Thibaud Moutard - Personal Profiles
Thibaud Moutard
Research Fellow
Main Research Fields
I am an astronomer, working on constraining galaxy evolution from an observational point of view, by making use of large-scale, ultra-deep multi-wavelength surveys of galaxies. I am notably interested in understanding why and how galaxies can eventually stop forming stars across cosmic history.
I studied physics in Marseille (France) and did my PhD in astrophysics and cosmology at LAM (Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille, Aix-Marseille University), working in particular on the photometric strategy for galaxy properties estimation in support to ESA's Euclid mission. After working on the scientific exploitation of galaxy large-scale surveys combining ground- and space-based multi-wavelength observations (GALEX, CFHT, Subaru, VISTA, Spitzer), I started leveraging the exquisitely deep and sharp view of galaxies that the unparalleled synergy between HST and JWST gives us across cosmic time.
Currently Research Fellow at ESAC near Madrid (Spain), my project focuses on galaxies fate, through the study of the connection between the growth of cosmic large-scale structures and the star-formation suppression (or quenching) and morphology transformation of galaxies. To that aim, I can take advantage of the most comprehensive galaxy surveys ever conducted, by combining ongoing and forthcoming observations with JWST and Euclid, in order to probe galaxy evolution since the time when the first galaxies formed at cosmic dawn, about 13 billion years ago.
- Galaxy Evolution
- Galaxy Star Formation / Quenching
- Cosmic Large-Scale Structures
- Galaxy-AGN Co-evolution
- Large-Scale / Ultra-Deep Multi-Wavelength Surveys
- Euclid
Ongoing collaborations
The list of my publications can be found here.