Matilde Signorini

Research Fellow


Main Research Fields

I am an observational astronomer working in active galactic nuclei (AGN), with a focus on the X-rays but involved in UV and infrared data analysis as well. My research explores the physics of AGN, particularly the interaction between the X-ray-emitting corona and the accretion disc. I'm also interested in the evolution of the obscured AGN population, how we can trace it using X-ray probes, and its implications for AGN-host galaxy co-evolution. I am also interested in reverberation mapping and the challenge of measuring supermassive black hole masses and the physics of the Broad Line Region.

Beyond AGN structure, I am also invested in exploring their role as cosmological probes. Given their extreme luminosities and broad redshift distribution, AGN can be used to measure distances and test cosmological models. My work has focused on implementing the L(X)-L(UV) relation in quasars—the most luminous AGN—and investigating how variability can be used for distance measurements.

If you are interested in any of this topics you can find me at!


Active Galactic Nuclei, Supermassive Black Holes, cosmology, X-ray astronomy, Reverberation Mapping

Ongoing collaborations

BASS (The BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey): an all-sky study of the brightest and most powerful hard X-ray detected AGN

STORM2 (Space Telescope and Optical Reverberation Mapping of Mrk817): a multi-year multi-wavelength monitoring of the nearby Syfert galaxy Mrk817 



ADS list