Agenda - PROBA2 Symposium 2019
PROBA-2 Symposium
7-8 February 2019
7 February 2019
Introduction and Overview |
11:00 |
Visit to the ESA/ESEC Control Centre |
12:00 |
Registration and Welcome (sandwiches offered) |
13:00 |
F. Ongaro, ESA/ESTEC |
Introduction |
13:10 |
(01) S. Santandrea, ESA/ESTEC |
13:30 |
(02) N. Bobrinsky, ESA/ESOC |
Space Situational Awareness and Space Safety |
13:50 |
(03) J. Naudet, QinetiQ Space |
In-orbit platform performance and trends in mini-satellites |
14:10 |
(04) D. Berghmans, Royal Observatory of Belgium |
Summary of SWAP Scientific Results |
14:40 |
(05) M. Dominique, Royal Observatory of Belgium |
Summary of LYRA Scientific Results |
15:10 |
(06) M. West, Royal Observatory of Belgium |
Proba-2 Guest Investigators, Summary of Scienctific Activities |
15:40 |
(07) J. Cook, ESA/ESAC |
ESA's Proba-2 Legacy Archive, Introduction (Demo during coffee break) |
15:55 |
Coffee |
Technology Demonstrators and Automation: Overview and Achievements |
16:30 |
(08) S. Santandrea, ESA/ESTEC |
Summary of Technology Demonstrator Achievements |
16:50 |
(09) S. Ilsen, QinetiQ Space |
Scientific Instrument Commanding and Spacecraft Autonomy |
17:10 |
(10) B. Sanders, Bradford Engineering BV M. van der List, HDES |
The COGEX/Resistojet Experiment |
17:30 |
(11) M. Mena, MPB Communications Inc. |
Monitoring the Propulsion System of PROBA-2 with Optical Fiber Sensors during 9 Years |
17:50 |
Closure of Day 1 |
Symposium Diner (20:00 at the 'La Barrière la Transinne')
8 February 2019
09:00 |
(12) G. Hasinger, ESA/ESAC |
Mission of Opportunities and their role in ESA's Science Activities |
LYRA Science Results | ||
09:15 |
(13) W. Schmutz, PMOD |
Lyra/Proba2 for Space Climate |
09:30 |
(14) G. Cessateur, BIRA |
Solar UV-Irradiance |
09:45 |
(15) M. Kretzschmar, CNRS |
Lyman-alpha Flares |
10:00 |
(16) L. Dolla, Royal Observatory of Belgium |
Quasi-periodic Oscillations |
10:15 |
(17) E. Thiemann, University of Colorado |
A New Window into Thermospheric Variability provided by LYRA Occultations |
10:30 | Coffee Break | |
SWAP Science Results | ||
11:00 |
(18) A. De Groof, ESA/ESAC |
SWAP coronal fans: The coronal magnetic field structure between 1.3 and 2.5 solar radii |
11:15 |
(19) M. Temmer, University of Graz |
Waves in the corona |
11:30 |
(20) E. Palmerio, University of Helsinki |
CMEs on their way in the Solar System |
11:45 | (21) M. Mierla, Royal Observatory of Belgium | 3D Reconstruction of Solar Eruptions using PROBA2/SWAP and STEREO/EUVI Data |
12:00 |
Sandwich Lunch |
PROBA-2 and Space Weather |
13:00 |
(21) J. Luntana-Pekka, ESA/ESOC |
Summary of Space Weather Activities |
13:20 |
(22) J. Andries, Royal Observatory of Belgium |
Solar Expert Service Centre |
PROBA-2, a precursor to ... |
13:40 |
(23) M. West, Royal Observatory of Belgium |
Proba-2 as a Pathfinder to the SSA Lagrange Mission |
14:00 |
(24) J. Versluys, ESA/ESTEC |
PROBA-3 - Observe the Solar Corona by Formation Flying |
14:20 |
(25) I. Carnelli, ESA/HQ |
HERA - Towards the Didymos asteroid system |
14:40 |
J. Zender, ESA/ESTEC |
Closure of Symposium |
14:50 |
Visit to the Redu Control Centre |
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