Astrostatistics 2015 - Space Science Faculty
ESTEC Astrostatistics Workshop 2015
9 - 12 March 2015; ESTEC
Lecturer: Prof. Eric Feigelson (Penn State University)
Organising committee: Carlo Manara, Jos de Bruijne, Teresa Antoja, Jacopo Chevallard, Stefanie Raetz
The slides and R codes of the workshop are available at
- History, current & future status, perspectives on statistics for astronomy
- History, structure, syntax, performance of R and the CRAN add-on packages
- Histograms, kernel density estimation, local regression methods including Gaussian processes regression
- Least squares & maximum likelihood, measurement errors, linear & nonlinear regression, residual analysis
- Principal component analysis, unsupervised clustering, supervised classification
- Censoring, survival analysis, truncation
- Concepts, Bayes Theorem, priors & posteriors, MCMC calculations, comparison with classical methods
- Critique of poor practices and recommendations for improvements
Prof. Feigelson is available at other hours for statistical consultation on research topics.