PDS4 Training Workshop 2024


4-8 NOVEMBER 2024


The ESA Planetary Science Archive (PSA) team will be hosting a training workshop at ESAC (close to Madrid, Spain) in the week 4-8th November 2024. PDS4 is the planetary data system archiving standard, adopted by all major space agencies under the auspices of the International Planetary Data Alliance (IPDA). Designed for long term preservation of planetary data, and supported by a rich and extensible information model, PDS4 ensures that archival data will be usable in the decades to come.

The first part of the workshop will consist mainly of presentations and can be attended virtually, and the second half will focus on hands-training and group exercises. Remote participation in this second half is unlikely to be possible. The exact programme will depend on the final list of attendees and the distribution of interests (e.g. per mission, instrument type etc.).

The taught section of the workshop will focus on the fundamentals of PDS4, including:

  • designing PDS4 data products,
  • allowed data structure and formats,
  • meta-data and dictionaries, and
  • data validation.

More specific PSA implementions will also be discussed, such as:

  • the PSA PDS4 Archiving Guide,
  • use of the PSA and mission dictionaries,
  • delivery of data products to the archive, and
  • advanced search, map view and other PSA features.


The hands-on session will be designed according to the needs of registered users.




Registration opens

 06 June 2024
Registration deadline 30 September 2024

Detailed program released

 07 October 2024

Conference start

 4 November 2024

Conference end

 8 November 2024