FoV3D - Meteor
Field of view visualization using 3D GIS software (FOV3D)
To get a better understanding of the atmospheric volume that is monitored by a (meteor) camera, one may use 3D GIS-software such as Google Earth to interactively explore the field of view of a camera. To do this, we created a PHP-script called "FOV3D". The script generates a 3D semi-transparant polygon representing the field of view of a given camera.
The script produces output in the KML-format, which is an XML-based language for describing geospatial data. KML-files can be imported into GIS-software such as Google Earth, NASA World Wind and ArcGIS. However, the files generated by this script have only been verified to work with Google Earth.
Example of a FOV3D-generated file in Google Earth, showing the MRG double-station setup in the Netherlands.
Simple user interface
Use the form below to create a Google Earth-file for your camera setup.
Source code
The FOV3D source code is available here: FOV3D.class.php. The interface: fov3d_interface.php.
Please report bugfixes and improvements to Geert Barentsen.
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