Ashley Chrimes - Personal Profiles
Ashley Chrimes
Research Fellow (ESTEC)Main Research Fields
My research interests are in the explosive transients that occur at the end of high-mass stellar evolution, or arise from the compact objects left behind. I combine theory (e.g. population sythesis) with observations (of host galaxies, the transients themselves and Galactic remannts) to investigate the nature of transient progenitors. I am particularly interested in gamma-ray bursts (both collapsar and compact merger varieties), fast blue optical transients and fast radio bursts.
- Extragalactic transients
- Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs)
- Gravitational waves (GW)
- Supernovae (SNe)
- (Luminous) fast blue optical transients (LFBOTs)
- Magnetars
- Fast radio bursts (FRBs)
- (Binary) stellar evolution
Ongoing collaborations
- STARGATE (GRB follow-up with the Very Large Telescope)
- ENGRAVE (Electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational wave sources at the Very Large Telescope)
- BPASS (Binary Population and Spectral Synthesis)
- Euclid (member of the supernovae & transients science working group)
Recent publications include,
"White dwarf-neutron star binaries: a plausible pathway for long-duration gamma-ray bursts from compact binary mergers", Chrimes et al. (2025), in prep
"The infrared counterpart and proper motion of magnetar SGR0501+4516", Chrimes et al. (2025), submitted
Chrimes et al. (2024b), A&A, 691, 329
Chrimes et al. (2024a), MNRAS, 527, L47
Gaspari et al. (2024), A&A, 692, 21
van Dalen et al. (2024), submitted
Levan et al. (2024), submitted
Levan et al. (2024), Nature, 626, 737
Eappachen et al. (2024), MNRAS, 527, 11823
Gaspari et al. (2024), MNRAS, 527, 1101
Inkenhaag et al. (2023), MNRAS, 525, 4042
A full publication list is available at my ORCID page.
Project/mission at ESA
ESA missions I make particular use of in (or which are crucial to) my research include,
- Hubble Space Telescope
- Gaia
- XMM-Newton
- Euclid
- Einstein Probe
Other info
- Local and scientific organising commitee member for the 2025 Euclid ESLAB/EC symposium.
- ESTEC coordinator for the Leiden/ESA Astrophysics Program for Summer Students (LEAPS).
- Organiser for the ESTEC breakfast seminar series.