vSWT6 (25 Feb 2022) - Proba-3
Proba-3 virtual Science Working Team Meeting #6
25 February 2022
14:00 - 17:00
14:00 - 14:05 Welcome Intro (J.Zender)
Status Reporting
14:05 Mission Status Report (D.Galano)
14:25 Project Scientist Report (J.Zender)
14:35 ASPIICS PI Report (A.Zhukov)
14:55 DARA PI Report (W.Schmutz)
15:10 ASPIICS Instrument Status (C.Thizy)
15:40 SOC Status (B. Bourgoignie)
16:00 Environmental Calibration Campaign (J. Versluys)
16:15 Observation of the Solar F-corona from Space (P. Lamy)
16:45 AOB, next meetings
17:00 closure of vSWT6
In order to allow smooth teleconferences, please follow these general guidelines:
Rules of the Road for virtual SWTs
- Please identify yourself with your full name.
- When starting up webex, there is an entry for your name that is most likely preset. Please ensure, it contains your full name.
- If for technical reason your name is not clearly shown, introduce yourself by using the chat function
- Unknown user will be disconnected
- We start the meeting with activated camera. Please allow to give this virtual events at least a touch of personality by showing your face.
- During the meeting, switch on your camera, when you are presenting or talking. In listening mode, please turn off your camera.
- Please mute yourself during the meeting.
- Unmute only when you are speaking
- Questions can be asked or indicated by using the Chat-function during on-going presentations
- There is a 'raise hands' functionality. Please use it, if you want to ask directly to the presenter. Hover with the mouse over your name, a hands-up sign will appear, that you can then select/click.
- Removed a total of (3) style text-align:center;