Data and Quicklook plots - SOHO
Data and Quicklook plots
In this section, we assume that we know the OBSERVATION.OID we want to request. Section 3.2 will detail how to extract them.
A SOHO data request consists of a TAP request that the user has to build using a start syntax and several parameters. Once this request is sent, the ESA SOHO Science Archive (SSA) backend returns the data that matches the given criteria. If the number of resulting files is more than one, the system will create a tar file automatically.
3.1.1. Data files
The files associated to the SOHO mission are uniquely identified by an OBSERVATION.OID for observation files and a Product type for postcards. The following table exposes the required parameters to be used in the product retrievals. A lot of Solar Orbiter products are provided as daily files, specified in the filenames.
Parameter name |
Description |
Mandatory? |
Possible value(s) |
TAP server | SOHO TAP server command to request science, planning or telemetry files |
Yes | |
ADQL query |
ADQL query requesting the a specific observation.oid, i.e. the unique product identifier for any given data file (i.e. observation) |
Yes |
QUERY=WHERE+observation_oid+=+XXXXXXXXX |
retrieval_type | Should be equal to OBSERVATION to download any data product apart from postcard (i.e. JPEG image of FITS file, see section 3.1.2). | Yes |
3.1 - Table 1: Parameters of a TAP request to download data files from the SOHO archive
Let's try to download the file related to observation.oid=190418205 corresponding to the CELIAS Proton Monitor missions long file CELIAS_Proton_Monitor_5min.tar.gz (just copy paste the link below into a web browser, this mission long file shall start being downloaded within a few seconds)
This is equivalent to the SAIO command
3.1.2. Postcards and latest postcards
Postcards are jpeg versions of the FITS files of EIT, LASCO or MDI, at 512x512 or 1024x1024 resolution.
Parameter name |
Description |
Mandatory? |
Possible value(s) |
TAP server | SOHO TAP server command to request science, planning or telemetry files |
Yes | |
ADQL query |
ADQL query requesting the a specific observation.oid, i.e. the unique product identifier for any given data file (i.e. observation) |
Yes for retrieval_type POSTCARD |
QUERY=WHERE+observation_oid+=+XXXXXXXXX |
POSTCARD for a specific postcard |
Yes |
One of the following Please note here the underscore "_" between RETRIEVAL and TYPE, this is different from the SAIO subsystem |
INSTRUMENT | Instrument of the postcard | Yes | One of the following INSTRUMENT=EIT& INSTRUMENT=LASCO& |
MODE | Secondary filter to apply after the instrument. It means either the wavelength (for EIT), the detector (for LASCO) | Yes |
One of the following for LASCO was called FILTER in the SAIO subsytem. |
RESOLUTION | Resolution of the retrieved postcard. By default, 1024x1024 | No |
Set |
3.1 - Table 2: Parameters of a TAP request to download postcards from the SOHO archive
Here are two examples to retrieve the latest snapshots JPEG images of EIT at 195 Å and latest image for LASCO C2
Latest archive postcards for EIT, with wavelength 195:
Latest archive postcards for LASCO instrument C2:
Currently only possible to request LAST_IMAGE for LASCO and EIT, not from MDI anymore
Equivalent examples from the old command line subsystem
Latest archive postcards for EIT, with wavelength 195
Latest archive postcards for LASCO instrument C2
Latest archive postcards for MDI with 'Magnetogram 96m' observation type (switched off in 2011)
- Removed a total of (7) border attribute.
- Removed a total of (7) cellpadding attribute.
- Removed a total of (7) cellspacing attribute.