ESA's Planetary GIS Workshop
5-7 May 2015, ESAC, Madrid, Spain

← Data Workshops



Planetary data has been growing in size, complexity and heterogeneity in the last few decades. Planetary archives host and will host in the near future datasets covering a wide range of planetary bodies, derived from multiple platforms.

Geospatial data are a well-known key for surface science, but also other disciplines and areas can benefit from the integration of geospatially registered datasets.

The ESA's Planetary GIS workshop will be held on May 5-7 2015 at the ESA's Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC) in Madrid, Spain. During this workshop the following broad areas will be presented and discussed:


  • scientific needs and use cases (existing, new, cross-disciplinary);
  • existing technical solutions;
  • open problems and areas suitable to improvement (particularly with respect to future PSA)

The workshop aims at targeting geospatial data, users and producers in broad sense. An informal combination of presentation, hands-on and discussion sessions is envisaged.

Organising Committee

Angelo Pio Rossi (convener), Nicolas Manaud (convener), Stephan van Gasselt, Trent Hare, Baptiste Cecconi, Dave Heather, Santa Martinez, Jonathan McAuliffe, Isa Barbarisi, Bruno Merin, Guido De Marchi, Alba Alcol (secretary) and the PSA User Group

Workshop objectives

In line with the identified areas and topics above, the objectives of the workshop include
  1. Evaluate state-of-art in mapping and visualization of geospatial data for planetary applications
  2. Create awareness on scientific use cases and technologies suitable for future development
  3. Assess geospatial mapping community and capacity building at european level
  4. Set the base for possible open, collaborative, community-driven planetary data exploitation
  5. Use geospatial standards, approach and tools for non-traditional applications (e.g. atmospheres, plasmas, etc.)
  6. Discuss and develop use cases for cross-disciplinary mapping and science

Workshop Structure

We will welcome participtants on Tuesday 5th May from 9:45 for registration. The workshop will start at 10:45 on Tuesday 5th May and end at 13:30 on Thursday 7th May.

  DAY 1
Tuesday, 5 May
Wednesday, 6 May
Thursday, 7 May


WS Session 1


WS Session 2


WS Session 4

Community building


WS Session 3

Open forum



WS Session 1: Introduction

The first session will consist of introductory presentations and demos, covering GIS basics and scientific use cases.

WS Session 2: Hands-on

The second session will consist of a plenary hands-on covering a typical scientific workflow: from data discovery and access to processing and analysis.

WS Session 3: Open Session

The third session will consist of a series of lightning talks (less than 5 minutes) to initiate splinter meetings organised in parallel topical tracks

WS Session 4: Community building

The thrid session will be dedicated to presentations and discussions around the topic of community and knowledge building.

The workshop programme is now available on the ESAC Planetary GIS Workshop 2015 Wiki

Schedule & important dates

1st announcement - call for interest: 1 December 2014
2nd announcement - call for abstracts and registration open: 16 January 2015
Abstract submission deadline: 1 March 2015
3rd Announcement - Final program: 13 April 2015
Planetary GIS Workshop: 5 - 7 May 2015

Venue & Accommodation

The workshop will be held at ESA's Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC) near Madrid.
For further information on how to get to ESAC, see here.

A shuttle bus will be organised to transport the workshop participants back and forth solely from the NH Madrid Alberto Aguilera hotel to ESAC

Space Glenda courtesy Renee French / Plan9

The workshop programme is now available on the ESAC Planetary GIS Workshop 2015 Wiki
Abstract submission and registration are now closed. We have passed the limit of 70 registered participants and received nearly 40 abstracts!

Should you have any questions, please contact directly either Nicolas Manaud or Angelo Pio Rossi