Advanced search - Solar Orbiter Archive
Advanced search
- Telescope or sensor
- Cadence (EPD, MAG)
- Reference frame (MAG)
- Product with specific unit (3D, Pitch angle distrbution)
- Solar Distance
- Solar Orbiter Observing Plan (SOOP)
General advice
As a general rule, please select the L2 processing level (best calibrated) version, available for all experiments but STIX (as of July 1, 2024). This will avoid the results containing other (uncalibrated) versions of the files. Note that a few instruments have higher-level L3 (derived) products (e.g., EUI JPEG 2000 images). One sub-instrument, SWA Heavy Ion Sensor (HIS), recommends to use its L3 data products as their best calibrated product.
Search by telescope or sensor
The SOAR web search interface ( enables the selection of multiple Solar Orbiter instruments with a dropdown box. However, there is not yet a capability to directly select a particular telescope (e.g. the Full Sun Imager -FSI- or the High Resolution Imager -HRI- for the EUI instrument) or sensor (e.g. PAS, EAS or HIS for SWA).
To search for a particular sensor, please use the "File Name" field of the search interface. This has to be done one by one, but is case-insensitive and can involve strings with multiple (*) or single (?) character wildcards, e.g., 'epd-*-rates'.
Instrument |
Telescope/detector |
File Name field |
Extreme UV Imager (EUI) |
Full Sun Imager (FSI) 174 Å |
fsi174 |
Metis: Visible light and ultraviolet coronagraph (Metis) |
Visible (580-640 nm) |
metis-vl |
Polarimetric and Helioseismic Imager (PHI) |
Full Disk Telescope (FDT) |
phi-fdt |
SPectral Investigation of the Coronal Environment (SPICE) |
Narrow slits (2"/4"/6") |
spice-n |
Energetic Particle Detector (EPD) |
Electron Proton Telescope (EPT) |
epd-ept- |
Radio and Plasma Wave instrument (RPW) |
Low Frequency Receiver (LFR) |
rpw-lfr |
Solar Wind Analyser (SWA) |
Electron Analyser System (EAS) |
swa-eas |
For instance, for the EUI High-Resolution Imager (EUI/HRI) at 174 Å, please use the single string listed in the above table (hrieuv174) in the search interface
Different telescopes/sensors will be selectable in one go in the upcoming re-designed version of SOAR.
Search by cadence and/or reference frame
A number of experiments propose different cadence for their measurements (e.g. MAG, EPD, STIX). Some scientific investigations require the highest cadence to perform certain data analyses, while others require a better data coverage. To select only these files, the Filename field can also be used to filter the descriptors of the filenames. Here are a few examples for EPD and MAG of single strings to input the "File Name" field (similar to the snapshot above).
This description below is directly extracted from the EPD user guide (p.114). Just use the descriptor column to access a specific product
DC Magnetic field (MAG) |
Product |
String to use in the "File Name" field |
Burst mode |
MAG products in burst mode (highest time resolution), all reference frames |
mag*burst |
Normal mode |
MAG products in normal mode, all reference frames |
mag*normal |
1 minute resolution |
MAG products at 1 minute resolution, all reference frames |
mag*normal-1-minute |
A list of all descriptors for any experiment, either Level 1 and Level 2 are listed in the detailed inventory plots. All descriptors are described in the experiments' user manuals (DPDD = Data Product Description Document).
Product with specific unit
A number of experiments provide data in specific units. Again, the "File Name" field in the search form of SOAR can be used to access one specific product for
Solar Wind Analyser (SWA) sensor |
Product |
String to use in the "File Name" field |
Proton Alpha Sensor (PAS) |
3D ion velocity distribution function (up to 11 azimuth, 9 elevations, 96 energies) |
swa-pas-vdf |
Heavy ion sensor (HIS) |
Heavy ions at 10 minutes time resolution (up to 75 ions in a single scan) |
L3_swa-his-comp-10min |
Electron Analyser Sensor (EAS) |
Electron pitch angle data in Differential Number Flux (DNF) |
swa-eas-pad-dnf |
Solar Distance
The SOAR graphical interface allows you to search by solar distance. Simply input a range of distances, between 0.29 AU and 1.02 AU, where you would like to restrict your search. This will result in a list of files corresponding to measurements performed by Solar Orbiter within that range. Be aware that this may result in one or more time periods when Solar Orbiter was flying through that distance range. As of July 1, 2024, the list of time ranges deduced by SOAR is not yet provided as a separate files but it is foreseen in the near future.
For instance, there are two time periods in 2022 when Solar Orbiter was closer than 0.5 AU from the Sun and where MAG was operated:
March 8 to April 16 and 23 September to end-October. Performing this search will extract daily files from MAG measurements during these two time periods in one go.
This capability can also be used using the programmatic access using the Table Access Protocol. For instance,
to download all MAG 1 minute resolution files measured in 2022 up to 0.50 AU, i.e. 78 days spread over 08-Mar-2022 to 13-Apr-2022 and 24-Sep-2022 to 30-Oct-2022
Solar Orbiter Observing Plans (SOOPs)
A detailed page about searching files related to SOOPs in SOAR is available here.
Full information on the SOOPs operated by Solar Orbiter is available here.
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