Jan Tauber - Personal Profiles
Jan Tauber
Main Research Fields
My personal research has revolved around the study of the interstellar medium in our own Galaxy, in particular its spatial structure. In the distant past I built instruments for ground-based and balloon-based observations of molecular lines at submm wavelengths. In the past years, I have been closely involved in the Planck mission. In addition to its beautiful CMB maps, Planck has yielded superb all-sky continuum maps of the Milky Way that can be used to constrain the properties of both the gas and dust that it contains. Recently I have become involved in a study of the SPICA mission, a mid- and far-infrared observatory whose science objectives span from the early Universe to our own Galaxy and our near environment.
Ongoing collaborations
Planck - a satellite to map the temperature and polarisation anisotropies of the Cosmic Microwave Background
The Astrophysical Lunar Observatory - a proposed very-low-frequency radio interferometer to be placed on the far side of the Moon, to observe the Dark Ages and Cosmic Dawn