vSWT2 (17 November 2020) - Proba-3
Meeting Information
Due to the COVID-19 travel restrictions, the foreseen SWT#9 to be held at Bucharest is moved to a TBC date in 2021. To foster communication but avoid long-lasting teleconferences, we will organize a series of 2.5-hour webex teleconferences, until we can reconvene the SWT#9 in Bucharest.
The second virtual SWT will take place
17 November 2020, 14:00 - 16:40
The webex link is: https://esait.webex.com/esait/j.php?MTID=m4a869ef9786079bca0cf0dca4e593973
Sometimes, a password is requested: "Proba3-vSWT"
In order to allow smooth teleconferences, please follow these general guidelines:
Rules of the Road for virtual SWTs
- Please identify yourself with your full name.
- When starting up webex, there is an entry for your name that is most likely preset. Please ensure, it contains your full name.
- If for technical reason your name is not clearly shown, introduce yourself by using the chat function
- Unknown user will be disconnected
- We start the meeting with activated camera. Please allow to give this virtual events at least a touch of personality by showing your face. Dress nicely ;-)
- During the meeting, switch on your camera, when you are presenting or talking. In listening mode, please turn off your camera.
- Please mute yourself during the meeting.
- Unmute only when you are speaking
- Questions can be asked or indicated by using the Chat-function during on-going presentations
- There is a 'raise hands' functionality. Please use it, if you want to ask directly to the presenter. Hover with the mouse over your name, a hands-up sign will appear, that you can then select/click.
The contributions in the vSWT are intended to be short, however allow for discussions. Only one contribution from the status reporting, and one from the science will be extended. Considering a monthly vSWT and changing topics, the SWT should get full reports and several scientific contributions over the months.
It is therefore important, that the 10min slots are seen as absolute maximum and time for 2-3 minutes of discussion shall be foreseen.
14:00 - 14:10 Welcome Intro (J.Zender)
Status Reporting
14:10 Mission Status Report (D.Galano)
14:50 Project Scientist Report (J.Zender)
15:00 ASPIICS PI Report (A.Zhukov)
15:10 DARA PI Report (W.Schmutz)
15:20 ASPIICS Instrument Status (C.Thizy)
15:30 SOC Status (B. Bourgoignie)
15:40 Helium D3 Line Observations with METIS (P. Heinzel)
16:10 Data related discussion: acknowledgements and licensing
16:30 AOB, next meetings
16:40 closure of vSWT1
The presentations can be found on livelink using this link.
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