Alfredo Escalante Lopez


Main Research Fields

My main research fields are focused on the application of machine learning techniques for data exploitation and spacecraft navigation and control, specially in Solar System exploration missions. I develop methods for the synthetic generation of data suitable for training neural networks capable of dealing with new real data, including sensor measurements as optical cameras, radar or spectrometer data. I put efforts and collaborate on developing and training neural network architectures which are planned to be tested in-orbit in currently flying spacecrafts. I am also interested in astrodynamics tools for mission analysis and trajectory optimization.

In addition, I have developed Virtual Reality (VR) applications for outreach purposes and data exploration mainly focused on Lunar Missions - Time travelling ESA team explore a virtual Moon - and Spacecraft and Mission design, introducing the amazing world of Space Science Missions to younger generations. 

Ongoing collaborations

Applying Deep Learning for Optical Navigation of Solar System Exploration and Earth Observation Missions


List of publications

Project/mission at ESA

Mars Express


ExoMars Rover


Solar Orbiter




Comet Interceptor