Conference Programme - PSIDA-2022
PSIDA 2022 Conference Programme
Please note that all times are in CEST Madrid (UTC+2).
tuesday Wednesday Thursday posters
tuesday, 21st June
Time | Duration | Talk ID | Author | Affiliation | Title |
Session S01 ‐ Chairperson: Kiri Wagstaff | |||||
09:30 | 00:15 | Christophe Arviset | ESA |
Welcome and Logistics (Recording |
09:45 | 00:30 |
M01 |
Caitriona Jackman (Invited speaker) | Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies |
Tools for supervised machine learning in Planetary Space Plasma Physics |
10:15 | 00:20 | M02 | Kristin Rammelkamp | German Aerospace Center (DLR) | |
10:35 |
00:20 | M03 | Ashish Mahabal | California Institute of Technology |
Planetary Protection: Identifying Microbes with potential for Contamination using Data Science |
10:55 | 00:20 | M04 | Igor Drozdovskiy | ESA/EAC | |
11:15 | 00:20 | M05 | Yuliya Marchetti | Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology |
In-situ Science Data Analysis and Curation for the Europa Lander Autonomous Mission Prototype |
11:35 | 00:30 | Coffee break | |||
Session S02 ‐ Chairperson: Ashish Mahabal | |||||
12:05 | 00:20 | M06 | Mohamad Ali-Dib | CAP3/NYUAD |
Automatic boulders identification on 67P/C-G with machine learning |
12:25 | 00:20 | M07 | Andrew Macdonald | Mission Control |
A Deep Learning Framework for Planetary Exploration Data and Model Management |
12:45 | 00:20 | M09 | Kiri Wagstaff | Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology | |
13:05 | 01:50 | Lunch | |||
Session S03 ‐ Chairperson: Dan Crichton | |||||
14:55 | 00:20 | M10 | John Steven Hughes | NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory | |
15:15 | 00:20 | M11 | Trent Hare | Astrogeology Science Center, United States Geological Survey |
Life Cycle of a Planetary Body Definition for Scientific Analysis |
15:35 | 00:20 | M12 | Stephane Erard | LESIA / Observatoire de Paris | |
15:55 | 00:20 | M13 | Vicente Navarro | ESA |
ESA Datalabs: Expanding Space Archives with Innovative Analysis and Collaboration Capabilities |
16:15 | 00:30 | Coffee break | |||
Posters Session S04 ‐ Chairperson: Christophe Arviset | |||||
16:45 | 00:45 | M14 |
Posters brief presentation (1 slide, 2 minutes each) (Recording |
17:30 | 1:30 | M15 | Welcome Reception and Posters viewing session | ||
19:00 | Adjourn |
Wednesday, 22nd June
Time | Duration | Talk ID | Author | Affiliation | Title | |
Session S05 ‐ Chairperson: Tom Stein | ||||||
09:30 | 00:30 | X01 |
Mark Bentley (Invited speaker) |
ESA's Planetary Science Archive: from data preservation to data exploitation |
10:00 | 00:20 | X02 | Ajay Kumar Prashar | ISRO |
PDS4 Data Archive for CHANDRAYAAN-2 Mission Payloads (TMC2, OHRC and IIRS) |
10:20 | 00:20 | X03 | Jordan Padams | Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology | ||
10:40 | 00:20 | X04 | Alfredo Escalante Lopez | Rhea Group for European Space Agency | ||
11:00 | 00:50 | Coffee break | ||||
Session S06 ‐ Chairperson: Tom Stein | ||||||
11:50 | 00:20 | X06 | Omran Alhammadi | Senior Manager - Science Data |
Fully automated cloud based science data center for Emirates Mars Mission |
12:10 | 00:20 | X07 | Erick Malaret | Applied Coherent Technology Corp. (ACT) | ||
12:30 | 00:20 | X08 | Nick Cox | ACRI-ST | ||
12:50 | 00:20 | X09 | Emily Law | NASA JPL | ||
13:10 | 00:20 | X10 | Benoit Seignovert | LPG - Nantes Universite / CNRS |
The moon-coverage: a Python tool for mission and instrument planning |
13:30 | 01:30 | Lunch | ||||
Session S07 ‐ Chairperson: Kiri Wagstaff | ||||||
15:00 | 00:20 | X11 | Gary Doran | Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology |
Building Machine-Learning-Ready Data Sets for Martian Frost Detection |
15:20 | 00:20 | X12 | Sandor Kruk | Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics | ||
15:40 | 00:20 | X13 | Steven Lu | Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
Deep Ensemble MERNet: Recent Advances for the Content-Based Classification of MER Pancam Images |
16:00 | 00:20 | X14 | Francisco Holguin | University of Michigan-Ann Arbor |
Uncertainty Quantification of ChemCam Data with Bootstrap and Monte-Carlo Dropout |
16:20 | 00:30 | Coffee break | ||||
16:50 | 00:30 | X15 | Moses Milazzo (Invited speaker) | NASA / University of Arizona |
A Brief Overview of NASA's Newly-Instituted Planetary Data Ecosystem |
17:20 | 00:30 | X16 |
Discussion (Recording |
17:50 | 00:10 | Group picture | ||||
18:00 | Adjourn |
Thursday, 23rd June
Time | Duration | Talk ID | Author | Affiliation | Title |
Session S08 ‐ Chairperson: Mark Bentley | |||||
09:30 | 00:20 | J01 | Elliot Sefton-Nash | ESA |
Using Multi Mission GIS (MMGIS) for the EXOMARS Rover Mission |
09:50 | 00:20 | J02 | Matthieu Volat | CNRS/Observatoire de Lyon |
MarsSI : Evolution of the Martian surface data infrastructure |
10:10 | 00:20 | J03 | Thomas Stein | PDS Geosciences Node, Washington University in St. Louis |
Data Visualization with the PDS Analyst's Notebook Image Viewer |
10:30 | 00:20 | J04 | Sara Vannah | Dartmouth College |
Comparing the Evolution of Earth-like Exoplanets Orbiting FGKM Stars: An Information Theory Approach |
10:50 | 00:20 | J05 | Bjorn Grieger | Aurora Technology B.V. for ESA | An unambiguous global map projection for the Kuiper belt object Arrokoth by fitting a Quincuncial Adaptive Closed Kohonen (QuACK) map |
11:10 | 00:30 | Coffee break | |||
Session S09 ‐ Chairperson: Christophe Arviset | |||||
11:40 | 00:20 | J06 | Chase Million | Million Concepts | |
12:00 | 00:20 | J07 | Ines Torres | ESA | |
12:20 | 00:20 | J08 | Leonardo Turchi | Spaceclick S.r.l. for ESA European Astronaut Centre | |
12:40 | 00:20 | J09 | Ruben Docasal | Aurora Technology B.V. for ESA | |
13:00 | 00:20 | J10 | Kevin Grimes | Jet Propulsion Laboratory | |
13:20 | 01:30 | Lunch | |||
Session S10 ‐ Chairperson: Baptiste Cecconi | |||||
14:50 | 00:20 | J11 | Juan David Figueroa | Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University |
Maintaining Microservices: Applications for the Astromaterials Data System |
15:10 | 00:20 | J12 | Edward Guinness | Washington University in St. Louis | |
15:30 | 00:20 | J13 | Josh Steele | Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory | |
15:50 | 00:20 | J14 | Peng Ji | Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University |
The Astromat Synthesis: a data pipeline to generate analysis ready data following FAIR principles |
16:10 | 00:10 | J15 | Christophe Arviset | ESA |
Concluding remarks (Recording |
16:20 | End of Conference |
Poster ID | Author | Affiliation | Title |
P01 | Ji-Hye Baek | Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute | Design of Planetary Data Archive |
P02 | Alyssa Bailey | Arizona State University |
The NASA Mars 2020 Mission Perseverance Rover MASTCAM-Z SCI Calibrated Data Archive |
P03 | Tanya Lim | Telespazio UL Limited for ESA | |
P04 | Timothy McClanahan | NASA Goddard Space Flight Center | |
P05 | In Sook Moon | UCLA | |
P06 | Carlos H. Brandt | Jacobs University Bremen | Software Infrastructure on the publishing of planetary geo-morphological maps (Presentation PDF) |
P07 | Jordan Padams | Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology | |
P08 | Joseph Mafi | UCLA/EPSS |
Enhanced Plasma and Charged Particle Data Support in NASA's Planetary Data System |
P09 | K.-Michael Aye | Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, University of Colorado Boulder | Status of Cassini UVIS Major Data Product Upgrade |
P10 | Giacomo Nodjoumi | Jacobs University Bremen |
Open-Source Planetary Data Processing Environments based on JupyterHub and Docker Containers |
P11 | Pablo Garcia Martin | Universidad Autonoma de Madrid | Hubble Asteroid Hunter part 2 - Analysing asteroid trails in Hubble Space Telescope images (Presentation PDF) |
P13 | Ian Stiehl | Dartmouth College |
Searching for Biosignatures in Exoplanet Atmospheres: An Information Theory Approach |
P14 | Alexander von Canal | Deutsches Zentrum fur Luft- und Raumfahrt | |
P15 | Brent Archinal | U. S. Geological Survey | |
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