Guidelines - Meteoroids2016
Presentation Guidelines
Oral Presentations
- The scheduled time is either 15 minutes for the presentation and for the discussion (regular) or 30 minutes (invited).
- Presentations are accepted in PowerPoint (ppt, pptx) or Adobe PDF (pdf) format.
- Presentations must be tested and delivered to the Meteoroids 2016 staff well before the session.
- Your own laptop can be used only in exceptional cases and must be tested with the Meteoroids 2016 staff before the session.
Poster Presentations
- Our poster boards are 95 cm (37.4") wide and 128 cm (50.4") tall. Posters of size A0 (84.1 x 118.9 cm) or posters printed on 36" (91.4 cm) wide paper will fit.
- No common poster template is required.
- The printed poster copy should be taken to the conference by the participant.
- You may put up your posters starting Monday morning, 6 June.
Authors are kindly asked to compile their abstract PDF file on their own computer, either using Word or using the LaTeX template. Please, use these templates without modifications.
Abstract is limited to 1 page and to 1 MB disk space, and should be submitted as a PDF file through the online abstract submission form.
After the abstract deadline the Meteoroids 2016 SOC will go through the abstracts, and decide if they are approved for oral or poster presentation.
Any questions regarding the abstract submission can be sent to: