4th Announcement - Meteoroids2016
(Please redistribute to anyone you think may be interested)
28 February 2016
The early registration deadline for the Meteoroids 2016 conference is approaching.
With a fantastic program, conference, excursions, the event will again be a great place to meet for the international meteor community. Be sure to register until 1 March 2016 to receive the early bird registration rate. After that date, and this until the final registration deadline of 31 March 2016, all rates will be 30 EUR more expensive! Therefore, visit the online registration to register now!
The registration fee of Meteoroids 2016 includes:
- participation in all scientific sessions,
- the conference program and abstracts,
- coffee breaks,
- welcome reception,
- a boat cruise in Amsterdam with dinner,
- the excursion, and
- the shuttle bus from the IMC.
Visit the fees information webpage for more details.
Moreover, thanks to your interest, a special programme for spouses/partners will be arranged. Details will be provided soon.
More detailed information are provided on the conference web site http://cosmos.esa.int/web/Meteoroids2016
Contact: Meteoroids2016@cosmos.esa.int
We are looking forward to seeing you in Noordwijk!
The Local Organizing Committee
- Removed a total of (1) align=center.