Jos de Bruijne - Personal Profiles
Jos de Bruijne (he/him/his)
Main Research Fields
I am interested in dynamical modelling of galaxies (including the Milky Way), in young stellar groups and open clusters (dynamics, structure, radial velocities, astrometry, runaway stars), in astrometry from space (Hipparcos, Gaia, ...), and in high-time-resolution energy-resolved photon-counting observations in the optical using Superconducting Tunnel Junction (STJ) detectors.
- Hipparcos, Gaia, space astrometry
- Hyades, OB associations, open clusters, moving groups, Gould Belt, runaway OB stars
- Milky Way
- High-time-resolution energy-resolved photon-counting optical astronomy
Project/mission at ESA
Hipparcos and Gaia.
The Gaia team is happy to support and collaborate with research fellows, young graduate trainees, interns, and archival research visitor programme applicants working on Gaia topics beyond our personal scientific expertise.