News - JUICE
News about the Juice mission
The following news are written by the Juice community to share updates and information about the mission.
In addition other news and stories can be accessed via the following links:
ESA Juice Archive:
, -
ESA Science and Technology:
(last update in 2019).
If you want to post a news about the Juice mission or its science, you can request it on the News page here
External News about the juice mission
Moon-Earth flyby
CNES - JUICE: Earth and Moon through MAJIS eyes
MPI - JUICE: A Look at our Blue Planet
ESA - Juice admires Moon during lunar flyby
ESA - Juice’s view of the Pale Blue Dot
ESA - Juice’s navigation camera gets first taste of space
ESA - First views from Juice’s science camera
ESA - Juice rerouted to Venus in world’s first lunar-Earth flyby
ASI - La Luna e la Terra in posa per la camera JANUS durante il primo flyby di JUICE (italian)