Guidelines for Abstract Presentations and Posters - Mars Science Workshop 2018
- The scheduled time is: 10 minutes for talks + 5 min for questions.
- The Scientific Committee suggests to add a last page/line after the Conclusions, titled "One intriguing question whose answer I would like to know". The objective is to stimulate the debate after every talk, and to collect a list of open questions to highlight at the end of the Workshop.
- Presentations are accepted in PowerPoint (ppt, pptx) or Adobe PDF (pdf) format.
- Presentations must be tested and delivered to the session chair well before the session.
- Your own laptop can be used only in exceptional cases and must be tested with the session chair before the session.
- Recommended poster size A0 vertical (84.1 x 118.9 cm). Posters printed on 36" (91.4 cm) wide paper will also fit. Our poster boards are 95 cm (37.4") wide and 128 cm (50.4") tall
- There will be two Poster sessions during both afternoon coffee breaks, on Tuesday and Wednesday between 16:30 and 17:15.
- Posters will be shown in the main hall of the D building, right next to the main conference room.
- No common poster template is required.
- The printed poster copy should be taken to the conference by the participant.
- The exact location of the posters will be confirmed during the registration in the first morning.
- All abstracts must be created following this template.
- Upload the abstract via the online registration form.
- All abstracts must be saved and submitted in PDF format.
- Filename must contain corresponding author last name and initials: e.g. “Mylastname_A.pdf”
- Maximum file size is 20Mbytes
Please do not hesitate to contact the organization for more information.