PhD Theses - LISA
LIST of PhD Theses related to LISA and LISA Pathfinder
Name | Date | Title | Institute | Link | |
1 | Paul McNamara | 1998 | Development of Optical Techniques for space-borne laser interferometric gravitational wave detectors | University of Glasgow | |
2 | Shane Larson | 1999 | Space-Based Gravitational Wave Astrophysics | Montana State University | |
3 | Michael Peterseim | 2000 | Entwicklung und Stabilisierung des Lasersystems für die wissenschaftliche Weltraummission LISA | Albert Einstein Institute & University of Hannover | |
4 | Gijs Nelemens | 2001 | White dwarfs, black holes and neutron stars in close binaries | University of Amsterdam | |
5 | Emmanuele Berti | 2002 | Gravitational waves from perturbed stars | University of Rome "La Sapienza" | |
6 | Mauro Hueller | 2003 | Geodesic motion of LISA test masses: development and testing of drag-free position sensors | University of Trento | |
7 | Louis Rubbo | 2004 | Gravitational Wave Astronomy Using Spaceborne Detectors | Montana State University | |
8 | Bernard Kelly | 2004 | The Next Generation of Binary Black Hole Head-On Collisions, and their Aftermath | Penn State University | |
9 | Michael Troebs | 2005 | Laser development and stabilization for the spaceborne interferometric gravitational wave detector LISA | Albert Einstein Institute & University of Hannover | |
10 | Steve Drasco | 2005 | Detecting non-Gaussian stochastic signals and gravitational radiation from test particles bound to black holes | Cornell University | |
11 | Linda Mondin | 2005 | Stabilisation de fréquence de laser Nd:YAG pour applications spatiales | Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis | |
12 | Ludovico Carbone | 2005 | Ground based investigation of force noise sources for LISA | University of Trento | |
13 | Peter J. Wass | 2006 | The Charged Particle Space Environment as A Noise Source for LISA and LISA Pathfinder | Imperial College London | |
14 | Jefferson Crowder | 2006 | Data Analysis for Space-Based Gravitational Wave Detectors | Montana State University | |
15 | Richard Umstaetter | 2006 | Bayesian Strategies for Gravitational Radiation Data Analysis | University of Auckland | |
16 | Rache Cruz | 2006 | Development of the UF LISA benchtop simulator for time delay interferometry | University of Florida | |
17 | James Ira Thorpe | 2006 | Laboratory studies of arm-locking using the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna simulator at the University of Florida | University of Florida | |
18 | Christian Killow | 2006 | Interferometry developments for spaceborne gravitational wave detectors | University of Glasgow | |
19 | Lorenzo Marconi | 2006 | Ground-based tests for the position sensor of LISA and LISA PF on two degrees of freedom in a frequency range around mHz | University of Pisa | |
20 | Michele Armano | 2006 | The LTP Experiment on LISA Pathfinder: Operational definition of the transverse and traceless gauge in space | University of Trento | |
21 | Vinzenz Wand | 2007 | Interferometry at low frequencies : optical phase measurement for LISA and LISA Pathfinder | Albert Einstein Institute & University of Hannover | |
22 | Antonio Garcia Marin | 2007 | Minimisation of optical pathlength noise for the detection of gravitational waves with the spaceborne laser interferometer LISA and LISA pathfinder | Albert Einstein Institute & University of Hannover | |
23 | Sascha Skorupka | 2007 | Rauschuntersuchungen an hochstabilen Lasersystemen für die wissenschaftliche Weltraummission LISA. | Albert Einstein Institute & University of Hannover | |
24 | Miquel Nofrarias Serra | 2007 | Thermal diagnostics in the LTP experiment | CSIC-IEEC | |
25 | Gijs Roelds | 2007 | The AM Canum Venaticorum stars | Radbound University | |
26 | Christian Röver | 2007 | Bayesian inference on astrophysical binary inspirals based on gravitational-wave measurements | University of Auckland | |
27 | Adele La Rana | 2007 | An Optical ReadOut for the Gravitatonal Reference Sensor of LISA | University of Naples "Federico II" | |
28 | Frank Steier | 2008 | Interferometry techniques for spaceborne gravitational wave detectors | Albert Einstein Institute & University of Hannover | |
29 | Antoin Petiteau | 2008 | From simulation of LISA to data analysis | Astroparticule et Cosmologie - Université Paris Diderot | |
30 | Bence Kocsis | 2008 | Astrophysical Applications of Gravitational Waves | Eötvös University | |
31 | Enrico Barausse | 2008 | Exploring the Universe with gravitational wave | SISSA | |
32 | Sofiane Aoudia | 2008 | Capture des étoiles par les trous noirs et ondes gravitationnelles | Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis | |
33 | Giacomo Ciani | 2008 | Free-fall of LISA Test Masses: a new torsion pendulum to test translational acceleration | University of Trento | |
34 | David Tombolato | 2008 | A laboratory study of force disturbances for the LISA Pathfinder free fall demonstration mission | University of Trento | |
35 | Felipe Guzman Cervantes | 2009 | Gravitational wave observation from space : optical measurement techniques for LISA and LISA pathfinder | Albert Einstein Institute & University of Hannover | |
36 | Josep Sanjuán Muñoz | 2009 | Development and validation of the thermal diagnostics instrumentation in LISA PathFinder | CSIC-IEEC | |
37 | Chien-Jen Alf Tang | 2009 | Detecting Gravitational-Wave Background with LISA | Imperial College London | |
38 | Ryan Lang | 2009 | Observable signatures of general relativistic dynamics in compact binaries | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | |
39 | Pradesh Sundarajan | 2009 | Using perturbation theory to understand the two-body problem in general relativity | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | |
40 | Tyson Littenberg | 2009 | A Comprehensive Bayesian Approach to Gravitational Wave Astronomy | Montana State University | |
41 | Ashley J Ruiter | 2009 | White dwarfs in close binaries: Gravitational waves, X-rays and type Ia supernova progenitors | MPQ | |
42 | Pablo Lorén Aguilar | 2009 | Gravitational wave radiation from single and binary white dwarfs | Technical University of Catalonia | |
43 | Barry Wardell | 2009 | Green Functions and Radiation Reaction From a Spacetime Perspective | University College Dublin | |
44 | Jennifer Toher | 2009 | Investigating correlations in time delay interferometry combinations of LISA data | University of Glasgow | |
45 | Johanna Bogenstahl | 2009 | Interferometry for the space mission LISA Pathfinder | University of Glasgow | |
46 | Darren Golbourn | 2009 | Perturbations from a particle orbiting a black hole with an application to self-force calculations for EMRIs | University of Southampton | |
47 | Gudrun Wanner | 2010 | Complex optical systems in space : numerical modelling of the heterodyne interferometry of LISA Pathfinder and LISA | Albert Einstein Institute & University of Hannover | |
48 | Anneke Monsky | 2010 | Understanding interferometric drag-free sensors in space using intelligent data analysis tools | Albert Einstein Institute & University of Hannover | |
49 | Berangere Argence | 2010 | Stabilisation de fréquence d'un laser Nd : YAG sur une transition de la molécule de di-iode (I₂)pour la mission spatiale LISA | Astroparticule et Cosmologie - Université Paris Diderot | |
50 | Joey Key | 2010 | Characterizing Astrphysical Sources of Gravitational Waves | Montana State University | |
51 | Vincent Corbin | 2010 | Cosmological Sources of Gravitational Waves | Montana State University | |
52 | Alix Preston | 2010 | Stability of materials for use in space-based interferometric missions | University of Florida | |
53 | Ewan Fitzsimons | 2010 | Techniques for precision interferometry in space | University of Glasgow | |
54 | Edward Bloomer | 2010 | A principal component analysis of gravitational-wave signals from extreme-mass-ratio sources | University of Glasgow | |
55 | Alessandro Bohe | 2011 | Emission of gravitational waves from cosmic strings with junctions | Astroparticule et Cosmologie - Université Paris Diderot | |
56 | Takamitsu Tanaka | 2011 | Mergers of Supermassive Black Hole Binaries in Gas-rich Environments: Models of Event Rates and Electromagnetic Signatures | Columbia University | |
57 | Marc Díaz Aguiló | 2011 | Magnetic Diagnostics Algorithms for LISA Pathfinder: System Identification and Data Analysis | CSIC-IEEC | |
58 | Daniel Hollington | 2011 | The Charge Management System for LISA and LISA Pathfinder | Imperial College London | |
59 | Priscilla Cañizares Martínez | 2011 | Extreme-Mass-Ratio Inspirals: Modelling and Test of an Alternative Theory of Gravity | Technical University of Catalonia | |
60 | Nicolas Douillet | 2011 | Analyse des données de LISA : une méthode pour l'estimation des paramètres des binaires galactiques | Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis | |
61 | Peter Taylor | 2011 | Green's functions in axially symmetric space-times with applications in QFT and the self force | University College Dublin | |
62 | Gideon Koekoek | 2011 | The Geodesic Deviation Method and Extreme Mass-Ratio Systems | University of Amsterdam | |
63 | Asad Ali | 2011 | Bayesian Inference on EMRI Signals in LISA Data | University of Auckland | |
64 | Eli Huerta | 2011 | Source modelling of extreme and intermediate mass ratio inspirals | University of Cambridge | |
65 | Yinan Yu | 2011 | Arm locking for Laser Interferometer Space Antenna | University of Florida | |
66 | Fazeel Khan | 2011 | Dynamics and Evolution of Supermassive Black Holes in Merging Galaxies | University of Heidelberg | |
67 | Daniele Nicolodi | 2011 | Femto Newton level testing of free fall on ground | University of Trento | |
68 | Antoine Klein | 2011 | Detecting supermassive black hole binaries with LISA | University Of Zurich | |
69 | Marina Dehne | 2012 | Construction and noise behaviour of ultra-stable optical systems for space interferometers | Albert Einstein Institute & University of Hannover | |
70 | Joachim Kullmann | 2012 | Development of a digital phase measuring system with microradian precision for LISA | Albert Einstein Institute & University of Hannover | |
71 | Jérome Carré | 2012 | The modeling and detection of gravitational waves for LISA | Astroparticule et Cosmologie - Université Paris Diderot | |
72 | Juan Jose Esteban Delgado | 2012 | Laser Ranging and Data communication for the Laser Interferomteric Space Antenna | Granada University | |
73 | Sarah Vigeland | 2012 | Studies of Strong-Field Gravity: Testing the Black Hole Hypothesis and Investigating Spin-Curvature Coupling | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | |
74 | Anna Heffernan | 2012 | The Self-Force Problem: Local Behaviour of the Detweiler-Whiting Singular Field | University College Dublin | |
75 | Dylan Sweeny | 2012 | Laser communications for LISA and the University of Florida LISA interferometry simulator | University of Florida | |
76 | Shawn Mirtyk | 2012 | Laser Noise Mitigation through Time Delay Interferometry for Space-Based Gravitational Wave Interferometers Using the UF Laser Interferometry Simulator | University of Florida | |
77 | Niels Warburton | 2012 | Frequency domain approach to self-force calculations | University of Southampton | |
78 | Davor Mance | 2012 | Development of Electronic System for Sensing and Actuation of Test Mass of the Inertial Sensor LISA | University of Split | |
79 | Giuseppe Congedo | 2012 | Spacetime metrology with LISA Pathfinder | University of Trento | |
80 | Evgenia Kochkina | 2013 | Stigmatic and astigmatic Gaussian beams in fundamental mode : impact of beam model choice on interferometric pathlength signal estimates | Albert Einstein Institute & University of Hannover | |
81 | Christian Dieckmann | 2013 | Development of core elements for the LISA optical bench : electro-optical measurement systems and test devices | Albert Einstein Institute & University of Hannover | |
82 | Silvia Toonen | 2013 | The evolution of close binaries with white dwarf components | Radbound University | |
83 | Patxi Ritter | 2013 | Ondes gravitationnelles et calcul de la force propre pour un astre compact en mouvement autour d'un trou noir super-massif | Université d'Orléans | |
84 | Christopher Berry | 2013 | Exploring gravity with gravitational waves and strong-field tests | University of Cambridge | |
85 | Oliver Geberding | 2014 | Phase readout for satellite interferometry | Albert Einstein Institute & University of Hannover | |
86 | Wang Yan | 2014 | On inter-satellite laser ranging, clock synchronization and gravitational wave data analysis | Albert Einstein Institute & University of Hannover | |
87 | Heather Audley | 2014 | Preparing for LISA Pathfinder operations: characterisation of the optical metrology system | Albert Einstein Institute & University of Hannover | |
88 | Matthew Adams | 2014 | Detecting a Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background with Space Based Interferometers | Montana State University | |
89 | Sweta Shah | 2014 | The synergy between Gravitational wave and Electromagnetic data of compact binaries | Radbound University | |
90 | Alistair Taylor | 2014 | Aspects of optical meterology systems for space-borne gravitational wave detectors | University of Glasgow | |
91 | Cedric Huwyler | 2014 | Testing General Relativity with Gravitational Waves | University Of Zurich | |
92 | Eric Addison | 2014 | Gravitational wave astrophysics with compact binary systems | Utah State University | |
93 | Simon Barke | 2015 | Inter-Spacecraft Frequency Distribution for future Gravitational Wave Observatories | Albert Einstein Institute & University of Hannover | |
94 | Natalia Korsakova | 2015 | Probing Low Gravity Gradient With LISA Pathfinder | Albert Einstein Institute & University of Hannover | |
95 | Pierre Grüning | 2015 | Development and operation of an electro-optical simulator for the future space based gravitational wave detector eLISA | Astroparticule et Cosmologie - Université Paris Diderot | |
96 | Henri Inchauspé | 2015 | From LISA Pathfinder to LISA: A dynamic simulator for the eLISA space mission | Astroparticule et Cosmologie - Université Paris Diderot | |
97 | Nikolaos Karnesis | 2015 | Data Analysis Techniques for LISA PathFinder | CSIC-IEEC | |
98 | Ferran Gibert Gutiérrez | 2015 | Design and analysis of the thermal diagnostics experiments onboard LISA Pathfinder | CSIC-IEEC | |
99 | José Ignacio Mateos Martín | 2015 | Development of a Magnetic Diagnostics System for (e)LISA | Technical University of Catalonia | |
100 | Patrick Nolan | 2015 | High accuracy calculations of self force gauge invariants for compact binaries | University College Dublin | |
101 | Robert Cole | 2015 | Gravitational waves from extreme mass ratio inspirals | University of Cambridge | |
102 | Aaron Spector | 2015 | Investigation of the Back-Reflection from an On-Axis Telescope for Space Based Interferometric Gravitational Wave Detectors | University of Florida | |
103 | Johannes Eichholz | 2015 | Digital Heterodyne Laser Frequency Stabilization for Space-Based Gravitational Wave Detectors and Measuring Coating Brownian Noise at Cryogenic Temperatures | University of Florida | |
104 | Cesar Merlin | 2015 | Gravitational self-force from curvature scalars | University of Southampton | |
105 | Carlo Zanoni | 2015 | Drag-free Spacecraft Technologies: criticalities in the initialization of geodesic motion | University of Trento | |
106 | Giuliana Russano | 2015 | A torsion pendulum ground test of the LISA Pathfinder Free-fall mode | University of Trento | |
107 | Lorenzo De Vittori | 2015 | Gravitational Waves Memory from Hyperbolic Black Hole Binaries | University Of Zurich | |
108 | Markus Otto | 2016 | Time-Delay Interferometry Simulations for the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna | Albert Einstein Institute & University of Hannover | |
109 | Mauro Pieroni | 2016 | Classification of inflationary models and constraints on fundamental physics | Astroparticule et Cosmologie - Université Paris Diderot | |
110 | Daniel D'Orazio | 2016 | Predicting Electromagnetic Signatures of Gravitational Wave Sources | Columbia University | |
111 | Satish Kumar Saravanan | 2016 | Spin Dynamics in Genral Relativity | Leiden University | |
112 | Uchupol Ruangsri | 2016 | Effects of Resonances and Spin-Curvature Coupling in Extreme Mass Ratio Inspirals | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | |
113 | Chris Kavanagh | 2016 | High-order asymptotic expansions for extreme mass ratio binaries | University College Dublin | |
114 | Giuseppe D’Ambrosi | 2016 | Dynamics of Extreme-Mass-Ratio binaries | University of Amsterdam | |
115 | Davide Gerosa | 2016 | Source modelling at the dawn of gravitational-wave astronomy | University of Cambridge | |
116 | Christopher More | 2016 | Gravitational-waves: understanding black holes | University of Cambridge | |
117 | Michele Leighton | 2016 | A principal component approach to space-based gravitational wave astronomy | University of Glasgow | |
118 | Sonke Schuster | 2017 | Tilt-to-length coupling and diffraction aspects in satellite interferometry | Albert Einstein Institute & University of Hannover | |
119 | Maike Lieser | 2017 | LISA optical bench development - Experimental investigation of tilt-to-coupling for a spaceborne gravitational wave detector | Albert Einstein Institute & University of Hannover | |
120 | Vitali Mueller | 2017 | Design Considerations for Future Geodesy Missions and for Space Laser Interferometry | Albert Einstein Institute & University of Hannover | |
121 | German Fernandez Barranco | 2017 | Photodetection in intersatellite laser interferometers | Albert Einstein Institute & University of Hannover | |
122 | Yann Bouffanais | 2017 | Bayesian inference for compact binary sources of gravitational waves | Astroparticule et Cosmologie - Université Paris Diderot | |
123 | Thomas Weavers | 2017 | Searching for quiescent black holes | Radbound University | |
124 | Alvin Chua | 2017 | Topics in gravitational-wave astronomy | University of Cambridge | |
125 | Jeremy Miller | 2017 | The second-order gravitational self-force | University of Southampton | |
126 | Roberta Giusterri | 2017 | Parabolic flights in pico-g for space-based gravitational wave observatory: the free-fall experiment on LISA Pathfinder | University of Trento | |
127 | Maria Chiara Guzzetti | 2018 | Observables from inflation: gravitational waves and magnetic fields | University of Padova | |
128 | Paco Giudice | 2018 | Time-domain metric reconstruction for self-force applications | University of Southampton | |
129 | Nils Brause | 2018 | Auxiliary function development for the LISA metrology system | Albert Einstein Institute & University of Hannover | |
130 | Katharina Isleif | 2018 | Laser interferometry for LISA and satellite geodesy missions | Albert Einstein Institute & University of Hannover | |
131 | Thomas Schwarze | 2018 | Phase extraction for laser interferometry in space: phase readout schemes and optical testing | Albert Einstein Institute & University of Hannover | |
132 | Valeriya Korol | 2019 | Exploring future multi-messenger Galactic astronomy | Leiden University | |
133 | Alexander Koch | 2020 | Link Acquisition and Optimization for Intersatellite Laser Interferometry | Albert Einstein Institute & University of Hannover | |
134 | Sarah Paczkowski | 2020 | Laser Frequency Stabilisation and Interferometer Path Length Differences during the LISA Pathfinder Satellite Mission | Albert Einstein Institute & University of Hannover | |
135 | Vitalii Khodnevych | 2020 | Scattered light studies for the LISA optical metrology system | Universite Cote D'Azur | |
136 | Brigitte Kaune | 2021 | In-orbit Stability Analysis of the LISA Pathfinder Optical Metrology: Photoreceivers and Polarisation | Albert Einstein Institute & University of Hannover | |
137 | Yongho Lee | 2021 | Development of an advanced tilt actuator for tilt-to-length coupling investigations | Albert Einstein Institute & University of Hannover | |
138 | Olaf Hartwig | 2021 | Instrumental Modelling and Noise Reduction Algorithms for the Laser Interferometric Space Antenna | Albert Einstein Institute & University of Hannover | |
139 | Andreas Wittchen | 2021 | Relative Intensity Noise in the LISA Pathfinder Interferometer - Experiments on ground and in space | Albert Einstein Institute & University of Hannover | |
140 | Guillaume Boileau | 2021 | Observations cosmologiques par LISA : limitations dues au bruit et aux signaux astrophysiques | Universite Cote D'Azur | |
141 | Henry Wegener | 2022 | Analysis of Tilt-to-Length Coupling in the GRACE Follow-On Laser Ranging Interferometer | Albert Einstein Institute & University of Hannover | |
141 | Marie-Sophie Hartig | 2022 | Tilt-to-Length Coupling in LISA Pathfinder: Model, Data Analysis and Take-Away Messages for LISA | Albert Einstein Institute & University of Hannover | |
142 | Max Rohr | 2022 | Experimental investigation of fiber dynamics for the LISA backlink | Albert Einstein Institute & University of Hannover | |
143 | Lea Bischof | 2022 | The LISA three-backlink experiment: Ultra-stable optical bench construction and non-reciprocity investigation | Albert Einstein Institute & University of Hannover |
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