts and Processes Program | |
MN | Minutes of Meetings | |
MOC | Mission Operations Centre | |
MOCD | Mission Operations Concept Document | |
MoI | Moment of inertia | |
MOIS | Manufacturing and Operations Information System | |
MOISC | MOIS Customisation for JUICE | |
MoS | Margin of Safety | |
MOSFET | Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor | |
MPAD | Mission Planning Assumption Document | |
MPC | Mission Planning Concept | |
MPCB | Material and Parts Control Borad | |
MPDD | Model Payload Definition Document | |
MPL | Material and Processes List | |
MPPT | Maximum Power Point Tracker (EPS) | |
MPS (duplicate) |
Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research | |
MPS (duplicate) |
Mission Planning System | |
MRAM | Magnetoresistive Random Access Memory | |
MRB | Material Review Board | |
MRD | Mission Requirement Document | |
MRR | Manufacturing Readiness Review | |
MRT | Mission Readiness Test | |
MSSL | Mullard Space Science Laboratory, UK | |
MST | Mission Sequence Test | |
MT | Mission Tests | |
MTL | Mission Timeline | |
MTOF | Mass Time-of-Flight | |
MTP | Medium Term Plan | |
MULASSIS | Multi-layered shielding simulation software | |
N/A | Not Applicable | |
NAC | Narrow Angle Camera | |
NAVCAM | Navigation camera | |
NC | Non Compliance | |
NCO | Numerically Controlled Oscillator | |
NCR (duplicate) |
Non-Conformity Report | |
NCTS | Non-Conformance Tracking System | |
NDA | Non Disclosure Agreement | |
NDATP | NDIU User Acceptance Test Plan | |
NDATR | NDIU User Acceptance Test Report | |
NDIU | Network Data Interface Unit | |
NECP | Near Earth and Commissioning Phase | |
NECR | Near Earth Commissioning Review | |
NESR | Noise Equivalent Spectral Radiance | |
NGA | Non-Gravitational Accelerations | |
NIEL | Non Ionizing Energy Loss | |
NIM | Neutral and Ion Mass Spectrometer | |
NM | Normal Mode | |
NMP | Nominal Mission Phase | |
NNO | ESTRACK New Norcia Ground Station | |
NPSL | NASA Parts Selection List | |
NRB | Non-conformance Review Board | |
NSP | Nominal Science Phase | |
NU | Nadir Unit | |
NVR | Non Volatile Residue | |
OAICD | Operational Archive Interface Control Document | |
OAP | Off Axis parabola (UVS) | |
OBC | On-Board Computer | |
OBCP | On-Board Control Procedure | |
OBCPICD | On-board Control Procedures ICD | |
OBCPTP | OBCP Tools Transfer Plan | |
OBPTR | OBCP Tools Integration and Test Report | |
OBS | Organization Breakdown Structure | |
OBSIMCD | On-board SW Maintenance ICD | |
OBSM | On-Board Software Maintenance | |
OBSTP | OBSM Tools Integration and Test Plan | |
OBSTR | OBSM Tools Integration and Test Report | |
OBSW | On-Board Software | |
OBSWTP | OBSW Tools Transfer Plan | |
OBTP | OBCP Tools Integration and Test Plan | |
OCC | Operations Control Center | |
OCD (duplicate) |
Operations Concept Document | |
OCM (duplicate) |
Orbit Control Maneuver | |
OCR | Operations Concept trade-off Report | |
OD | Orbit Determination | |
OE | Operations Engineer | |
OGS | Operational Ground Segment | |
OGSE | Optics Ground Support Equipment | |
OH (duplicate) |
Optical Head | |
OH (duplicate) |
Optical Head | |
OHU | Optical Head Unit (JANUS) | |
OIRD | Operations Interface Requirements Document | |
OM | SGS Operations Manager | |
OMM (duplicate) |
On-board Mass Memory | |
OMM (duplicate) |
OBC (On-board computer) Mass Memory | |
OMOT | Open MOTor (UVS) | |
OOL | Out Of Limit | |
OOP | Out Of Plane | |
OP | Operational Plan | |
OPSLAN | Operations Local Area Network | |
OPSNET | operational ground communications network | |
OR | Observation Report | |
ORCD | Operational Rules and Constraints Document | |
ORM | Operations Readiness Meeting | |
ORR | Operational Readiness Review | |
OS | Operation Scientist | |
OSS | Open Source Software | |
OTP | Operations Training Plan | |
OWS | Optical Witness Sample (UVS) | |
PA | Product Assurance | |
PAD | Parts Approval Document | |
PAM | Product Assurance Manager | |
PAP | Product Assurance Plan | |
PAR | Product Assurance Report | |
PARC | Packet ARChive (EGOS) | |
PC | Personal Computer | |
PCA | Propellant Control Assembly | |
PCB (duplicate) |
Part Control Board | |
PCDU | Power Control and Distribution Unit (EPS) | |
PCM | Power Converter Module (GALA) | |
PD | Process Definition | |
PDE | Pointing Drift Error | |
PDM | Power Distribution Module (GALA) | |
PDR | Preliminary Design Review | |
PDS | Planetary Data System | |
PE | Proximity Electronics | |
PECS | Participating European Cooperating State | |
PEEK | PolyEther Ether Ketone | |
PEM | PEP Engineering Manager | |
PEP | Particle Environment Package | |
PEP-Hi | Particle Environment Package High Energy | |
PEP-Lo | Particle Environment Package Low Energy | |
PES | Performance Evaluation System | |
PFM | Proto-Flight Model | |
PGND | Primary GrouND (EPS-PCDU) | |
PGSE | Purging Ground Support Equipment | |
PH | Pulse Height | |
PHA | Pulse-Height Analysis | |
PHASIC | Pulse Height Application Specific Integrated Circuit | |
PI | Principal Investigator | |
PIA | Pressurant Isolation Assembly | |
PIO | PEP Instrument Office | |
PISA | PI Support Area | |
PL-ICD | Planning Interface Control Document | |
PLID | Planning ICD | |
PLL | Phase Lock Loop | |
PLM | Payload Module | |
PLOBSMICD | Payload On-board Software Maintenance ICD | |
PLOPS | Payload Operations Concept for Cruise | |
PM (duplicate) |
Progress Meeting | |
PM (duplicate) |
Processor Module | |
PMP | Project Management Plan | |
PN | Pseudo Noise (COMS) | |
PO | Project Office | |
POL | JUICE Payload Observation Library | |
POP | Post Operation Phase | |
POR | Payload Operation Request file | |
PP | Planetary Protection | |
PPL | Preference Part List | |
PPO (duplicate) |
Planetary Protection Officer | |
PPRD (duplicate) |
Planetary Protection Requirements Document | |
PPRD (duplicate) |
Product Assurance Requirements Std PA, radiation | |
PPS | Pulse Per Second | |
PR | Progress Report | |
PRF | Pulse Repetition Frequency (RIME) | |
PRIDE | Planetary Radio Interferometer & Doppler Experiment | |
PRM | Perijove Rasing Manoeuvre | |
PRODEX | PROgrammede Développement d'EXpériences scientifiques | |
PROM | Programmable Read Only Memory | |
PRR | Preliminary Requirements Review | |
PS | Project Scientist | |
PSA (duplicate) |
Planetary Science Archive | |
PSATP | PSS User Acceptance Test Plan | |
PSATR | PSS User Acceptance Test Report | |
PSD | Power Spectral Density | |
PSF | Point Spread Function | |
PSM | Power Supply Module (JANUS) | |
PSOG | PEP Science Operation Group | |
PSR | Project Support Room | |
PSURD | PSS User Requirements Document | |
PT | Performance Tests | |
PTCB | Process Tailoring Change Board | |
PTR (duplicate) |
Pointing Timeline Request file | |
PUS | Packet Utilisation Standard | |
PWM | Pulse Width Modulated | |
QA | Quality Assurance | |
QCI | Quality Conformance Inspection | |
QLA | Quick Look Analysis | |
QLL | Qualification Level Load | |
QM | Qualification Model | |
QMS | Quality Managment System | |
QPL (duplicate) |
Qualified Part List | |
QR | Qualification Review | |
QS | Quasi Static | |
QTN | Quasi Thermal Noise (RPWI) | |
R-S | Reed-Solomon | |
RA | Radiation Analysis | |
RAAN | Right Ascension of the Ascending Node | |
RAB | Resource Allocation Board | |
RADEM | RADiation-hard Electron Monitor | |
RAM | Random Access Memory | |
RAPID | Raw Archive Packet Interceptor and Dumper | |
RB | Requirements Baseline | |
RD (duplicate) |
Reference Document | |
RDF | Radiation Design Factor | |
RDM | Radiation Design Margin | |
RDS | Receiver and Digital section (RIME) | |
RE | Radiated Emissions | |
RE-B | Radiated Emission - B-field | |
RE-E | Radiated Emission - E-field | |
RF | Radio Frequency | |
RFA | Request For Approval | |
RFC | Request for Comments | |
RFCT | Radio Frequency Compatibility Test | |
RFD | Request For Deviation | |
RFDA | Radio-Frequency Distribution Assembly | |
RFE | Receiver Front End (SWI) | |
RFM | Range Finder Module (GALA) | |
RFT | Reduced Functional Test | |
RFW | Request For Waiver | |
RGA | Residual Gas Analyzer | |
RGMM | Reduced Geometric Mathematical Model | |
RH | Relative Humidity | |
RHA | Radiation Hardness Assurance | |
RICE | Golomb-Rice compression algorithm | |
RID | Review Item Discrepancy | |
RIU | Remote Interface Unit | |
RJ | Jupiter Radius | |
RM (duplicate) |
Radiation Model | |
RMAP | Remote Memory Address Protocol | |
RMB | Risk Management Board | |
RMC | Reversed Monte Carlo | |
RMM | Risk Management Meeting | |
RMP | Risk Management Plan | |
RMS | Root Mean Square | |
RN | Release Note | |
ROI | Region Of Interest | |
ROM | Rough Order of Magnitude | |
RPE | Relative Pointing Error | |
RPO | Radiation Process Owner | |
RPPL | Radiation Preferred Part List | |
RPWI | Radio & Plasma Wave Investigation | |
RqR | Requirements Review | |
RR (duplicate) |
Risk Register | |
RS (duplicate) |
Remote Sensing | |
RS (duplicate) |
Radiated Susceptibility | |
RS-B | Radiated Susceptibility - B-field | |
RS-E | Radiated Susceptibility - E-field | |
RSA | Relay Status Acquisition | |
RSE | Radio Science Experiment | |
RSI | Radio Science Instrument | |
RSS | Root Sum Square | |
RTA | Real Time Analysis | |
RTAX | A class of Actel radiation tolerant FPGAs | |
RTE | Real-Time Environment | |
RTEMS | Real-Time Operating System for Multiprocessor Systems | |
RTK | Real Time Kernel | |
RTMM (duplicate) |
Reduced Thermal Mathematical Model | |
RTMM (duplicate) |
Reduced Thermal Mathematical Model | |
RTOF | Round-trip Time-Of-Flight | |
RTS | Real-Time Simulator | |
RVT | Radiation Verification Testing | |
RW | Reaction Wheel | |
RWA | Reaction Wheel Assembly | |
RX | Receiver | |
S/C | Spacecraft | |
S/W | Software | |
S&S | Sensor and Subsystem | |
SA | Solar Array | |
SAA | Solar Aspect Angle | |
SAAF | Solar Aspect Angle File | |
SADA | Solar Array Drive Assembly | |
SADE | Solar Array Drive Electronics | |
SADM | Solar Array Drive Mechanism | |
SAICD | Science Archive Interface Control Document | |
SAP | Science Activity Plan | |
SAS | Sun Acquisition Sensor | |
SAT | Software Acceptance Tests | |
SCCB | Software Change Control Board | |
SCF | Solar Constants File | |
Sci-RD | Science Requirements Document | |
SCM (duplicate) |
Search Coil Magnetometer (RPWI) | |
SCMP | Software Configuration Management Plan | |
SCOP | Science Operation Plan | |
SCR | Software Change Request | |
SDB | System Database | |
SDD | Software Design Document | |
SDE | Software Development Environment | |
SDF | Software Development Folder | |
SDG | Science Discipline Group | |
SDM | Software Development Model | |
SDMD | Space Debris Mitigation Document | |
SDP | Software Development Plan | |
SDPD | SOC Data Products Definition Document | |
SDT | Science Definition Team | |
SDTP | Software and DB Transfer Plan | |
SE | System Engineer | |
SEA | Solar Elevation Angle (complementary of Solar Zenit Angle) | |
SEDR | Single Event Dielectric Rupture | |
SEE | Single Event Effect | |
SEFI | Single Event Functional Interrupt | |
SEGSE | Sensor EGSE | |
SEGU | Software Engineering Guidelines for external Users | |
SEL | Single Event Latch-up | |
SEU | Single Event Upset | |
SFIRD | Stations and Facilities Requirements Document | |
SFM | Stations and Facilities Manager | |
SGF | SGF Technology Associates Co. Ltd., Hungary | |
SGND | Secondary GrouND (EPS-PCDU) | |
SGS (duplicate) |
Science Ground Segment | |
SGSE | System Ground Support Equipment | |
SHARAD | SHAllow RADar | |
SI | International System (Metric Standard) | |
SICD | Software Interface Control Document | |
SIM | Simulator | |
SIMION | Ion and electron optics simulator | |
SIMP | Simulations Plan | |
SIP | Science Implementation Plan | |
SIR | Simulation Room | |
SIRD | Science Implementation Requirements Document | |
SIS | Spacecraft Interface Simulator | |
SKD | SPICE Kernel Dataset | |
SLE | Space Link Extension | |
SLS | Signal Level Simulator | |
SMM | Structure Mathematical Model | |
SMP | Science Management Plan | |
SNR | Signal to Noise Ratio | |
SNSB | Swedish National Space Board | |
SOAD | Science Operation Assumptions Document | |
SOAP | Science Operations Activity Plan | |
SOC | Science Operations Centre | |
SOCD | Science Operation Concept Document | |
SOG | Science Operation Group | |
SOIA | Science Operations Implementation Agreement | |
SOIICD | SOC Internal Interface Control Document | |
SOM | Spacecraft Operations Manager | |
SOPL | Science Operations Plan | |
SOPR | Science Operations Procedures | |
SOPTR | Science Operations Procedures Test Report | |
SOPTS | Science Operations Procedures Test Specification | |
SOTP | SOV Master Test Plan | |
SOTR | SOV Master Test Report | |
SOV | Systems Operations Validation | |
SOVT | Systems Operations Validation Test | |
SoW | Statement of Work | |
SOWG | Science Operations Working Group | |
SP (duplicate) |
Solar Port (UVS) | |
SPA | Software Product Assurance | |
SPA(M)R | Software Product Assurance (Milestone) Report | |
SPACON | Spacecraft Controller | |
SPAP | Software Product Assurance Plan | |
SPATP | SPACON Training Plan | |
SPE | Solar Particles Event | |
SPENVIS | The Space Environment Information System | |
SPICE (duplicate) |
"Spacecraft Planet Instrument ""C-matrix"" Events" | |
SPK | Spacecraft Kernel (SPICE) | |
SPMP | Software Project Management Plan | |
SPR | Software Problem Report | |
SPUF | Slow Power Up Flag (EPS-CDMS) | |
SpW | Space Wire | |
SQA | Software Quality Assurance | |
SQAP | Software Quality Assurance Plan | |
SQE | Software Quality Engineers | |
SRAM | Static random Access Memory | |
SRD | System Requirements Document | |
SRM | Science Requirements Matrix | |
SRN | Software Release Notes | |
SRP | Solar Radiation Pressure | |
SRR (duplicate) |
System Requirements Review | |
SRS | Software Requirement Specification | |
SS | Start Surface | |
SSAT | Sectoring Shielding Analysis Tool | |
SSD | Solid State Detector (PEP) | |
SSE | Sensor or Subsystems Engineer | |
SSICD | Subsystem Interface Control Documents | |
SSID | Sub-schedule ID | |
SSIRD | Subsystem Interface Requirements documents | |
SSL | Sub Solar Latitude | |
SSM | Sensor or Subsystems Manager | |
SSMM | Solid State mass memory (CDMS-CDMU) | |
SSO/PRODEX | Swiss Space Office/Programme de Développement d'Experiences scientifiques | |
SSR | Software Support Room | |
SSRD | Space Segment Requirements Document | |
SSRS | Space Segment Requirements Specification | |
SSS (duplicate) |
Solid State Switch | |
SSTS | Structure Shielding and Thermal Subsystem | |
STB | Software Test Bench | |
STEP | Standardized Exchange of Product | |
STFC | Science and Technology Facilities Council | |
STIL | Space Technology Ireland, Ireland | |
STL | Standard Tesselation Language or STereoLithography | |
STM | Structural Thermal Model | |
STP | Short Term Plan | |
STR (duplicate) |
Software Test Report | |
STR (duplicate) |
Star Tracker | |
SUB | Sensor and Subsystems | |
SuDD | Subsystems Design Document | |
SUM | Software User Manual | |
SUTR | System User Test Report | |
SUTS | System User Test Specification | |
SVF | Software Verification Facility | |
SVM | Service Module | |
SVT | System validation Tests | |
SVTL | Safety Verification Tracking Log | |
SVTP | System validation Test Plan | |
SVTR | SVT Test slot Reports | |
SVVP | System Verification and Validation Plan | |
SW | Software | |
SwCM | Software Configuration Management | |
SWI | Sub-millimeter Wave Instrument | |
SWL | Receiver Window Length | |
SWST | Receiver Window Start | |
SWT | Science Working Team | |
TA | Technical Assistance | |
TAA | Technical Assistance Agreement | |
TB/TV | Thermal Balance/Thermal Vacuum | |
TBC (duplicate) |
To Be Confirmed | |
TBD (duplicate) |
To Be Defined | |
TBN | To Be Nominated | |
TBTV | Thermal Balance Thermal Vacuum | |
TBW | To Be Written | |
TC | Telecommand | |
TCA | Time of Closest Approach | |
TCM (duplicate) |
Trim Correction Manoeuvre | |
TCP/IP | Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol | |
TCS | Thermal Control Subsystem | |
TDA | Technology Development Activity | |
TDC | Time to digital conversion | |
TDP | Technology Development Plan | |
TEKES | Teknologian Kehittämiskeskus | |
TEM | Telescope Module (JANUS) | |
TICD | Thermal Interface Control Document | |
TID | Total Ionizing Dose | |
TIDL | Total Ionizing Dose Level | |
TIDS | Total Ionizing Dose Sensitivity | |
TiN | Titanium Nitrid | |
TLM | Telemetry | |
TM (duplicate) |
Telemetry | |
TM/TC | Telemetry/Telecommand | |
TM2RAW | Telemetry to raw conversion | |
TMM | Thermal Mathematical Model | |
TMN | Transmitter and Matching Network (RIME) | |
TN | Technical Note | |
TNIDL | Total Non Ionizing Dose Level | |
TNIDS | Total Non Ionizing Dose Sensitivity | |
TNM | Thruster Normal Mode | |
TOF | Time of Flight | |
TQCM | Thermoelectric Quartz Crystal Microbalances | |
TR | Test Report | |
TRB (duplicate) |
Test Readiness Board | |
TRL | Technology Readiness Level | |
TRP (duplicate) |
Technology Research Programme | |
TRR | Test Readiness Review | |
TRU (duplicate) |
Telescope and Receiver Unit (SWI) | |
TRU (duplicate) |
TRansceiving Unit (GALA) | |
TS | Test Specification | |
TT&C (duplicate) |
Telemetry, Tracking and Control subsystem | |
TT&C (duplicate) |
Telemetry, Tracking and Control Subsystem | |
TTM | Thruster Transition Mode | |
TU-BS | Technische Universität zu Braunschweig (J-MAG) | |
TV | Thermal Vacuum | |
TV/TB | Thermal Vacuum / Thermal Balance | |
TVAC | Thermal Vacuum | |
TWT | Travelling Wave Tube | |
TWTA | Travelling Wave Tube Amplifier | |
TX | Transmitter Subsystem | |
UA | University of Wales Aberystwyth, Wales | |
UARF | Unit Alignment Reference Frame | |
UBe | University of Bern, Physikalisches Institut, Switzerland | |
UCLA | Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, USA | |
ULEIS | Ultra Low Energy Isotope Spectrometer, on ACE | |
ULF | Ultra-Low Frequency | |
ULPA | Dust particle filter (product name) | |
UM (duplicate) |
User Manual | |
UM (duplicate) |
University of Michigan | |
UMich | University of Michigan, Dept. of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences, USA | |
UML | Unified Modeling Language | |
URD | User Requirement Document | |
URF | Unit Physical Reference Frame | |
URP | Unit Reference Point | |
US | MIL United States Military | |
USG | United States Government | |
USO | Ultra-Stable Oscillator | |
UT | Universal Time | |
UTC | Universal Time Convention | |
UV (duplicate) |
Ultra Violet | |
UV (duplicate) |
Ultraviolet | |
UVD | Under Voltage Detector | |
UVIS | UltraViolet Imaging Spectrograph, on Cassini | |
UVS (duplicate) |
UV imaging Spectrograph | |
UWA | University of Wales Aberystwyth | |
VBN | Vision Based Navigation | |
VC | Virtual Channel | |
VCA | Virtual Channel Assembler (CDMS-CDMU) | |
VCD | Verification Control Document | |
VDA | Vapour Deposit Aluminium | |
VEEGA | Venus-Earth-Earth Gravity Assist | |
VEX | Venus Express | |
VHDL | VHSIC Hardware Description Language | |
VHSIC | Very-High-Speed Integrated Circuit | |
VIRHIS | Visible Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging Spectrometer | |
VM | Verification Matrix | |
VTA | Variable Time of Arrival | |
WAC | Wide Angle Camera | |
WAN | Wide Area network | |
WBS | Work Breakdown Structure | |
WC | Worst Case | |
WCA | Worst Case Analysis | |
WCS | Worst Case Spectrum | |
WCu | Tungsten-Copper alloy | |
WD | Watch Dog | |
WDT | Watchdog Timer | |
WG | Working Group | |
WOL | Wheel-Off-Loading | |
WP | Work Package | |
WPD | Work Packages Description | |
WRCP | Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Budapest, Hungary (J-MAG) | |
Wrt | With regard to | |
ZU | Zenith Unit | |
CU (duplicate) |
Clean Up | |
GGA | Ganymede Gravity Assist | |
APS (duplicate) |
Auxiliary Power Supply (EPS-PCDU) | |
BSW (duplicate) |
Basic SoftWare (CDMS) | |
MIP (duplicate) |
Minimally Ionizing Particle | |
PTR (duplicate) |
Process Tailoring Request | |
IR (duplicate) |
Integrated Reflectron | |
CR (duplicate) |
Change Request | |
TCM (duplicate) |
Trajectory Control Manoeuvre | |
UVS (duplicate) |
Ultraviolet Spectrograph, on Juno | |
TRP (duplicate) |
Thermal Reference Point | |
TRB (duplicate) |
Test Review Board | |
TM (duplicate) |
Technological Model | |
TBD (duplicate) |
To Be Determined | |
TBC (duplicate) |
To be Continued | |
SSS (duplicate) |
Software System Specification | |
SPICE (duplicate) |
Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis (electronics development) | |
SGS (duplicate) |
Solar Generator Subsystem | |
RM (duplicate) |
Reference Model | |
PPO (duplicate) |
PEP Project Office | |
PSA (duplicate) |
Part Stress Analysis | |
PTR (duplicate) |
Post Test Review | |
QPL (duplicate) |
Qualified Product List | |
RD (duplicate) |
Radiation Design | |
SRR (duplicate) |
Software Requirements Review | |
SP (duplicate) |
Sputtered | |
SoC | Statement of Compliance | |
RR (duplicate) |
Readiness Review | |
FTA (duplicate) |
Fault Tree Analysis | |
GCO (duplicate) |
Ganymede Concentric Orbit | |
GS (duplicate) |
Solid Geometric factor | |
IF (duplicate) |
Interface | |
IFE (duplicate) |
Interface Electronics | |
IR (duplicate) |
Infra-Red | |
ITP (duplicate) |
Interplanetary Transfer Phase | |
JACS (duplicate) |
Juice Alignment Calibration System | |
LOS (duplicate) |
Line-of-Sight | |
MIB (duplicate) |
Mission Information Base | |
MICD (duplicate) |
Mechanical Interface Control Drawings | |
MIP (duplicate) |
Mandatory Inspection Point | |
MOS | Metal Oxide Semiconductor | |
NCR (duplicate) |
Non Conformance Report | |
OCD (duplicate) |
Operations Constraint Document | |
OCM (duplicate) |
Orbit Control Mode | |
PCB (duplicate) |
Printed Circuit Board | |
PM (duplicate) |
Project Manager | |
FOP (duplicate) |
Flight Operation Procedures | |
FEE (duplicate) |
Front End Electronics | |
ESD (duplicate) |
Equivalent Source Dipole | |
ESA (duplicate) |
Electrostatic Analyzer | |
DDS (duplicate) |
Direct Digital Synthesis (RIME) | |
CR (duplicate) |
Common Rack | |
EMC (duplicate) |
Electromagnetic Cleanliness | |
EM (duplicate) |
Electrical Model | |
DSP (duplicate) |
Digital Signal Processing | |
DoD (duplicate) |
Department of Defence | |
CP (duplicate) |
Command Period | |
DPU (duplicate) |
Digital Processing Unit (RPWI) | |
DES (duplicate) |
Digital Electronics Subsystem | |
EPS (duplicate) |
Electrical Power Subsystem | |
DCR (duplicate) |
Dedicated Control Room | |
CS (duplicate) |
Conversion Surface | |
CI (duplicate) |
Critical Item | |
CDF (duplicate) |
Concurrent Design Facility | |
DSM (duplicate) |
Deep Space Manoeuvre | |
ISA | Israel Space Agency | |
CVN | Chinese VLBI Network | |
ERIC | European Research Infrastructure Consortium | |
EAVN | East Asia VLBI Network | |
EVN | European VLBI Network | |
LBA | Long Baseline Array | |
SKA | Square Kilometre Array | |
VLBA | Very Long Baseline Array | |
VLBI | Very Long Baseline Interferometry | |
JIVE | Joint Institute for VLBI ERIC | |
GANDALF | GANymede plasma Density And Low Frequency waves (RPWI) | |
RWI | Radio Wave Instrument (RPWI) | |
MTF | Modulation Transfer Function | |
ADS | Airbus Defense and Space | |
MAGSCA | Scalar magnetometer | |
JMU | Juice Monitoring Unit | |
PMAR | Preliminary Mission Analysis Review | |
CRF | Command Request File | |
ITL (duplicate) |
Instrument Time Line | |
Instrument Preliminary Integration Facility
Payload Direct Operation Request |
Radar for Icy Moon Exploration |
VH |
Very Hot |
CW |
Calendar Week |
PJ |
Perijove |
Absolute Guidance Knowledge Error |
Absolute Guidance Error |
Capability Maturity Model Integration |
MA |
Mission Analysis |
Analog Digital Unit |
SCM (duplicate) |
Search Coil Magnetometer |
Advanced Water Vapour Radiometers |
Common Astronomy Software Applications |
Segmentation Harmonization Tool |
Fine Pointing Phase |