Instrument documentation

Each Solar Orbiter instrument provides a Data Product Description Document (DPDD), which describes the data and the metadata given inside the data files.
Some instruments also provide data release reports, usage guides or detailed metadata standard used.


Instrument DPDD Other documents Useful links
EUI, Extreme UV Imager EUI DPDD EUI Metadata Standard    Data analysis landing page
Daily synoptic movies
Movies gallery
Metis, Visible Light and UV coronograph Metis DPDD - Metis metadata description - Observations summary
PHI, Polarimetric and Helioseismic Imager PHI DPDD

Full Disk Telescope (FDT) First Data Release Notes
FDT 2nd Data Release Notes
-FDT 3rd Data Release Notes 
High Resolution Telescope (HRT) 2nd Data Release Notes
- HRT 3rd Data Release Notes

PI website
Quick look (QL) plots
SoloHI, Solar Orbiter Heliospheric Imager SOLOHI DPDD  

- IDL routines to read FITS
files combine tiles & process
movie cubes

- Direct access to data

SPICE, Spectral Investigation of the
Coronal Environment
SPICE DPDD Data release notes 4.0 - Python package for SPICE
- Quicklook and data analysis
   software in IDL

STIX, Spectrometer Telescope for
Imaging X-rays

STIX DPDD Data re-requested (CSV file) - STIX data tutorials
- Quicklook plots
STIX data center
EPD, Energetic Particle Detector EPD DPDD - Calibration files - Data portal and QL plots
- Ephemeris plotting tool
MAG, Magnetometer MAG DPDD MAG user guide
- Monthly data release reports
- Calibration files
Near real time data
   (not for publication)
RPW, Radio and Plasma Waves RPW DPDD RPW user guide
- Calibration files
- Daily summary plots
SWA, Solar Wind Analyser SWA DPDD

Electron Analyser System (EAS) caveats
Proton and Alpha particle Sensor (PAS) user guide
Heavy Ion Sensor (HIS) L3 usage notes, V01
Heavy Ion Sensor (HIS) L3 usage notes, V02

HIS usage notes for Low Latency (LL) data
- HIS LL_off nominal days (CSV file)

SWA data products by units
(3D, PAD, moments)

- SWA public quick look plots


Calibration files and monthly reports for EPD, MAG and RPW are provided on the Calibration Files page.
An Archive Support Data page is also available on the Solar Orbiter SOC Public Confluence site.


STIX observations re-requested 

Some STIX observations have been re-requested from the spacecraft to adjust the resolution (spectral & temporal) with respect to the originally downlinked file. These re-requests are therefore different versions of already existing products, and so are given an additional '-sup1' or -sup2' to the descriptor. The original files and reasons for the re-request are given in this CSV file: supplement_report_20230517.csv