Torsten Böker

Instrument Scientist


Main Research Fields

Extragalactic astronomy at optical and infrared wavelengths, in particular the nuclear regions of spiral galaxies.



  • nuclear star clusters, their formation mechanisms, and their effect on host galaxy evolution
  • molecular gas in galaxy centers, especially high-resolution CO observations
  • near-infrared integral-field studies of circumnuclear starburst rings
  • dust structures in spiral galaxies
  • mid-infrared observations of AGN/starburst nuclei

Ongoing collaborations

  • MPIA Heidelberg (Neumayer, Schinnerer, Walter)
  • University of Utah (Seth)
  • George Mason University (Satyapal)



Project/mission at ESA

JWST (MIRI & NIRSpec instrument scientist)

for more information, see my page at STScI