Dynamics and instability in Jupiters outer magnetosphere
D. Southwood (D-SCI, ESA)
5 Nov. 2004
Mars Express/HRSC camera results
R. Jaumann (DLR, Berlin, Germany)
Fresnel 1
22 Oct. 2004
Massive Star Nucleosynthesis in Cygnus X
J. Knoedlseder (CESR, Toulouse, France)
Fresnel 1
8 Oct. 2004
An Infrared View of Galaxy Evolution. Latest Results from Spitzer Deep Surveys
H. Dole (Univ. of Orsay, France)
Fresnel 1
24 Sept. 2004
F. Favata (SCI-SA - ESTEC)
10 Sept. 2004
The Pioneer Anomaly: The Data, its Meaning, and a Possible Test
M.M. Nieto (Lanl, Los Alamos, USA)
Fresnel 1
9 july 2004
ESO research facilities in Chile
D. Alloin (ESO, Chile)
Fresnel 1
2 july 2004
LISA: a mission to detect and observe gravitational waves
Oliver Jennrich (RSSD)
Fresnel 1
18 June 2004
Archaeoastronomy: Stonehenge and beyond
Prof. C. Ruggles
(Univ. of Leicester)
4 June 2004
on the Cassini Huygens mission
J.P. Lebreton
Fresnel 1
N.B 14:00
7 May 2004
The origin of dust at high redshift
L. Dunne
(Univ. of Nottingham)
Fresnel 1
23 April 2004
The Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey: First Science Results
B. Mobasher
(STScI Baltimore)
2 April 2004
Gas in Elliptical Galaxies and Bulges
R. Peletier
(Kapteyn Institute Groningen)
Fresnel 1
19 March 2004
Architecture and concepts of optical sensors for planetary exploration and space based astronomy
H. Michaelis
Fresnel 1
5 March 2004
The paradoxes of evolution: inevetable humans but in a lonely universe
Prof. Simon Conway Morris
(Cambridge Univ.)
20 February 2004
Imaging and Photometry of Mars: strategy toward a multiscale understanding of the optical properties
P. Pinet
(Obs. Midi Pyrenees, Toulouse)
Fresnel 1
6 February 2004
The Dust and Gas Content of Quasars and Galaxies in the Early Universe
P. Cox
(IAS Orsay)
Fresnel 1
23 January 2004
Early Mission Highlights from the Spitzer Space Telescope
A. Marston
Fresnel 1
9 January 2004
Darwin and Exoplanets: Disks, Exoplanets and Darwin
Malcolm Fridlund
Fresnel 1
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