David Patrick O'Ryan

Internal Research Fellow


Main Research Fields

The main focus of my research remains on the relationship between galaxy evolution and galaxy morphology. Using machine learning algorithms, we can quickly get morphology classifications of many tens to hundreds of thousands of galaxies. This allows us to statistically investgate the relationship between different morphologies and physical processes of the universe. To be specific, the main focuses of my current research are:

  • The relationship between AGN, star formation and galaxy interaction.
  • The relationship between bar evolution and galactic environment.
  • The relationship between a galaxy hosting a bar and the spiral pattern.
  • The relationship between galaxies hosting a spiral pattern and their galactic environment.

Beyond these research topics, I have many side projects con-currently running. These are primarily focused on the new platform ESA Datalabs. I'm interested in the unique ability of ESA Datalabs to directly and efficiently access large volumes of archival data. I am developing techniques to leverage this ability including:

  • Efficient image cutout creation tools.
  • Applying machine learning algorithms entire archives.
  • Anomaly detection throughout the archives.


galaxies: active galactic nuclei - galaxies: interaction - galaxies: clusters - galaxies: evolution - galaxies: formation - galaxies: statistics - galaxies: structure

Ongoing collaborations

Currently, I am involved in many different collaborations:

  • The Galaxy Zoo project.
  • The Legacy Survey of Space and Time.
  • The Euclid Consortium.
  • ESDC Machine Learning Group