Invited Talks - SCIOPS 2017
Confirmed invited speakers:
- Anthony Brown (Leiden University) - Teamwork for a Billion Stars: the Challenges of Running the Gaia Data Processing Consortium
- Jean-Charles Cuillandre (CEA Saclay / Obs. Paris) - Euclid Ground Based Surveys
- Antonio Chrysostomou (SKA) - Science Operations for the SKA
- Pedro Garcia-Lario (ESA) - Distributed Science Operations: the Herschel Experience
- Rocio Guerra (ESA) - Gaia SOC Operations
- Olivier Hainaut (ESO) - VLT/ELT Integrated Operations
- Jim Hinton (MPIK) - CTA Distributed Operations
- François Jocteur-Monrozier (CNES) - Science & Exploration Ground Segments: New Challenges from CNES
- Michael Kueppers (ESA) - Rosetta: Distributed Operations at a Rapidly Changing Comet
- Danny Lennon (ESA) - ESO Public Surveys: A Panel Perspective
- Timo Prusti (ESA) - Gaia Ground Based Coordination
- Stéphane Udry (Geneva University) - Exoplanets from Space and the Ground
- Jakob Walcher (AIP) - 4MOST: a Large Spectroscopic Survey Program with Multiple Science Cases Executed in Parallel
- Andrea Zacchei (INAF, Trieste) - Planck Experience and Euclid Expectations
- Evanthia Hatziminaoglou (ESO) - ALMA-ARC operations
- Chuck Claver (LSST) - LSST operations: a Model for a Distributed System
- Heike Rauer (DLR) - The PLATO Mission
- Antoine Petiteau (APC - Universite Paris-Diderot) - LISA Data Processing