Venue and Transport


The conference will take place at the European Space Astronomy Centre, ESAC (ESA). 

The organization will set up a shuttle service connecting Moncloa Transport Hub (Madrid) to ESAC. Please, tick in the box in the registration form if you intend to use it.

The shuttle service from Madrid to ESAC will departure at 08:15 am both days from Paseo de Moret, 1 (see image). It will return from ESAC to the same place at the end of the scientific sessions.

Please, be aware that those not attending the visit to the Laurentine Library on the 21st will need to come back to ESAC using the public transport (see below)



There is a public transport service from/to Moncloa transport hub: line 623, green buses. The buses leaving at 07:15, 08:15, 09:15, 16:10 and 16:50 from Moncloa will stop at ESAC (they have an "ESAC" singn in the fromt window). The buses from ESAC to Moncloa departure at 08:25, 09:30, 17:00 and 18:00 from the main gate.


You may find directions to ESAC here: