Gruber Fund Recipients

Here is a list of Travel Requests made to the ESA_managed Gruber Fund:


Name Amount requested Date request Amount approved Approval Date Amount transferred
Jussi Valiviita 1000 28-02-2019 1000 11-03-2019 1000
Tuhin Ghosh 1300 28-02-2019 1300 11-03-2019 1300
Marian Douspis 1500 07-03-2019 1500 11-03-2019 1500
Andrea Zonca 1500 02-04-2019 1500 05-04-2019 1500
Soumen Basak 1500 10-04-2019 1500 18-04-2019  
Fabio Finelli 1000 17-05-2019 1000 27-05-2019 1000
Erminia Calabrese 750 30-05-2019 750 13-06-2019 593
Bob Watson 500 17-06-2019 500 25-06-2019 474
Diego Molinari 1000 15-07-2019 1000 17-07-2019 1000
Daniela Paoletti 1000 15-07-2019 1000 17-07-2019 1000
François Levrier 1300 11-12-2019 1300 11-12-2019 Travel cancelled


Here is a list of Workshop Requests made to the ESA_managed Gruber Fund:

Name Conference Place, Dates Website Amount requested Date request Amount approved Date approved Amount transferred
Silvia Galli CosmoGold IAP 2019:  The golden age of cosmology from Planck to Euclid - Paris, 24-28 June 2019 5000 28-02-2019 5000 24-04-2019  
François Boulanger Cosmology and Astrophysics of interstellar Foreground Emission Lattes, 11-15 May 2020 3000 20-03-2019 3000 24-04-2019