
Juice ESA Youtube playlist

Juice ESA Videos gallery

A few highlights


Unlocking the secrets of the Jupiter's Icy Moons.

Juice’s journey to Jupiter.

JUICE: The Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer - Dr Leigh Fletcher.

The successful recovery of the Juice RIME antenna deployment.


Europlanet Webinar

Europlanet Juice Webinars Youtube playlist


Juice - mission update after one year in space.

Induced magnetic fields - peeking below the surface Earth & Jovian moons

Lunar Earth Flyby - Perspectives from Navigation, Science and Radiation

Juice and Smile: Unravelling magnetospheric processes on Ganymede & Earth

Studying Jupiter with Juice-MAJIS & ground based pro-am instrumentation


The Making of Juice 

Youtube channel


The episodes


Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Epsiode 4

Episode 5

Episode 6

Episode 7

Episode 8

Episode 9

Episode 10.1

Episode 10.2

Episode 10.3


Some other videos will later be uploaded to the page.


Juice Giphy page

A few highlights


Artistic view of the launch

Deployments after launch

JUICE trajectory

Artist's impression of a Ganymede flyby

Introducing Juice’s odyssey of exploration