9th Announcement - Meteoroids2016
15 September 2016
Dear Conference participants,
We have received a number of requests to extend the paper submission deadline. This is to let you know that you can still submit papers until 30 September 2016, 23:59 UTC. Note that none of the other deadlines will change. As a reminder, here the instructions for the proceedings:
Proceeding Instructions
No page limits are defined and there is no distinction between oral, poster, or invited contributions. However, only full scientific papers, fulfilling the journal standards and submitted according to the journal guidelines, will
be accepted. The author instructions are available at https://www.elsevier.com/journals/planetary-and-space-science/0032-0633/guide-for-authors
The submission website is located at: www.evise.com/evise/faces/pages/navigation/NavController.jspx?JRNL_ACR=pss
If you do not have an account at the EVISE editorial system, you will have to register first. When submitting the manuscript, select 'SI: Meteoroids 2016'. Only work presented at the conference (or at least contained in the abstract booklet) can be submitted.
The acceptance deadline is 31 March 2017. Manuscripts not accepted by that date will not be published in the special issue. They can be published later in a regular issue of the journal, if accepted.
With kind regards,
The Local Organizing Committee
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